Instructions for use
[Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization]:
The product is provided in a non-sterile state; it is single use device.
It is required to be processed before each use by following Step-by-Step instructions, with steam
sterilization at 126℃ for 30 minutes.
Step-by-Step instructions:
1) Steam sterilization at 126℃ for 30 minutes;
2) Rinsethe device with Normal saline (0.9% NaCl) for 10 seconds;
3) Dry the device with a dental air gun;
Instructions for use
1st special file system for correcting ledges.
The concept AFT" CL system is to remove the ledge progressively into a straight pathway; this is
done by inserting the pre-bend files manually to cross the ledge, then attach the Endomotor to thefile.
The movement of Endomotor is reciprocation:
1. Insert file #10/0.06 manually until crossing the ledge.
2. Attach the Endomotor to the file while the file is in the cana
3. Set the Endomotor on reciprocating movement with the
followings angles (CW 90-150, CCW 30).
4. With the reciprocating motion, move the file I pecking
motion (in and out motion) for 2-3 mm.
5. Irrigate the canal.
6. Repeat the steps (1-5) respectively for other files in order
(10/0.08, 15/0.06, 20/0.07, 25/0.08 then 30/0,09).
7. Insert K file to working length to ensure the patency of
the canal.
Room 1302,Building 2,No .6965 Pu Xing Rd.,Qingcun
Town,Fengxian Dist,201414 Shanghai China