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Timing Chart
Functional Description
1. Stand-by State
The external capac itor (Cx) is fully ch arged to V
the Stand-by State. That mean s, before trigger ing, the
and QN transistors which are con nected to the Rx/
Cx node are in the off state. Two comparators that
relate to the timing of the output p ulse, and two r eference voltage supplies turn off. The total supply curre nt
is only leakage current.
2. Trigger Operation
Trigger operation is effective in any of the following
three cases. First, the co ndition where the A
input is
LOW, and B input has a rising signal; second, where
the B input is HIGH, and the A input has a falling signal;
and third, where the A
input is LOW and the B input is
HIGH, and the CLR
input has a rising signal.
After a trigger becomes e ffective, compara tors C1 a nd
C2 start operating, and Q
is turned on. The exter nal
capacitor discharges thro ugh Q
. The voltage level at
the Rx/Cx node drops. If the Rx/Cx voltage level falls to
the internal reference voltage V
L, the output of C1
becomes LOW. The flip-flop is then reset an d Q
off. At that moment C1 stops bu t C2 cont inues opera ting.
After Q
turns off, the voltage at the Rx/Cx node starts
rising at a rate determined by the time constant of
external capacitor Cx and resistor Rx.
Upon triggering, output Q becomes HIGH, following
some delay time of t he interna l F/F and gates . It stays
HIGH even if the voltage of Rx/Cx changes from falling
to rising. When Rx/Cx reaches the internal reference
voltage V
H, the output of C2 becomes LOW, the out-
put Q goes LOW and C2 stops its operation. That
means, after trigger ing, when the voltage level of the
Rx/Cx node reaches V
H, the IC returns to its
With large values of Cx and Rx, and ignoring the dis-
charge time of the capacitor a nd internal dela ys of the
IC, the width of the outp ut pulse, t
(OUT), is as follows:
(OUT) = 1.0 Cx Rx
3. Reset Operation
In normal operation, the CLR
input is held HIGH. If
is LOW, a trigger has no affect because the Q output is held LOW and the tri gger control F/F is reset.
Also, Q
turns on and Cx is charged rapidly to VCC.
This means if CLR
is set LOW, the IC goes into a wait