3 www.fairchildsemi.com
Functional Description
The 74F524 contains eight D-type flip-flops connected as a
shift register with provision for ei ther pa rallel or seri al loading. Parallel data may be read from or loaded into the registers via the data bus I/O
–I/O7. Serial data is enter ed fro m
the C/SI input and may be shifted into the register and out
through the C/SO output. Both parallel and serial data entry
occur on the rising edge of the input clock (CP). The operation of the shift reg ister i s cont rolle d by t wo s ignals S
according to the Select Truth Table. The 3-STATE parallel output buffers are enabled only in the Read mode.
One port of an 8-bit compara tor is attached to the data bus
while the other port is tied to the outputs of the internal register. Three active-OFF, open-collector outputs indicate
whether the contents held in th e shift register are “great er
than”, (GT), “less than” (LT), or “equal to” (E Q) the dat a on
the input bus. A HI GH signal on the Status Ena ble (SE
input disables these outputs to the OFF state. A mode control input (M) allows selection between a straightforward
magnitude compare or a comparison between twos complement numbers.
For “greater than” or “les s than” detection, the C/SI input
must be held HIGH, as indicat ed in the Status Truth Table.
The internal logic is arra nged such that a LOW signal on
the C/SI input disables the “great er than” and “less than”
outputs. The C/SO output will be forced HIGH if the “equal
to” status condition exists, otherwise C/SO will be held
LOW. These facilities enable the 74F524 to be cascaded
for word length greater than eight bits.
Word length expansion (in groups of eight bits) can be
achieved by connecting the C/SO output of the more signif-
icant byte to the C/SI input of the next less significant byte
and also to its own SE
input (see Figure 1). Th e C /SI i n pu t
of the most significant device is held HI GH while the SE
input of the least significant device is held LOW. The corresponding status outputs are AND-wired together. In the
case of twos complement nu mbe r co mpa re , only th e M ode
input to the most signifi cant device should be HIGH. T he
Mode inputs to all other cascaded devices are held LOW.
Suppose that an inequality condition is detected in the
most significant device. Assu ming that the byte stored in
the register is greater than the byte on the data bus, the EQ
and LT outputs will be pulled LOW and the GT output will
float HIGH. Also the C/SO outp ut of the most significant
device will be forced LOW, disabling the subsequent
devices but enabling its own status outputs. The correct
status condition is thus indicated. The same applies if the
registered byte is less th an th e data byte, only in this case
the EQ and GT outputs go LOW and LT output floats HIGH.
If an equality condi tion is detected in the most significant
device, its C/SO outpu t is forced HIGH. This ena bles the
next less significant device and also disables its own status
outputs. In this way, the status ou tput priority is handed
down to the next less significant device which now effectively becomes the most si gnificant byte. The worst case
propagation delay for a compare operation involving “n”
cascaded 74F524s will be when an equality condition is
detected in all but the least significant byte. In this case, the
status priority has to ripple all the way down the chain
before the correct status outp ut is established. Typically,
this will take 35 + 6(n−2) ns.
Function Diagram
FIGURE 1. Cascading 74F524s for Comparing Longer Words