Fairchild Semiconductor 74F402PC Datasheet

74F402 Serial Data Polynomial Generator/Checker
74F402 Serial Data Polynomial Generator/Checker
April 1988 Revised August 1999
General Description
The 74F402 expandable Serial Data Polynomial generator/ checker is an expandable versio n of the 74F401. It pro­vides an advanced tool for th e implem entation of th e most widely used error detection scheme in serial dig ital han­dling systems. A 4-bit control input sel ects one-of-six gen­erator polynomials. The list of polynomials includes CRC­16, CRC-CCITT and Ethernet, as well as three other
standard polynomials (56 Individual clear and pre set inputs are provided for floppy disk and other applications. The Error output indicates whether or not a transmission error has occurred. The CWG Control input inhibits feedback during check word transmission. The 74F402 is compatible with FAST devices and with all TTL families.
order, 48th order, 32nd order).
Guaranteed 30 MHz data rate
Six selectable polynomials
Other polynomials available
Separate preset and clear controls
Automatic right justification
Error output open collector
Typical applications: Floppy and othe r disk stora ge sys-
tems Digital cassette and cartridge systems Data com­munication systems
Ordering Code:
Order Number Package Number Package Description
74F402PC N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Logic Symbol Connection Diagram
FAST is a regist ered trademark of Fair c hild Semiconductor Corporation. Ethernet is a registe red trademark of Xerox C orporation.
© 1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS009535 www.fairchildsemi.com
Unit Loading/Fan Out
Note 1: Open Collector
Pin Names Description
CWG Check Word Generate Input 1.0/0.67 20 µA/−0.4 mA D/CW Serial Data/Check Word 285(100)/13.3(6.7) 5.7 mA(2 mA)/8 mA (4 mA) D Data Input 1.0/0.67 20 µA/−0.4 mA
ER RO Register Output 285(100)/13.3(6.7) 5.7 mA(2 mA)/8 mA (4 mA) CP Clock Pulse 1.0/0.67 20 µA/−0.4 mA SEI Serial Expansion Input 1.0/0.67 20 µA/−0.4 mA RFB Register Feedback 1.0/0.67 20 µA/−0.4 mA MR Master Reset 1.0/0.67 20 µA/0.4 mA P
Polynomial Select Inputs 1.0/0.67 20 µA/0.4 mA
Error Output (Note 1) /26.7(13.3) (Note 1) /16 mA (8 mA)
Preset 1.0/0.67 20 µA/0.4 mA
Functional Description
The 74F402 Serial Data Polynomial Generato r/Checker is an expandable 16-bit programmable device which oper­ates on serial data streams and provides a means of detecting transmission er rors. Cyclic encod ing and decod­ing schemes for err or detection are based on poly nomial manipulation in m odulo arithmetic . For encoding , the data stream (message polynomial) is divided by a selected poly­nomial. This division results in a remainder (or residue) which is appended t o th e m essa ge a s che ck bi t s. Fo r e rro r checking, the bit st ream containing both data and check bits is d ivided by the same selected polynomial. If there are no detectable errors, th is division results in a zero remain ­der. Although it is possible to choose many generating polynomials of a given de gre e, stan dar ds exist tha t spe cify a small number of usefu l polynomials. The 7 4F402 imple­ments the polynomials listed in Table 1 by applying the appropriate logic levels to the select pins S
The 74F402 consists of a 16-bit register, a Read Only Memory (ROM) and associated control circuitry as show n in the Block Diagram. The polynomial control code pre­sented at inputs S
selecting the desir ed polynom ial o r part of a p olyno mia l by establishing shift mode operation on the register with Exclusive OR (XOR) gates at appropriate inputs. To gener­ate the check bits, the data stre am is entered via the Data Inputs (D), using the LOW-to-HIGH transit ion of the Clock Input (CP). This data is gated with the most significant Register Output (RO) via the Register Feedback Input (RFB), and controls the XOR gates. The Check Word Gen-
, S1, S2 and S3 is decoded by the ROM,
, S1, S2 and S3.
erate (CWG) mu st be held HIGH while t he data is being entered. After the last data bit is entered, the CWG is brought LOW and the check b its are shift ed ou t of the reg­ister(s) and appended to the data bits (no external gating is needed).
To check an incoming messa ge for errors, both the data and check bits are enter ed through the D Input with the CWG Input held HIGH. The Error Output becom es valid after the last check bit has been entered into the ’F402 by a LOW-to-HIGH transition of CP, with the exception of the Ethernet polynomial (see Applications paragraph). If no detectable errors ha ve occurred during the data transmis­sion, the resultant internal register bits are all LOW and the Error Output (ER occurred, ER to-HIGH transition o f CP or until th e device has b een pre­set or reset.
A HIGH on the Master Reset Input (MR) asynchronous ly clears the entire register. A LOW on the Preset Input (P asynchronously sets the enti re register with the exception of:
1. The Ethernet residue se lection, in which the regist ers containing the non-zero res idue are cleared;
2. The 56th order polynomial, in which the 8 least signifi­cant register bits of the least significant device are cleared; and,
3. Register S = 0, in which all bits are cleared.
) is HIGH. If a detectable error has
is LOW. ER remains valid until the next LOW-
Input I
Output I
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Select Code
Polynomial Remarks
32+X26+X23+X22+X16 12+X11+X10+X8+X7+X5+X4+X2 32+X31+X27+X26+X25+X19+X16 15+X13+X12+X11+X9+X7+X6+X5+X4+X2 16+X15+X2 16+X12+X5 56+X55+X49+X45+X41 39+X38+X37+X36+X31 22+X19+X17+X16+X15+X14+X12+X11+X9 5
+1 CRC-16 +1 CRC-CCITT
+ Ethernet
+X+1 Polynomial
+ Ethernet
+ + 56th
15+X13+X8+X2 32+X23+X21 11+X2
+ 32nd
Block Diagram
+X+1 Residue
+ Order
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