FALCOM MAMBO55, MAMBO56 Hardware Description

This document is available at http://www.falcom.de/
GSM / GPRS / GPS / Bluetooth devices
Version 1.01, 27/04/2006
Mambo Hardware Description Version 1.01
Index of contents
0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 4
0.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................4
0.2 CIRCUIT CONCEPT ....................................................................................................................5
0.3 RELATED DOCUMENTS ..............................................................................................................5
1 SECURITY .................................................................................. 6
1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................6
1.2 EXPOSURE TO RF ENERGY ....................................................................................................... 6
1.3 EFFICIENT MODEM OPERATION ..................................................................................................6
1.4 DRIVING................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 ELECTRONIC DEVICES............................................................................................................... 7
1.6 VEHICLE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................. 7
1.7 MEDICAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................7
1.8 AIRCRAFT ................................................................................................................................7
1.9 CHILDREN ................................................................................................................................7
1.10 BLASTING AREAS ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.11 POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES ................................................................................... 7
1.12 NON-IONIZING RADIATION..........................................................................................................8
1.13 BATTERY SAFETY .....................................................................................................................8
1.13.1 Safety precautions while charging the battery.....................................................................8
1.13.2 Safety precautions while discharging the battery................................................................ 9
2 SAFETY STANDARDS............................................................. 10
3 TECHNICAL DATA................................................................... 11
3.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS OF MAMBO DEVICE.......................................................................11
3.1.1 Power consumption..............................................................................................................11
3.1.2 Operating temperatures .......................................................................................................12
3.2 BATTERY TECHNICAL DATA (850 MA/H)...................................................................................12
3.3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF GSM/GPRS ENGINE*............................................................. 12
3.3.1 Air interface of the MAMBO GSM/GPRS part .....................................................................14
3.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF GPS RECEIVER ...................................................................... 15
4 MAMBO INTERFACES............................................................. 17
4.1.1 Buttons & LEDs.................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.2 Power jack............................................................................................................................17
4.1.3 Audio interfaces ...................................................................................................................18 External audio interface .................................................................................................................. 18 Internal speaker and microphone .................................................................................................... 18
4.1.4 Charging & Discharging the internal battery ........................................................................18
4.2 AUTOMATIC GPRS MULTISLOT CLASS CHANGE.......................................................................18
4.2.1 Automatic shutdown............................................................................................................. 19
5 APPENDIX ................................................................................ 20
5.1 WHAT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WHEN USING THE MAMBO DEVICE .......................................... 20
This confidential document is a property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.
Page 1
Mambo Hardware Description Version 1.01
Version history:
Version number Author
Change date
1.00 Fadil Beqiri
- Initial version
1.01 Fadil Beqiri
- This document is separated into two other documents: MAMBO_getting_started.pdf MAMBO_software_update.pdf
This confidential document is a property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.
Page 2
Mambo Hardware Description Version 1.01
Information furnished herein by FALCOM is accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use.
Please, read carefully the safety precautions.
If you have any technical questions regarding this document or the product described in it, please contact your vendor.
General information about FALCOM and its range of products are available at the following Internet address: http://www.falcom.de/
Some mentioned products are registered trademarks of their respective companies.
This documentation is copyrighted by FALCOM WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS GmbH with all rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be produced in any form without the prior written permission of FALCOM WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS GmbH.
FALCOM Wireless Communications GmbH
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
This confidential document is a property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.
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Mambo Hardware Description Version 1.01
0.1 General
Based on the GSM/GPRS and state-of-art GPS technology for satellite navigation, FALCOM introduces a new powerful pocket size device with a stand­alone software system for personal safety and security as well as asset monitoring. FALCOM MAMBO consists of the GSM/GPRS engine, 20-channel GPS receiver, Bluetooth™ class 2.0 and a 3-D motion detector (in the state of inactivity it can be set into the low power mode) as an all-in-one solution.
FALCOM MAMBO is a Tri-band GSM/GPRS engine that works on the three frequencies either GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz or GSM 850/1800/1900 MHz. The integrated GPS receiver architecture based on the SiRFstarIII chipset, provides more than enough precise location information using satellite signals to enable it to track people wherever they are in the world. With its integral housing, compact design, ultra-low power consumption, easy-to-carry and easy-to-use, it is an outstanding quality, high-performance, operating as a stand-alone device ideally suited for personal security, asset management and automotive applications as well. The configurable internal firmware is a fundamental component, which in combination with the excellent hardware performance makes the FALCOM MAMBO device to be the best application where the fleet management and personal security today are required. Operating as a stand-alone personal security device, manufactured in a form factor 85 mm x 59 mm x 25 mm and weighing less than 120 grams with battery, it can be easily fit in a jacket pocket (e.g. into a child's pocket). Ease-of-use is ensured with just three touch-buttons and three LEDs. Each LED includes three­different lighting colors. Each Button and LED is free-configurable. Based on the internal firmware all Buttons and LEDs can be adjusted to the user requirements. Depending on the user-defined configuration, each touch-button can execute more than one action (voice call, TCP packets, SMS generation etc.). In the event of emergency, the person carrying the device can contact a range of services by pressing just a button. Upon button activation, the equipment uses the GPS signals to define its accurate position, and it sends a SMS message with its location information or it performs a voice call to one of the predefined numbers via the GSM network. With the help of the implemented TCP/IP protocol, FALCOM MAMBO (person who carrying it) can be continually tracked and monitored live from any Internet connection point around the world.
FALCOM MAMBO provides Geofence features, which can be used for territory management, route verification, prohibited locations, and more. Once a Geofence area is manually set-up, the device automatically notifies the destination number via SMS, Voice or Data calls or TCP, if the person carrying it enters into and/or leaves the pre-defined area(s).
The FALCOM MAMBO contains a History function which enables it to archive unique locations in sequence for up to 45 days long (for example, archive interval up to 20 sec.) and at a later time the history data can be downloaded either locally via Bluetooth or over-air GSM network or TCP-connection for further evaluation.
Additionally, the FALCOM MAMBO is also a high-capacity navigation system, an intelligent and dynamic destination guidance that allows you to navigate freely without the hassle of messy wire connections. The integrated Class 2 Bluetooth™ transceiver in the FALCOM MAMBO is capable to communicate with any Serial Port Profile Bluetooth™ device and to transmit its data within a 10m radius. The FALCOM MAMBO in communication with your installed GPS Mapping software on the Bluetooth™-enabled device points you the way comfortably and reliably from the current location A to your desired destination B.
This confidential document is a property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.
Page 4
Mambo Hardware Description Version 1.01
FALCOM MAMBO is equipment that can be used in a variety of applications such as:
Personal safety and security
Fleet tracking and management
Remote tracking (Locating people)
Real-time Navigation and Positioning
Finding streets and routes
Travel planning and many others …
0.2 Circuit concept
The MAMBO architecture includes the following major functional components:
high-performance Tri Band GSM/GPRS core (operating at 26MHz) 20 parallel channel low-power GPS core (operating at L1 1575.42
MHz and C/A code 1,023 MHz chip rate)
ARM7TDMI Processor (at speed 25MHz) that controls all functions of
the system
3D detector system (MSENS module) Power Control for Li-Ion Batteries high capacity (3.7V/ 850 mA/h) Li-Ion battery FLASH-Memory (2MB - 512KB). Internal SIM card reader Internal GSM/GPRS antenna Internal GPS antenna Internal Bluetooth antenna Internal Speaker and Microphone
Audio interface (for headset)
0.3 Related documents
[1] MAMBO_software_2.3.17_user_manual.pdf [2] MAMBO_getting_started.pdf [3] MAMBO_software_update.pdf [4] MAMBO_configuration_software.pdf
This confidential document is a property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.
Page 5
Mambo Hardware Description Version 1.01
Your cellular engine MAMBO is one of the most exciting and innovative electronic products ever developed. With it, you can stay in contact with your office, your home, emergency services and others, wherever service is provided.
This chapter contains important information for the safe and reliable use of the MAMBO device. Please read this chapter carefully before starting to use the cellular engine MAMBO.
1.1 General information
Your MAMBO device utilizes the GSM/GPS standard for cellular technology. GSM is a newer radio frequency („RF“) technology than the current FM technology that has been used for radio communications for decades. The GSM standard has been established for use in the European community and elsewhere. Your MAMBO is actually a low power radio transmitter and receiver. It sends out and receives radio frequency energy. When you use your modem, the cellular system handling your calls controls both the radio frequency and the power level of your cellular modem.
1.2 Exposure to RF energy
There has been some public concern about possible health effects of using a GSM modem. Although research on health effects from RF energy has focused for many years on the current RF technology, scientists have begun research regarding newer radio technologies, such as GSM. After existing research had been reviewed, and after compliance to all applicable safety standards had been tested, it has been concluded that the product is fit for use.
If you are concerned about exposure to RF energy there are things you can do to minimize exposure. Obviously, limiting the duration of your calls will reduce your exposure to RF energy. In addition, you can reduce RF exposure by operating your cellular modem efficiently by following the guidelines below.
1.3 Efficient modem operation
In order to operate your modem at the lowest power level, consistent with satisfactory call quality please take note of the following hints.
If your device has an extendible antenna, extend it fully. Some models
allow you to place a call with the antenna retracted. However, your modem operates more efficiently with the antenna fully extended.
If your device has an external antenna, do not hold the antenna when
the modem is „IN USE“. Holding the antenna affects call quality and may cause the modem to operate at a higher power level than needed.
1.4 Driving
Check the laws and regulations on the use of cellular devices in the area where you drive. Always obey them. Also, when using your modem while driving, please pay full attention to driving, pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving conditions so require. When applications are prepared for mobile use they should fulfil road-safety instructions of the current law!
This confidential document is a property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.
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