Congratulations on your decision to protect your ~me or business with the
XL-2 series secufity system. Youhave cbsen a rehable, state ofthe artsecur~
sysem that is remarkably easyto operate. Yoursystem has been professionally
installed by your local Security Company who can explain the specfics of your
syafem within your Iowtion.
The keypad is the arming sta~on for your security eystem. These are available
keypade for your syetem:
XL-RMMetal plate keypad mntaini~iticator[ihte for each of the 12
zones (areas of protection). This keypad can be flush munfad infoyour wall or
surface mounted in a back hx.
XL ~SMA surface mount keypad wfih 12 LEDs for montiori~ zone status.
W15 Keypad w~h a pla%c case and wth indimtor rghts to sbw the status of
each of the zones. The zone indicator Hghteare located behind the plastic
s~ting door of the keypad (left hand skfe). NOTE: TMa keypad Wspiays zone
etafue itioefiin~ihfs for 16zonas.
=Keypad wkh a plastic caee and a two ~ie LCD (tiquid c~etal display) with
a two tine readout.
Please identity the keypad(s) present on your system from the diagrams shown
in the secfiins that follow.
The XL-2 ie the Residential version of the which has been Listed by Utierwriters Labors!oriee for Houeehold Hre and SuQla~ applications.
me mdel XL-2B isthe timmercialBurgla~ configur#mn of the mntrol panel
and hae been Listed by UndeWnters Laboratories for ComrcialBu~lary
The keypad is the arming s4ationfor the XL-2 secur~ systems. Four different
versions are available: a metal plate flush
p~stb cased surface mount versions (XL4BOOSMor ~15), and an LCD (l~uM
crystal display) verebn confaini~ a two tine readout (3305). The keypads have
the folbwi~appearawand wntain the folbwing tieme:
mountedversbn (XL4600RM),
SS05 LCDKe~d
1) ZONE STATLfSINDICATORS - displays zone status as follows
ALARMFas Btink,
2) ARWDISARM INDICATOR indicates aysfem is armed or disarmed. A blue
LEO indcates communication failure wfih the central station.
3) STAY- Indicates the system is armed with the interbr zones bypassed.
4) INSTANT- Indisates system is ARMED w~h all delay zones instant.
VI.91 ICCR MANI !&l Psm 6
5) A~LOWBATTERY - Indkates system Is nmning on AC (ON) or backup
baffe~ (OFF).
6) READY Indhtea whether the system is ready for arming.
7) NUMERICAL KEYPAD operates In a similar manner to a calculator or
telephone wtih the d~tis 0-9 and * # cleatiy me~ed.
8) DISPLAY AREA - This section of the LCD keypad tisplays tha current
system Safus in this two line by si~een character display. The sssond hne of
tMs tieplay can be p~rammedbyyour installer to contain customized des~.p
tore for the areas of protectbn wiftin your Iocston.
FIRE AURM-Audible and Visual Indicators.
On LED fyw keypads the programmed fire zone LED and the ARM LED will
bhnkfast to itiiatea fire slam. On LCD type ke~ads, the word “ALARM” will
flash on the dsplay area. The sounder in the keypad will pulse ON amf OFF
folfowiW the Mll or siren ouf~.
indicate that the uni isinthe installer pmgrammi~ me.The Fire and BuQlaW
initiating cirwks are dsabled while in this me.Contact your inetallatbn
company Kmepersists.
The Sounder in the keypad beeps whenever the ke~ad keys are depressed.
The Wutieralso beeps on pre-slam EVERY TIME as a reminder to disarm
the system. The sounder will produce fast beeps when a mmplete message is
sent to the cemral station. It is etiremely important that mre be used when
arming the sySem because if the system is NOT R~DYandthe user @de is
entered, the keypad will beep ae a negative acknowledge.
Fire codtioneare afwaye given priority.
Throughout this users manual the following conventions are ueedto &splay the
ARMING the syetem acfivatea the Security System. Arming -non~ be performed Kall zonee are R~DY.For example, if a protected door is open, the
ayefem cannot be armed.
The system Isready to be amed if the RWDY indcator KghtON,
On LCD keypads the following display will appaac
If the ayatem ia ready, ARMING can be perfomed as follows;
Enter your four dlgti user mde into the keypad: [USER]
The ARMED indicator tight will now be ~tad i you are leaving the bme you
may exti through a door designated by your installer as an ex~entry zone for a
fixed time period kmwn aa the exit delay.
Entry/exit times ENTRY
LCD keypads will display the folbwing mssage;
NOTE: The system can be armed wtihout the backup battery being connected.
Ifthe system is not ready to be armed the READY iticetor will be OFF. On LED
baaed keypade the zone indicator Iighfa will di~lay the zones whah are
currently not ready.The condition of eachzone indicator reflects what the status
of each zone as follows:
Fad bin~ng.
Slowblinkingbw intens~.
slow pulse
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