How to change the disc
How To Control The Mo nitor
Featu res and Controls
Remote Control
Video s etup
DVD setup
DVD function
SD/USB function
Connection Diagram
Insta llation
Dis Information
Screen Size
Aspect Ratio
DVD Player
USB Slot
HDMI Input
A/V Inputs
Video Input Level
Wired Headphone Input
IR Frequency (A Ch)
IR Frequency (B Ch)
FM Transmitter
Post Diameter
Posts Distance
3 Different Color Choices
D e s c r i pt io n
7 T F T-L C D
1 6 : 9
8 0 0 X R G BX 48 0
Fully integrated with Top Loading DVD Player
Vide o , Audi o an d pi c t u re Viewe r
Phone Inter face
2.4 Inputs (O ne on the Front P anel)
1 V p - p , 75 o h m ( co mp o s i t e )
O n th e Fro n t Pa n e l
2 . 3 M H z /2 .8 MH z
3 . 2 M H z /3 .8 MH z
10m m P ost wi th 12/ 12. 5/1 2.7 /13 . 8
/14 /16 mm( Pla s tic ),1 2mm (me tal)
A d j u s t ab le 110m m ~ 1 9 0 m m
Black Beige G ray
DC 12V(9~15 V)
Note : Th is equi pment h as been t ested a nd foun d to comp ly with t he limi ts for
a Class A digita l devic e, purs uant to p art 15 of t he FCC Ru les. These lim its
are designed to provide reasonable protect ion aga inst ha rmful i nterf erenc e
when the equipment is operated in a commercial e nviro nment .
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate rad io freq uency e nergy a nd,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instru ction m anual , may cau se
harmful interference to radio communications. Operat ion of th is equi pment i n
a residential area is likely to cause harmful in terfe rence i n which c ase the u ser
will be required to correct the interference at his own e xpens e.

Disc Information
DVD features
DVD discs provi de high-res olution image s with high-qua lity sound. This DVD playe r
can play not only D VD discs of var ious versions , but also S-VCD, V CD, audio CD an d
Mp3 discs.
Discs that cannot be played
DVD-RW, DV D-REM, CD-ROM , CD-EXTRA dis cs cannot be play ed on this unit. In
addition, a CD or a C D-RW whic h was recorde d on s pecial soft ware cannot be pl ayed.
Please read and o bserve all wa rnings and inst ructions in thi s manual
and those marke d on the unit. Re tain this bookl et for future ref erence.
There are two kinds of alarm symbols as follows:
The lig htnin g bolt wi th arro whead i nside i n an equi later al
triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of
"dange rous voltage"within the product s enclosure that may be
of suff icient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to
peopl e.
Region code
Your DVD p layer is desi gned and manufa ctured to regio n managemen t information
that is recorde d on a DVD disc. Pl ease check the re gion code.
1: North America 2 : Japan 3: Kore a and Southeast As ia
4: Australia, Mi d & South America 5: Russ ia 6: China
How to handle the disc
Don t touch the shi ny side of the di sc (the side with t he embedded inf ormation) .
Don t stick a label o r a glue-base d note on either si de of the disc.
Don t use discs tha t have glue or a da maged label wit h exposed adhes ive residue .
It might result i n damage to you r DVD player.
Don t put discs in th e sunshine.
Park your car in th e shade.
How to handle the discs
Only use round di scs. Discs wi th other shapes l ike a star, a heart, e tc. may cause
damage to the pla yer. If a disc is di rty, wipe so ftly with a wet clo th and then with a dr y
one. Before pla yback, wipe t he disc outward f rom the center wi th a clean clot h. Do not
use any type of sol vent such as th inner, benzene , commerciall y available c leaners or
antistatic sp ray. To avoid dam aging your DVD pl ayer, don t use a sc ratched disc.
The exclamation point inside an equilateral triangle is intended
to alert the user to the presence of important operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying
the product.
Do not mo unt t he pr odu ct where
Insta lla tio n of al l TV mo nit ors
must be o ut of t he dr ive r s
field o f vis ion .
Do not tr y and s erv ice t hese
produ cts y our sel f, locale a
quali fie d ser vic e center or
facto ry se rvi ce ce nter for all
repai rs.
Be caref ul no t to dr op or
apply un der p res sur e to the
front pa nel o f you r vid eo
monito r. If th e scr een crack s
due to mis use , you r war rant y
will be vo id!
or wipe t he pr odu cts w ith a towel. Do not
opera te th e equ ipm ent until all liq uid s hav e
eithe r eva por ate d or you have had the m oni tor
inspe cte d at a se rvi ce center by a qual ifi ed
techn ici an. S eve re harm or danger c an re sul t.
it will o bst ruc t the d eployment of
the air bag o r in an a rea w here it
would a ffect th e dri ver s a bil ity
to cont rol t he ve hic le. Also be
caref ul to a voi d mou nting the
produ ct wh ere i t can b ecome
hazar dou s dur ing s udden stops
or in the e ven t of an a cci dent.
Use ext ra ca uti on wi th any liquids
in your c ar. If y ou or y our c hild
spill s any l iqu id on t hese products ,
pull yo ur ve hic le to t he roadside
and tur n the k ey of f to di sco nne ct
Use onl y a dam p clo th to c lean
the scr een a nd us e onl y purified
water o n the c lot h. wr ing out all
exces s wat er pr ior t o wiping the
scree n. Do n ot us e any c leaners
or chem ica ls to c lea n the screen.
In most c ase s a dry c lot h will do!

DVD Setup
1. The mach ine combine wit h the bracket , and use 4 screws to f ix.
Folder se lection:
CD Operation
Quality installations are best
performed by qualified and
certified installers.
Don t touch the unit if there is
a flash of lightning. You may
receive an electric shock.
Do not cover or stop up heater
ducts or vents. It may cause a
fire or receive an electric shock.
Wat ching t he moni tor for a n
extended period of time
without the engine running
may deplete the vehicle s
battery charge.
This product is designed for
operation with a 12 Volt DC,
negative ground vehicle. It
is not suitable for operation
under other conditions or
Do not bring magnetic devices
such as credit card or magnetic
card near the magnets.
Operating Notes
1. The oper ating tempera ture of this pr oduct is limite d to 14 ~+140 F.
2. If your vehicl e is extremel y hot or cold you mus t allow time fo r yo ur air
conditioner o r heater to coo l or heat the vehic le until operat ing tempera tures
have returned t o normal oper ating ranges.
3. Optimal pict ure quality i s achieved when v iewed from dire ctly front of t he
monitor (+/-3 0degrees) .
2. Rising the hea drest.
3. After rising th e headrest,us e the "headrest m ounting brack et" to fix the ir on
poles of the head rest. Dista nce between The holes of the h eadrest mount ing
bracket can adj ust from 105m m-210mm, and th en use 2 screws t o fix.
4.the bracket o f the machine i nsert into "hea drest mountin g bracket" to f ix, and
the distance of t he front and ba ck can adjust, an d last use the lo ck of the bracket
to lock.
4. Do not open the ho using and att empt to make any re pairs yoursel f. Refer
servicing to qu alified per sonnel.
5. DVD Players us e an invisibl e laser beam whic h can cause hazar dous radiat ion
exposure. Be su re to operate t he unit correct ly as instruc ted.
6. Do not cut the car p ower supply o ff while a di sc is playing. It c an cause
damage to the DVD P layer.