Fastwel CPB904, CPB904-02, CPB904-01, CPB904-03 User Manual

ETX AMD Geode LX 800 Based Computer-on-Module
Rev. 001 E March 2008
Product Title: CPB904 Document name: CPB904 User Manual Manual version: 001 E
Copyright © 2008 Fastwel Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Revision Record
Rev. Index Brief Description of Changes Board Index Date of Issue
001 Initial preliminary version CPB904, KIB1282 March 2008
Contact Information
Fastwel Co. Ltd Fastwel Corporation US
Address: 108 Profsoyuznaya st.,
Moscow 117437, Russian Federation
45 Main Street Suite 319
New York, 11201 USA Tel.: +7 (495) 232-1681 +1 (718) 554-36-86 Fax: +7 (495) 232-1654 +1 (718) 797-06-00 E-mail:
Table of Contents
Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................................0-1
List of Tables.........................................................................................................................................................0-2
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................................................... 0-2
Notation Conventions............................................................................................................................................0-3
General Safety Precautions..................................................................................................................................0-4
Unpacking, Inspection and Handling.....................................................................................................................0-5
Three Year Warranty ............................................................................................................................................0-7
1.1 Module Introduction...................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 CPB904 Versions ...................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Delivery Checklist......................................................................................................................................1-3
1.4 Supplementary Information........................................................................................................................1-3
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................1-3
Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 General......................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Power Requirements.................................................................................................................................2-2
2.3 Environmental............................................................................................................................................2-3
2.4 Mechanical ................................................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.5 Dimensions and Weight.............................................................................................................................2-3
2.6 MTBF......................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
External Connections ........................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Safety Regulations.....................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Connection of Peripheral Devices..............................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Software Installation ..................................................................................................................................3-2
Functional Description ......................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Structure and Layout .................................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Address Mapping.......................................................................................................................................4-4
Memory Addressing .................................................................................................................. 4-4
I/O Addressing..........................................................................................................................4-4
Interrupt settings.......................................................................................................................4-5
DMA Channels..........................................................................................................................4-6
4.3 Functional Description...............................................................................................................................4-6
SDRAM Memory.......................................................................................................................4-6
PCI and ISA Buses................................................................................................................... 4-6
Reserved Flash BIOS............................................................................................................... 4-7
UIDE Interface..........................................................................................................................4-7
NAND Flash .............................................................................................................................. 4-7
MiniSD Socket..........................................................................................................................4-7
Video Controller and Connection of Monitors ...........................................................................4-8
Audio Controller........................................................................................................................ 4-8
4.3.10 Watchdog Timer and Power Votage Monitoring .......................................................................4-8
4.3.11 PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Interface........................................................................................4-8
4.3.12 USB Interface ........................................................................................................................... 4-8
CPB904 User Manual
©2008 Fastwel v. 001 E
4.3.13 Fast Ethernet Interface .............................................................................................................4-9
4.3.14 Serial Ports...............................................................................................................................4-9
4.3.15 FDD/LPT Port...........................................................................................................................4-9
4.3.16 RTC and Serial FRAM..............................................................................................................4-9
4.3.17 LED Indicator............................................................................................................................4-9
4.3.18 Discrete Input/Output..............................................................................................................4-10
4.3.19 Power Supply Connector........................................................................................................4-10
4.3.20 ETX Connectors .....................................................................................................................4-10
4.4 Overall and Mounting Dimensions........................................................................................................... 4-13
General Software® BIOS ...................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 BIOS Setup Program. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5-1
List of Tables
Table 1.1: CPB904 Versions ......................................................................................................................................1-2
Table 1.2: CPB904 Supplied Set................................................................................................................................1-3
Table 1.3: Related Publications..................................................................................................................................1-3
Table 4.1: Memory Address Mapping.........................................................................................................................4-4
Table 4.2: I/O Address Space.....................................................................................................................................4-4
Table 4.3: Interrupt Settings .......................................................................................................................................4-5
Table 4.4: DMA Request Map ....................................................................................................................................4-6
Table 4.5: X1 ETX Connector Pinout........................................................................................................................4-10
Table 4.6: X2 ETX Connector Pinout........................................................................................................................4-11
Table 4.7: X3 ETX Connector Pinout........................................................................................................................4-11
Table 4.8: X4 ETX Connector Pinout........................................................................................................................4-12
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: CPB904 Module Appearance....................................................................................................................1-2
Figure 3.1: KIB1282 Baseboard Appearance ..............................................................................................................3-2
Figure 4.1: CPB904 Block Diagram.............................................................................................................................4-1
Figure 4.2: Top Side: Connectors and Main Components Layout ...............................................................................4-3
Figure 4.3: Bottom Side: Connectors and Main Components Layout..........................................................................4-3
Figure 4.4: CPB904 Top Side: Overall and Mounting Dimensions ............................................................................4-13
All information in this document is provided for reference only, with no warranty of its suitability for any specific purpose. This information has been thoroughly checked and is believed to be entirely reliable and consistent with the product that it describes. However, Fastwel accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, omissions or their consequences, as well as liability arising from the use or application of any product or example described in this document.
Fastwel Co. Ltd. reserves the right to change, modify, and improve this document or the products described in it, at Fastwel's discretion without further notice. Software described in this document is provided on an “as is” basis without warranty. Fastwel assumes no liability for consequential or incidental damages originated by the use of this software.
This document contains information, which is property of Fastwel Co. Ltd. It is not allowed to reproduce it or transmit by any means, to translate the document or to convert it to any electronic form in full or in parts without antecedent written approval of Fastwel Co. Ltd. or one of its officially authorized agents.
Fastwel and Fastwel logo are trademarks owned by Fastwel Co. Ltd., Moscow, Russian Federation. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. IEEE is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Geode is trademark of AMD. ETX and ETXexpress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Kontron Embedded Modules GmbH. Microsoft is a trademark of the Microsoft corporation. In addition, this document may include names, company logos and trademarks, which are registered trademarks and, therefore, are property of their respective owners.
Fastwel welcomes suggestions, remarks and proposals regarding the form and the content of this Manual.
CPB904 User Manual
©2008 Fastwel v. 001 E
Notation Conventions
Warning, ESD Sensitive Device!
This symbol draws your attention to the information related to electro static sensitivity of your product and its components. To keep product safety and operability it is necessary to handle it with care and follow the ESD safety directions.
This sign marks warnings about hot surfaces. The surface of the heatsink and some components can get very hot during operation. Take due care when handling, avoid touching hot surfaces!
Caution: Electric Shock!
This symbol warns about danger of electrical shock (> 60 V) when touching products or parts of them. Failure to observe the indicated precautions and directions may expose your life to danger and may lead to damage to your product.
Information marked by this symbol is essential for human and equipment safety. Read this information attentively, be watchful.
This symbol and title marks important information to be read attentively for your own benefit.
CPB904 User Manual
©2008 Fastwel v. 001 E
General Safety Precautions
This product was developed for fault-free operation. Its design provides conformance to all related safety requirements. However, the life of this product can be seriously shortened by improper handling and incorrect operation. That is why it is necessary to follow general safety and operational instructions below.
All operations on this device must be carried out by sufficiently skilled personnel only.
When handling this product, special care must be taken not to hit the heatsink (if installed) against another rigid object. Also, be careful not to drop the product, since this may cause damage to the heatsink, CPU or other sensitive components as well.
Please, keep in mind that any physical damage to this product is not covered under warranty.
This product is guaranteed to operate within the published temperature ranges and relevant conditions. However, prolonged operation near the maximum temperature is not recommended by Fastwel or by electronic chip manufacturers due to thermal stress related failure mechanisms. These mechanisms are common to all silicon devices, they can reduce the MTBF of the product by increasing the failure probability. Prolonged operation at the lower limits of the temperature ranges has no limitations.
Caution, Electric Shock!
Before installing this product into a system and before installing other devices on it, always ensure that your mains power is switched off.
Always disconnect external power supply cables during all handling and maintenance operations with this module to avoid serious danger of electrical shock.
CPB904 User Manual
©2008 Fastwel v. 001 E
Unpacking, Inspection and Handling
Please read the manual carefully before unpacking the module or mounting the device into your system. Keep in mind the following:
ESD Sensitive Device!
Electronic modules and their components are sensitive to static electricity. Even a non-perceptible by human being static discharge can be sufficient to destroy or degrade a component's operation! Therefore, all handling operations and inspections of this product must be performed with due care, in order to keep product integrity and operability:
Preferably, unpack or pack this product only at EOS/ESD safe workplaces. Otherwise, it is important to be electrically discharged before touching the product. This can be done by touching a metal part of your system case with your hand or tool. It is particularly important to observe anti-static precautions when setting jumpers or replacing components.
If the product contains batteries for RTC or memory back-up, ensure that the module is not placed on conductive surfaces, including anti-static mats or sponges. This can cause short­circuit and result in damage to the battery and other components.
Store this product in its protective packaging while it is not used for operational purposes.
The product is carefully packed in an antistatic bag and in a carton box to protect it against possible damage and harmful influence during shipping. Unpack the product indoors only at a temperature not less than +15°C and relative humidity not more than 70%. Please note, that if the product was exposed to the temperatures below 0°С for a long time, it is necessary to keep it at normal conditions for at least 24 hours before unpacking. Do not keep the product close to a heat source.
Following ESD precautions, carefully take the product out of the shipping carton box. Proper handling of the product is critical to ensure correct operation and long-term reliability. When unpacking the product, and whenever handling it thereafter, be sure to hold the module preferably by the front panel, card edges or ejector handles. Avoid touching the components and connectors.
Retain all original packaging at least until the warranty period is over. You may need it for shipments or for storage of the product.
Initial Inspection
Although the product is carefully packaged, it is still possible that shipping damages may occur. Careful inspection of the shipping carton can reveal evidence of damage or rough handling. Should you notice that the package is damaged, please notify the shipping service and the manufacturer as soon as possible. Retain the damaged packing material for inspection.
After unpacking the product, you should inspect it for visible damage that could have occurred during shipping or unpacking. If damage is observed (usually in the form of bent component leads or loose socketed components), contact Fastwel's official distributor from which you have purchased the product for additional instructions. Depending on the severity of the damage, the product may even need to be returned to the factory for repair. DO NOT apply power to the product if it has visible damage. Doing so may cause further, possibly irreparable damage, as well as result in a fire or electric shock hazard.
CPB904 User Manual
©2008 Fastwel v. 001 E
If the product contains socketed components, they should be inspected to make sure they are seated fully in their sockets.
In performing all necessary installation and application operations, please follow only the instructions supplied by the present manual.
In order to keep Fastwel’s warranty, you must not change or modify this product in any way, other than specifically approved by Faswel or described in this manual.
Technical characteristics of the systems in which this product is installed, such as operating temperature ranges and power supply parameters, should conform to the requirements stated by this document.
Retain all the original packaging, you will need it to pack the product for shipping in warranty cases or for safe storage. Please, pack the product for transportation in the way it was packed by the supplier.
When handling the product, please, remember that the module, its components and connectors require delicate care. Always keep in mind the ESD sensitivity of the product.
CPB904 User Manual
©2008 Fastwel v. 001 E
Three Year Warranty
Fastwel Co. Ltd. (Fastwel), warrants that its standard hardware products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for the currently established warranty period. Fastwel’s only responsibility under this warranty is, at its option, to replace or repair any defective component part of such products free of charge.
Fastwel neither assumes nor authorizes any other liability in connection with the sale, installation or use of its products. Fastwel shall have no liability for direct or consequential damages of any kind arising out of sale, delay in delivery, installation, or use of its products.
If a product should fail through Fastwel's fault during the warranty period, it will be repaired free of charge. For out of warranty repairs, the customer will be invoiced for repair charges at current standard labor and materials rates.
Warranty period for Fastwel products is 36 months since the date of purchase.
The warranty set forth above does not extend to and shall not apply to:
1. Products, including software, which have been repaired or altered by other than Fastwel personnel, unless Buyer has properly altered or repaired the products in accordance with procedures previously approved in writing by Fastwel.
2. Products, which have been subject to power, supply reversal, misuse, neglect, accident, or improper installation.
Returning a product for repair
1. Apply to Fastwel company or to any of the Fastwel's official representatives for the Product Return Authorization.
2. Attach a failure inspection report with a product to be returned in the form, accepted by customer, with a description of the failure circumstances and symptoms.
3. Carefully package the product in the antistatic bag, in which the product had been supplied. Failure to package in antistatic material will VOID all warranties. Then package the product in a safe container for shipping.
4. The customer pays for shipping the product to Fastwel or to an official Fastwel representative or dealer.
CPB904 User Manual
©2008 Fastwel v. 001 E
Introduction CPB904
1 Introduction
This document presents general information on CPB904 processor module, the details of its proper and safe installation, configuration and operation.
1.1 Module Introduction
CPB904 is an ETX computer-on-module (COM), highly integrated and compact single board computer for use in systems requiring low power consumption and wide operating temperature range. All I/O signals as well as full realization of ISA and PCI buses are mapped to four standard high density, low profile connectors on the bottom side of the module. CPB904 is designed for use in applications being mounted on an ETX baseboard.
CPB904 is based on low power AMD Geode LX800 CPU and AMD CS5536AC I/O companion. Dynamic Memory interface supports 64-bit DDR SDRAM via SODIMM socket and soldered 128 or 256 MB memory bank.
All key components including CPU, chipset, memory, and periphery controllers are soldered on-board providing excellent vibration stability and increased efficiency of protective conformal coating.
CPB904 offers wide variety of data display capabilities. It allows simultaneous operation of standard VGA interface, 24-bit LVDS interface, and 18-bit interface for TFT or DSTN LCD panels connection. In addition TV output is available.
Data storage subsystem is based on single-channel IDE controller, that is able to drive up to two IDE devices: two external hard drives, CompactFlash card.
For data exchange, CPB904 uses one independent Fast Ethernet port, three COM ports, four USB
2.0 ports, IrDA port, and parallel port combined with FDD and with 17 programmable discrete input/output lines.
System control and management capabilities of CPB904 include watchdog timer, reserved BIOS, and possibility to save system configuration and emergency parameters in FRAM chip.
CPB904 is manufactured in three versions: CPB904-01 (256 MB of soldered system memory), CPB904-02 (512 MB soldered), and CPB904-03 with SODIMM socket for up to 512 MB DDR SDRAM.
CPB904 is designed for operation within industrial temperature range from –40 C to +85°C. CPB904 supports wide range of operating systems – Fastwel DOS (MS DOS-compatible),
Windows XP embedded, QNX 4.25 and 6.3x, Linux 2.4, and Windows CE.NET 4.2.
CPB904 User Manual
©2008 Fastwel v. 001 E
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