3 www.fairchildsemi.com
Functional Description
Data applied to the A-inputs are entered and stored in the
R register on the rising edge of the CPR Clock Puls e, provided that the Clock Enable (CER
) is LOW; simultaneously,
the status flip-flop is set and the flag (FR) output goes
HIGH. As the Clock Enable (CER
) returns to HIGH, the
data will be held in the R regi ster. These data ent ere d fro m
the A-inputs will appear at the B Port I/O pins after the Output Enable (OEBR
) has gone LOW. When OEBR is LOW,
a parity bit appears at the PARITY pin, which will be set
HIGH when th er e is a n e v en nu m be r of 1s or a ll 0s at t h e Q
outputs of the R register. After the data i s assimilated, t he
receiving system clears the flag FR by ch anging the sig nal
at the OEBR
pin from LOW-to-HIGH.
Data flow from B-to-A proceeds in the same manner
described for A-to-B flow. A LOW at the CES
pin and a
LOW-to-HIGH transition at CPS pin enters the B-input data
and the parity-input da ta into th e S re gisters a nd the p arity
register respectively and set the f lag o utput FS to HIGH . A
LOW signal at the OEAS
pin enables the A Port I/O pins
and a LOW-to-HIGH t ransition of the OEAS
signal clears
the FS flag. When OEAS
is LOW, the parity check outpu t
will be HIGH if there is an odd number of 1s at the
Q outputs of the S registers and the parity register. The flag
FS can be cleared by a LOW-to-HIGH transition of the
Register Function Table
(Applies to R or S Register)
H = HIGH Voltage Level
= LOW-to - HIGH Transition
L = LOW Voltage Level † = Not LOW-to-HIGH Transition
X = Immaterial NC = No Change
Output Control
H = HIGH Voltage Level X = Immaterial
L = LOW Voltage Level Z = High Impeda nc e
Flag Flip-Flop Function Table
(Applies to R or S Flag Flip-Flop)
H = HIGH Voltage Level
= LOW-to-HIGH Transition
L = LOW Voltage Level † = Not LOW-to-HIGH Transition
X = Immaterial NC = No Change
Parity Generation Function
H = HIGH Voltage Level X = Immaterial
L = LOW Voltage Level Z = High Impedance
Parity Check Function
H = HIGH Voltage Level
L = LOW Voltage Level
X = Immaterial
Inputs Internal
XXH NCHold Data
Load Data
X † L NC Keep Old Data
Internal A or B
Q Outputs
H X Z Disable Output
L L L Enable Output
L H H Enable Output
Inputs Flag
CP OE Output
H X † NC Hold Flag
†HSet Flag
L Clear Flag
Number of HIGHs in the
Parity Output
Q Outputs of the R Register
L 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 H
L 1, 3, 5, 7 L
Number of HIGHs in Parity ERROR
the Q Outputs of the S Register Input Output
L 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 L L
L 1, 3, 5, 7 L H
L 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 H H
L 1, 3, 5, 7 H L