Fairchild 74F160A service manual

74F160A • 74F162A Synchronous Presettable BCD Decade Counter
74F160A • 74F162A Synchronous Presettable BCD Decade Counter
April 1988 Revised July 1999
General Description
The 74F160A and 74F 162A are high-speed synchr onous decade counters operat ing in the BCD (8421) sequence. They are synchronously p rese tta ble fo r ap pl ica ti on s in pr o­grammable dividers. Ther e are two types of Count E nable inputs plus a T erminal Count output for versatility in forming synchronous multistage counters. The F160A has an asyn­chronous Master Rese t inp ut t hat overrides all other inp uts and forces the outputs LOW. The F162A ha s a Synchro­nous Reset input that overrides cou nting an d paral lel load­ing and allows all outputs to be simultaneously reset on the rising edge of th e clock. The F160A and F162A are high speed versions of the F160 and F162.
Synchronous counting and loading
High-speed synchronous expan si on
Typical count rate of 120 MHz
Ordering Code:
Order Number Package Number Package Description
74F160ASC M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150 Narrow 74F160ASJ M16D 16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide 74F160APC N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide 74F162ASC M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150 Narrow 74F162APC N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Devices also availab le in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering cod e.
Connection Diagrams
74F160A 74F162A
© 1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS009485 www.fairchildsemi.com
Logic Symbols
74F160A • 74F162A
Unit Loading/Fan Out
Pin Names Description
CEP Count Enable Parallel Input 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA CET Count Enable Trickle Input 1.0/2.0 20 µA/−1.2 mA CP Clock Pulse Input (Active Rising Edge) 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
(74F160A) Asynchronous Master Reset Input (Active LOW) 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
(74F162A) Synchronous Reset Input (Active LOW) 1.0/2.0 20 µA/−1.2 mA
TC Terminal Count Output 50/33.3 1 mA/20 mA
Parallel Data Inputs 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA Parallel Enable Input (Active LOW) 1.0/2.0 20 µA/−1.2 mA Flip-Flop Outputs 50/33.3 1 mA/20 mA
Input I
Output I
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Functional Description
The 74F160A and 74F162A count modulo-10 in the BCD (8421) sequence. From st ate 9 (HLLH) they increment to state 0 (LLLL). The clock inputs of all flip-flops are driven in parallel through a cl ock buffer. Thus all changes of the Q outputs (except due to Master Reset of the (F160A) occ ur as a result of, and synchronous with, the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the CP input signal. The circuits have four fun­damental modes of operation, in order of precedence: asynchronous reset ( F160A), synchronous reset (F162A),
parallel load, count-up and hold . Five con trol in puts—Ma s­ter Reset (MR Parallel Enable (PE Count Enable Trickle (CET )—det ermi ne the mode of ope r­ation, as shown in the Mode Select Table. A LOW signal on
overrides all other inputs and asynchronously forces all
MR outputs LOW. A LOW signal on SR parallel loading and allows all outputs to go LOW o n the next rising edge of CP. A LOW signal on PE counting and allows information on the Parallel Data (P
inputs to be loaded into the flip-flops on the next rising edge of CP. With PE HIGH, CEP and CET pe rmit counting when both are HIG H. Conversely, a LOW signal on either CE P or CET inhibits counting.
, F160A), Synchrono us Reset (SR, F162A),
), Count Enable Parallel (CEP) and
overrides counting and
and MR (F160A) or SR (F162A)
The F160A and F162A use D-type edge-triggered flip-flops and changing the S R CP is in either state does not cause error s, provided that the recommended setup and hold times, with respect to the rising edge of CP, are observed.
The Terminal Count (TC) output is HIGH when CET is HIGH and counter is in state 9. To implement synchronous multistage counters, the TC outputs can be used w ith the CEP and CET inputs in two different ways. Please ref er to the F568 data sheet. The TC o utput is su bje ct to deco ding spikes due to internal race conditions and is there fore not recommended for use as a clock or asynchronous reset for flip-flops, counters or re gisters. In the F160A and F162A decade counters, the TC output is fully decoded and can only be HIGH in state 9. If a decade counter is preset to an illegal state, or assumes an illegal state when power is applied, it will return to the normal sequence within two counts, as shown in the State Diagr am.
Logic Equations:
Count Enable = CEP × CET × PE
, PE, CEP and CET inputs when the
TC = Q0 × Q 1× Q 2 × Q3 × CET
74F160A • 74F162A
Mode Select Table
L X X X Reset (Clear) H L X X Load (P H H H H Count (Increment) H H L X No Change (Hold) H H X L No Change (Hold)
*For 74’F162A only H = HIGH Voltage Level L = LOW Voltage Level X = Immaterial
Action on the Rising
Clock Edge (
Logic Diagram
State Diagram
Please note that this d iagram is provided only f or t he understanding of lo gic operations and shou ld not be used to estimate propagation delays.
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