February 1998
Revised April 1999
VCX Family Introduction
VCX is the industry’s first low voltage l ogic family optimize d for 2.5V perf ormance. VCX pro vides the fastest 3.3V CMOS
performance and the fastest 2.5 V performance available. V CX is specified from 1.65V–3.6V, offering a broad operating
range and pr ov id e s ove r v o l tag e t ole ra n c e t o 3.6 V fo r m i x ed v oltage operat io n . V C X i s id ea l f or h i gh sp ee d on -b o ar d buffering applications.
Features Benefits
Highest speed performance
(2.5 ns max delay at 3.3V, 3.2 ns max. delay at 2.5V).
Guaranteed AC and DC specifications
over 1.65V–3.6V V
Very low static and dynamic power. Saves power, extends battery life.
Low noise. Low ground bounce, overshoot, undershoot, and EMI.
Balanced ±24 mA output dri ve. Drives transmission lines down to 50Ω.
Power up/down high impedance inputs and outputs. Facilitates power management and live insertion.
16/18/20-bit functions. Wide bit widths for high speed on-board buffering applications.
supply voltage operation.
High speed for on-board buffering applications.
Provides lower voltage operation without moving to a new family.
VCX Family Introduction
© 1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MS500115.prf www.fairchildsemi.com