August 1998
Revised April 1999
74LCXP16245 Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with 5V Tolerant Inputs/Outputs and Pull-Down
© 1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS500053.prf
Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with
5V Tolerant Inputs/Outputs and Pull-Down Resistors
General Description
The LCXP16245 contains sixteen non-inverting bidirectional buffers with 3-STATE outputs and is intended for bus
oriented application s. The device is de signed for low vo ltage (2.5V or 3.3V) V
applications with capability of inter-
facing to a 5V signal environment. The device is byte
controlled. Each byte has separate control inputs which
could be shorted toge ther fo r ful l 16-bi t op eration . The T /R
inputs determine the direction of data flow through the
device. The OE
inputs disable bo th the A and B ports by
placing them in a high impedance state.
In addition, A and B port da tapath pins have built-in resis-
tors to GND allowing the pins to float without any increase
in I
current. This feature is intend ed to address mo dular
and space co ns tra i n ed ap pl i cat i o ns w he r e ad d itional space
consumed by external resistors is not available.
The LCXP16245 is fabricated with an advanced CMOS
technology to achieve high speed operation while maintaining CMOS low power dissipation.
■ 5V tolerant inputs and outputs
■ 2.3V–3.6V V
specifications provided
■ I/O Pull-down resistors termina te inactive busses ens uring a stable bus state
■ 5.5 ns t
max (VCC = 3.3V), 20 µA ICC max
■ Power down high impedance inputs and outputs
■ Supports live insertion/withdrawal (Note 1)
■ ±24 mA output drive (V
= 3.0V)
■ Implements patented noise/EMI reduction circuitry
■ Pinout compatible with 74 series 16245
■ Latch-up performance exceeds 500 mA
■ ESD performance:
Human body model > 2000V
Machine model > 200V
Note 1: To ensure the high-impedance state d uring pow er up or d own OE
should be tied to VCC through a pull-up res istor: the m inimu m value or t he
resistor is determin ed by the current-sourcin g c apability of the driver.
Ordering Code:
Devices also availab le in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering code.
Logic Symbol Pin Descriptions
Order Number Package Number Package Description
74LCXP16245MEA MS48A 48-Lead Small Shrink Outline Package (SSOP), JEDEC MO-118, 0.300” Wide
74LCXP16245MTD MTD48 48-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 6.1mm Wide
Pin Description
Output Enable Input
Transmit/Receive Input
Side A Inputs or 3-STATE Outputs
Side B Inputs or 3-STATE Outputs