Fairchild Semiconductor 74F401SCX, 74F401SC, 74F401PC, 74F401CW Datasheet

© 1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS009534 www.fairchildsemi.com
April 1988 Revised August 1999
74F401 CRC Generator/Checker
74F401 CRC Generator/Checker
General Description
The 74F401 Cycle Redun dancy Check (CRC) Generato r/ Checker provides an advance d tool for implementing the most widely used er ror detection scheme in serial d igital data handling systems. A 3-bit contr ol inpu t sele cts on e-o f­eight generator polynomials. The list of polynomials includes CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT as well as their recipro­cals (reverse polynomials). Automatic right justification is incorporated for polynom ial s o f deg ree less th an 1 6. S ep a­rate clear and preset inpu ts are provided for floppy disk and other applicat ions. The E rror ou tput indi cates wheth er or not a transmission error has occurred. An other control input inhibits feedback during check word transmission. The 74F401 is fully compatible with all TTL families.
Eight selectable polynomials
Error indicator
Separate preset and clear controls
Automatic right justification
Fully compatible with all TTL logic families
14-pin package
9401 equivalent
Typical applications:
Floppy and other disk storage systems Digital cassette and cartridge systems Data communication systems
Ordering Code:
Devices also availab le in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering code.
Logic Symbol Connection Diagram
Order Number Package Number Package Description
74F401SC M14A 14-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-120, 0.150 Narrow 74F401PC N14A 14-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
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Unit Loading/Fan Out
Functional Description
The 74F401 is a 16-bit progr ammable device w hich oper­ates on serial data streams and provides a means of detecting transmission er rors. Cyclic encod ing and decod­ing schemes for error d etection are based on polynom ial manipulation in m odulo arithmetic . For encoding , the data stream (message polynomial) is divided by a selected poly­nomial. This division results in a remainder which is appended to the messa ge as check bits. For err or check­ing, the bit stream conta ining both data and check bits is divided by the same selected po lynomial. If there are no detectable errors, this divi sion results in a ze ro remainder. Although it is possible to choose many generating polyno­mials of a given degree, standards exist that specify a small number of useful polynomials. The 74F401 imple­ments the polynomials listed in Table 1 by applying the appropriate logic levels to the select pins S
0, S1
and S2.
The 74F401 consists of a 16-bit register, a Read Only Memory (ROM) and associated control circuitry as shown in the block diagram. The polynomial control code pre­sented at inputs S
, S1 and S2 is decoded by the ROM,
selecting the desired polynomial by establishing shift mode operation on the register with Exclusive OR gates at appro­priate inputs. To generate the check bits, the data stream is entered via the Da ta inputs (D), using the HIGH- to-LOW
transition of the Clock inpu t (CP
). This data is gated with the most significant output (Q) of the register, and controls the Exclusive OR gates Figu re 1. Th e Check Wo rd Enabl e (CWE) must be held HIGH wh i le th e da ta i s b eing entered. After the last data bit is entered, the CWE is brou ght LOW and the check bits are shifted out of the register and appended to the data bits using external gating Figure 2.
To check an incoming messa ge for errors, both the data and check bits are e ntered through the D input wi th the CWE input held HIGH. The 74F4 01 is not in the data path, but only monitors the message. The Error Output becomes valid after the last check bit has been entered into the 74F401 by a HIGH-to-LOW transi tion of CP
. If no detect­able errors have occurred during the data transmission, the resultant internal reg ister bits are all LOW and the Error Output (ER) is LOW. If a detectable error has occurred, ER is HIGH.
A HIGH on the Master Reset input (M R) asynchronously clears the register. A LOW on the Preset input (P
) asyn­chronously sets the entire register if the control code inputs specify a 16-bit polynomial; in the case of 12- or 8-bit check polynomials only th e most significant 12 or 8 register bits are set and the remaining bits are cleared.
Pin Names Description
Input I
Output I
Polynomial Select Inputs 1.0/1.0 20 µA/0.6 mA D Data Input 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA CP
Clock Input (Operates on HIGH-to-LOW Transition) 1.0/1.0 20 µA/0.6 mA CWE Check Word Enable Input 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA P
Preset (Active LOW) Input 1.0/1.0 20 µA/0.6 mA MR Master Reset (Active HIGH) Input 1.0/1.0 20 µA/0.6 mA Q Data Output 50/33.3 1 mA/20 mA
ER Error Output 50/33.3 1 mA/20 mA
Select Code
Polynomial Remarks
LLLX16 + X15 + X2 + 1 CRC-16 LLHX
+ X14 + X + 1 CRC-16 REVERSE
+ X15 + X13 + X7 + X4 + X2 + X1 + 1
+ X11 + X3 + X2 + X + 1 CRC-12
+ X7 + X5 + X4 + X + 1
+ 1 LRC-8
+ X12 + X5 + 1 CRC-CCITT
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Block Diagram
FIGURE 1. Equivalent Circuit for X16 + X15 + X2 + 1
FIGURE 2. Check Word Generation
Note 1: Check word En able is HIGH while data is being clocked, LOW while transmission of chec k bit s . Note 2: 74F401 must be reset or preset before each computation. Note 3: CRC check bits are generated and appended to data bits.
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