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The following user guide supports the FAN9611 300W evaluation board for interleaved
boundary-conduction-mode power-factor-corrected supply. It should be used in
conjunction with the FAN9611 datasheet, Fairchild application note AN-6086 —Design
Considerations for Interleaved Boundary-Conduction Mode PFC Using FAN9611 /
and FAN9611/12 PFC Excel®-based Design Tool.
1. Overview of the Evaluation Board
The FAN9611 interleaved, dual Boundary-Conduction-Mode (BCM), Power-FactorCorrection (PFC) controllers operate two parallel-connected boost power trains 180º out
of phase. Interleaving extends the maximum practical power level of the control
technique from about 300W to greater than 800W. Unlike the Continuous Conduction
Mode (CCM) technique often used at higher power levels, BCM offers inherent zerocurrent switching of the boost diodes (no reverse-recovery losses), which permits the use
of less expensive diodes without sacrificing efficiency. Furthermore, the input and output
filters can be smaller due to ripple current cancellation between the power trains and
doubling of effective switching frequency.
The advanced line feed-forward with peak detection circuit minimizes the output voltage
variation during line transients. To guarantee stable operation with less switching loss at
light load, the maximum switching frequency is clamped at 525kHz. Synchronization is
maintained under all operating conditions.
Protection functions include output over-voltage, over-current, open-feedback, undervoltage lockout, brownout, and redundant latching over-voltage protection. FAN9611 is
available in a lead-free, 16-lead, Small-Outline Integrated-Circuit (SOIC) package.
This FAN9611 evaluation board uses a four-layer Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designed
for 300W (400V/0.75A) rated power. The maximum rated power is 350W and the
Maximum On-Time (MOT) power limit is set to 360W. The FEBFAN9611_S01U300A
is optimized to demonstrate all the FAN9611 efficiency and protection features in a lowprofile height form factor less than 18mm.
180° Out-of-Phase Synchronization
Automatic Phase Disable at Light Load
1.8A Sink, 1.0A Source, High-Current Gate Drivers
Transconductance (g
Voltage-Mode Control with (V
Closed-Loop Soft-Start with Programmable Soft-Start Time for Reduced Overshoot
Minimum Restart Timer Frequency to Avoid Audible Noise
Maximum Switching Frequency Clamp
Brownout Protection with Soft Recovery
Non-Latching OVP on FB Pin and Second-Level Latching Protection on OVP Pin
Open-Feedback Protection
Over-Current and Power-Limit Protection for Each Phase
Low Startup Current: 80µA Typical
Works with DC input or 50Hz to 400Hz AC Input
This evaluation board has been designed and optimized for the conditions in Table 1.
Table 1. Electrical and Mechanical Requirements
Min. Typ. Max.
80V 120V 265V
50Hz 60Hz 65Hz
395V 400V 405V
300W 350W
18kHz 300kHz
250ms 300ms
Height 18mm
10V 11V
96% 96.5%
95% 98%
Mechanical and Thermal
The trip points for the built-in protections are set as below in the evaluation board.
The line UVLO (brownout protection) trip point is set at 80V
(10VAC hysteresis).
The pulse-by-pulse current limit for each MOSFET is set at 6A.
The current-limit function can be observed by measuring the individual inductor current
waveforms while operating at 85V
power limit is set at ~120% of the rated output power. The power-limit function can be
observed while operating at >115V
operating in power limit, the output voltage drops and the COMP voltage is saturated, but
the AC line current remains sinusoidal. The phase-management function permits phase
shedding / adding ~18% of the nominal output power for high line (230V
can be increased by modifying the MOT resistor (R6) as described in Fairchild
Application Note AN-6086 —Design Considerations for Interleaved Boundary-
Before applying power to the FEBFAN9611_S01U300A evaluation board; the DC bias
supply for V
should be connected to the board as shown in Figure 5.
Table 2. Specification Excerpt from FAN9611 Datasheet
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
4.1.Safety Precautions
The FEBFAN9611_S01U300A evaluation module produces lethal voltages and the bulk
output capacitors store significant charge. Please be extra careful when probing and
handling the module and observe a few precautions:
, AC voltage supply for line input, and DC electronic load for output
Startup Supply Current VDD = VON – 0.2V
Operating Current Output Not Switching
Dynamic Operating Current fSW = 50kHz; C
UVLO Start Threshold VDD Increasing
UVLO Stop Threshold Voltage VDD Decreasing
UVLO Hysteresis V
– V
80 110 µA
3.7 5.2 mA
= 2nF
4 6 mA
9.5 10.0 10.5 V
7.0 7.5 8.0 V
2.5 V
Start with a clean working surface, clear of any conductive material.
Be careful while turning on the power switch to the AC source.
Never probe or move a probe on the DUT while the AC line voltage is present.
Ensure the output capacitors are discharged before disconnecting the test leads. One
way to do this is to remove the AC power with the DC output load still switched on.
The load then discharges the output capacitors and the module is safe to disconnect.
Power-On Procedure
1. Supply V
specification for V
2. Connect the AC voltage (90~265V
FAN9611 has brownout protection, any input voltage less than the designed
minimum AC line voltage triggers brownout protection. FEBFAN9611_S01U300A
does not start until the AC input voltage is greater than 90V
3. Change load current (0~0.75A) and check the operation
4. Verify the output voltage is regulating between 395V
for the control chip first. It should be higher than 10.5V (refer to the
All efficiency data shown in this document was taken using the test set up shown in
Figure 5 with the output voltage being measured directly at the output bulk capacitors
(not through the output connector (J2)).
Power-Off Procedure
1. Make sure the electronic load is set to draw at least 100mA of constant DC current.
2. Disconnect (shut down) AC line voltage source.
3. Disconnect (shut down) 12V DC bias power supply.
4. Disconnect (shut down) DC electronic load last to ensure that the output capacitors
are fully discharged before handling the evaluation module.