Falcon G350 series, G450 Series Quick Start Manual

Falcon G350/G450 Series Exerciser/Analyzer Quick Start Guide
What’s in the box .......................................................................................................................................... 1
How to set up your system ........................................................................................................................... 1
Analyzer: How to connect to your device and operate the analyzer ........................................................... 2
Step 1: Connect the SMA cables for analyzer use ................................................................................ 2
Step 2: Connect Thunderbolt 3 and Power ........................................................................................... 3
Step 3: Capture an analyzer trace ......................................................................................................... 3
Step 4: Configure and run Trace Validation tests ................................................................................. 3
Exerciser: How to connect to your device and operate the exerciser .......................................................... 4
Step 1: Connect the SMA cables for exerciser use ............................................................................... 4
Step 2: Device Configuration of DUT UniPro link .................................................................................. 4
Step 3: Configure Tests ......................................................................................................................... 4
Step 4: Configure Stress Testing ........................................................................................................... 4
Step 5: Configure Run Control .............................................................................................................. 4
Step 6: Run the configured tests ........................................................................................................... 4
Specifications and descriptions in this document
© Protocol Insight, LLC 2017, 2018
Revision 1.2, February 22, 2018
P a g e | 1
What’s in the box
When you unpack your Falcon shipping box you should find the following:
1. Falcon instrument
2. Power supply
3. Thunderbolt 3 cable
4. This Quick Start Guide
How to set up your system
1. Update the Thunderbolt 3 driver on your PC with the latest from your PC manufacturer’s website.
2. Connect Falcon to your controller PC. See Step 2: Connect Thunderbolt 3 and Power below.
3. Plug-in and power-up your Falcon instrument and controller.
4. Download the latest SW from http://www.protocolinsight.com/falcon-support-materials/. This
will include:
a. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or later b. Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Isolated) c. Protocol Insight Falcon software version 1.x or later
5. To set up a Falcon G300 series, activate the SW license by providing the Computer ID of the
controller PC to Protocol Insight. Note: this license activation step is not necessary for the
Falcon G400 series since the license key is embedded in the instrument hardware at the factory.
6. Obtain the Computer ID from this dialog at Help->License…:
7. Copy the 32-character Computer ID in the red box and email to Protocol Insight at
support@protocolinsight.com (note: to avoid transposition errors do not send a screenshot).
8. Protocol Insight will generate a license activation key from the unique machine-specific
Computer ID and email back.
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