Fagor Commercial IFA-80BL, IFA-80 AL Installation Manual

Cooking Hob
: Save this manual for the local electrical inspector’s use.
: Please leave this manual with the unit for the owner.
: Please keep this manual for future reference.
: Local codes vary. Installation, electrical connections and
grounding must comply with all applicable codes.
- Proper Installation - Be sure your appliance is properly grounded and installed
by a qualified technician.
- Never Use your Appliance for Warming or Heating the Room.
- Do Not Leave Children Alone - Children should not be left alone or unattended in an area where appliance is in use. They should never be allowed to sit or stand on any part of the appliance.
- Wear Proper Apparel - Loose-fitting or hanging garments should never be worn while using the appliance.
- User Servicing - Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically recommended in the manual. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician.
- Storage in or on Appliance - Flammable materials should not be stored near surface units.
- Do Not Use Water on Grease Fires - Smother fire or flame or use dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
- Use Only Dry Potholders - Moist or damp potholders on hot surfaces may result in burns from steam. Do not let potholder touch hot heating elements. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth.
- Use Proper Pan Size - This appliance is equipped with several, differently sized, induction elements. Select utensils having flat bottoms, large enough to cover the surface unit heating element. Proper size pots and pans will also improve efficiency.
- DO NOT TOUCH SURFACE UNITS OR AREAS NEAR UNITS - Surface units may be hot even though they are dark in color. Areas near surface units may become hot enough to cause burns. During and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact surface units or areas near units until they have had sufficient time to cool.
. Do Not Heat Unopened Food Containers - Build-up of pressure may cause
container to burst and result in injury.
. Never Leave Surface Units Unattended at High Heat Settings - Boil-over causes
smoking and greasy spillovers that may ignite.
. Do not use aluminum foil, aluminum liners or aluminum containers on the
14. Utensil Handles Should Be Turned inward and Not Extend Over Adjacent Surface Units - To reduce the risk of burns, and spillage due to unintentional contact with the utensil, the handle of a utensil should be positioned so that it is turned inward, and does not extend over adjacent surface units.
15. Do not Cook on Broken Cooktop - If cooktop should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may penetrate the broken cooktop and create a risk of electric shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately.
16. Clean Cook-Top With Caution - If a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid steam burn. Some cleaners can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface.
CCAAUUTTIIOONN Do not store items of interest to children in cabinets above or around the cooktop ­children climbing on the cooktop to reach items, could be seriously injured.
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
BBeeffoorree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn 55 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn 66 OOtthheerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss 77 EElleeccttrriiccaall
CCoonnnneeccttiioonn 88
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss 99 PPrriinncciippllee ooff IInndduuccttiioonn 1100 GGllaassss TToopp,, CCooiill SSiizzee aanndd CCoonnttrroollss 1111 CCoonnttrroollss aanndd OOppeerraattiioonn 1122 HHeeaattiinngg ZZoonneess,, CCooiill SSiizzeess && UUtteennssiillss 1122 PPoowweerr SShhaarriinngg 1122 UUtteennssiillss ffoorr YYoouurr IInndduuccttiioonn UUnniitt 1133 MMaattcchhiinngg PPoottss && PPaannss wwiitthh CCooiillss eettcc.. 1133 TToo DDoo oorr NNoott ttoo DDoo 1144 CClleeaanniinngg RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss 1155 TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg 1166
YYoouurr ssaaffeettyy aanndd eeaassee ooff uussee aarree iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo uuss.. In this manual we have provided a number of safety warnings and as well as numerous tips and hints for using the unit. Warnings and tips are marked with the following symbols:
Safety warning symbol
Tips and hints
If you are receiving the unit from a transportation company, it is customer’s obligation to inspect thepackage and note any damage on the delivery receipt. After delivery, have your induction cooktop carefully unpacked, and again check forany visible damage. If you find any damage onthe unit at this point, immediately inform your dealer or distributor. Although the responsibility for shipping lies with the carrier, your dealer/ distributor will assist you with your claim. If the unit is not supposed to be installed for some time, you should keep it in its original packaging, stored in a dry and safe place. Read through the section of this manual which pertains to installation, and make sure that all of the requirements can be provided or are already provided. Ensure that your electric power supply is correct. Before you install the unit, you should take a moment to write down the information from your nameplate and fill-out the table on page 19, for future after-sale servicing needs. This information will be required every time you call for any service on your unit.
Before Installation
To install the cooktop, cut out a rectangular opening in the counter as shown on the drawing and table below. Also, ensure that you have a minimum of 10 mm (3/8”) of space in the back of the unit, between the rim and backsplash on your counter (or wall if no backsplash) for ventilation. A self-adhesive gasket is supplied with your unit. Before setting the cooktop in place install this gasket by sticking it underneath the rim.
f your counter is produced from porous materials which tend to swell if in contact
with humidity and water, to better protect the cut-out, use proper sealants on the
edge which would prevent any penetration of humidity and water.
Chamfer all exposed edges of decorative laminates to prevent further chipping.
Radius corners of the cut-out and file them to ensure smooth edges and prevent
corner cracking.
Rough edges and inside corners which are not rounded as well as forced fits can
contribute to cracking of counter top laminate.
IApply the gasket only along the front rim and on both sides. This gasket will prevent most of the spills from entering the cabinet below and will keep the unit in place. Once the gasket is installed, place the cooktop in the opening, and lay it on the rim. Do this carefully - do not drop the unit into the cut­out. Make sure that the unit is sitting properly on its rim all around the perimeter.
779900 mmmm IIFF--8800 993388 mmmm IIFF--9900
Cut-out dimensions
551188 mmmm
449966 mmmm
775500 mmmm 990000 mmmm
7722 mmmm
1100 mmmm
1100 mmmm
1100 mmmm
1100 mmmm == 33//88
Name plate and rating plate located on bottom of cooktop.
4 cm
4 cm
4 cm
4 cm
OOtthheerr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
YYoouurr ccooookk--ttoopp mmuusstt aallwwaayyss bbrreeaatthh aaddeeqquuaatteellyy.. MMaakkee ssuurree tthhaatt tthhee aaiirr iinnlleett aanndd iittss eexxhhaauusstt aarree nnoott oobbs
TThhee uunniitt mmuusstt nnoott bbee iinnssttaalllleedd aabboovvee aa wwaasshhiinngg mmaacchhiinnee,, aa rreeffrriiggeerraattoorr oorr aa ddeeeepp-- ffrreeeezzeerr b
TToo eelliimmiinnaattee tthhee rriisskk ooff bbuurrnnss oorr ffiirree bbyy rreeaacchhiinngg oovveerr hheeaatteedd ssuurrffaaccee uunniittss,, ccaabbiinneett ssttoorraaggee ssppaaccee llooccaatteedd aabboovvee tthhee ssuurrffaaccee uunniittss sshhoouulldd bbee aavvooiiddeedd..
TThhee uunniitt mmuusstt bbee iinnssttaalllleedd ssuucchh tthhaatt iitt ccaann bbee ppuulllleedd wwiitthhoouutt ddiiffffiiccuullttyy oouutt ooff tthhee ccuutt--oouutt ffoorr sseerrvviicciinngg oorr cclleeaanniinngg..
NNeevveerr gglluuee,, ssiilliiccoonnee oorr wweed
dggee tthhee uunniitt iinnssiiddee iittss ccuutt--oouutt..
During cooking, built-in fan inside the cooktop will operate constantly to keep the internal components cool. The air intake is on the bottom of the cooktop box, and the warm air exhaust is located on the front of the rim, as shown on the schematic. If the air intake or the exhaust is obstructed, the cooktop safeties will either diminish the power output or shut down the unit.
We suggest that you should periodically check that there are no objects (dust, paper,
etc.) which could obstruct the air inlet under your induction cooktop.
Although induction-cooktop heat rejection is minimal and the unit does not create any fumes in operation, such unit must be installed underneath a properly sized ventilation hood for exhausting any smell, vapor and smoke created by cooking itself.
Also, a proper downdraft system can be used for ventilation.
A minimum vertical clearance of 750 mm [30”] is required between the top of the cooking surface and the bottom of any unprotected combustible material, such as cabinets, wooden trim etc.
In the back, leave a minimum of 10 mm [3/8”] between the cooktop edge and adjacent vertical surfaces (backsplash, wall, high cabinets etc.). This space is needed for the unit to breath properly.
If a downdraft ventilation system is used, a minimum of 6 mm (1/4”) of clearance is required between the rear edge of the cooktop and the downdraft snorkel.
Leave a minimum of 50 mm [2”] underneath the unit for the air intake.
Cabinet below
Cabinet Above
750 mm 30”
10 [3/8”]
Cabinet Above
750 mm (30”)
10 [3/8"]
Cabinet Below
50 mm (2”)
Electrical Connection
PPhhaassee 22
PPhhaassee 11
ccooookkttoopp eelleeccttrriiccaall cchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss aarree::
Operating voltage................................................... 240 V~ 60 Hz
Maximum power output .............................................. 7200 W 30A
Connect to .............. 240 V, 60 Hz, 2 Pole+G, 40 A minimum supply,
(3 conductors #10 AWG)
240 V
Connect the 3 wires as per the following
colour code
EElleeccttrriiccaall wwiirriinngg iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
An adequate electrical supply must be provi­ded for this unit. All wire connections and grounding must be done in accordance with local electrical codes, or if these codes are not established, then with the National Electri­cal Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70 in the US , or with the Canadian Electrical Code, CAN/CSA C22.1, in Canada.
This unit comes equipped with three connec­tion wires in a flexible conduit. The conduit must be routed and properly connected to an approved, owner-supplied, electrical, wall junction-box. An approved connector must be used for connecting the conduit to the junc­tion box. A three wire, 2 poles, 240 V, 60 Hz service with minimum 40 A circuit protector must be provided. The red and the black wire from the unit are to be connected to the servi­ce (”hot”) wires, and the green wire is to be connected to the ground conductor.
The circuit protector for the unit should be properly marked inside electric panel and any­body using the unit, or technician servicing the unit, should be advised of circuit protecto­r’s location, so that the power to the unit can be disconnected when necessary.
Once the unit is properly fitted and connected to the electrical power supply, turn the unit on to ensure that all elements and controls are operating well.
Note that your unit is designed for a stabile and steady 240 V supply and the manufactu­rer, its distributors and dealers cannot be held
responsible for any unit malfunction due to an inadequate electrical supply (inadequate ca­ble size, low voltage, power surge etc). Fur­thermore, if your residence has only a 208 V supply system, and if the voltage frequently fluctuates, your cooktop may not function pro­perly
It is recommended that the connection to electrical supply is done by a qualified electri­cian.
If there is any visible physical damage on the conduit and the wires, the unit must not be connected to the mains. A qualified electrician or approved service agent should be called in to replace the wires and the conduit.
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss -- RReeaadd bbeeffoorree ooppeerraattiinngg yyoouurr ccooookkttoopp
Your induction-cooking unit has been designed for residential use and food preparation, and all of the safety parameters have been rectified accordingly.
The unit incorporates numerous safety devices and controls, and a few devices will be mentioned here.
- A number of sensors monitor temperature of internal components. If any of these sensors senses that the component temperature is above the limit, the power output of the unit will automatically be reduced, allowing the component to cool down. Once this is achieved, the unit will continue to operate normally at the output level set initially by the operator.
- Each induction coil is equipped with a sensor which is continuously monitoring the temperature of the bottom of the pan to prevent the pan from overheating.
- Each induction coil is equipped with a pan sensing device. This device will not allow the heating element to turn on unless it senses a cooking utensil on the coil covering enough surface area. The indication that the coil is not running is the flashing of the digital display. Once the pan is put properly on the coil, the digital display will become steady. Note that a small object such as a fork, a spoon, a piece of jewelry, etc. will not be mistaken for a cooking utensil, and it will not trigger this sensor. Moreover, this device will distinguish between cooking utensils which are and are not suitable for induction cooking. If a cooking utensil which is not suitable for induction cooking is placed on a coil there will be no power output on the coil.
- If an operator leans on the keypad by chance for more then ten seconds, controls
will disable the heating section of the unit. This occurrence is called ‘long press’ and when it happens “-” signs will appear on power displays. The unit will act the same if there is an accumulation of some liquid on the keypad area, or if a damp cloth is left sitting on the keypad. The section will become operational again once the spill or the object/hand is removed, and the element turned back on.
In an effort of constantly improving our products, we reserve the right to make any changes to internal components, as well as, to make any(cosmetic) modifications on the outside frame.
This unit does not contain any asbestos or asbestos based components.
This unit has been tested and certified under FCC part 15 and CFR Title 47, Part 18, for electromagnetic interference.
The users with heart pacemakers must consult with the pacemaker manufacturer prior to using this cooktop which incorporates induction heating source.
If a crack appears in the glass surface, disconnect the unit immediately to avoid any risk of electric shock. If the unit is connected directly to supply inside a junction box, then
disconnect its breaker, or remove fuses manually. Do not re-use your cooktop until the glass top is changed. When cooking never use aluminum foil and never place products wrapped in aluminum foil, nor
products deep-frozen in aluminum packs on the hob. Aluminum foil could melt and damage vitroceramic glass surface beyond repair.
TThhee pprriinncciippllee ooff iinndduuccttiioonn
Induction coil Inverter Induced currents
For a proper choice of utensils, please refer to “Utensils for Your Induction”
When using induction elements, some utensils may produce faint humming sound. This is a normal occurrence - the noise is a result of vibrations caused by induced currents.
When an induction element - also called: ‘a heating zone’, or simply: ‘a coil’ - is switched on, the appropriate utensil is used, and a desi­red level of heating power selected, the elec­tronic circuit unit (‘induction generator’ or ‘in­verter’) powers up the induction coil which creates a magnetic field. This magnetic field continuously changes in terms of frequency and intensity, and this creates induced cur­rents in the bottom of the utensil and ultimate­ly results in heat. The heat is transferred di­rectly to the food being cooked.
Thus, induction heat makes the utensil a di­rect source of heat, featuring high level of effi­ciency with extremely low energy loss and un­paralleled heating level control.
With induction cooking there is very little ‘hea­ting inertia’. Induction cooking elements do not incorporate a heat generating element ­unlike convectional electric rings, halogen or radiant elements etc. - therefore, heat levels can be changed very quickly.
Energy efficiency for induction is within range of 90-95%, compared with 55-65% for conven­tional and radiant element, or 45% - 55% for gas fueled burners. The energy efficiency contributes to substantial energy savings, both beneficial to the owner as well as the en­vironment.
Induction cooking elements are sensitive to the utensil type being used :
- if there is no utensil placed on the coil, or if the utensil is not of induction grade, there will be no power emitted by the coil;
- if the utensil is placed partially on the coil, or if it is smaller than the coil, the internal sen­sors will reduce power to the coil; The Princi­ple of Induction
- if the utensil is fully removed from the coil, the power output will be instantaneously redu­ced to ‘0’, and, eventually, the controls will turn the element off after a minute, unless the utensil is returned back onto the coil.
When compared to the other methods of co­oking, induction cooking has a very low level of ambient heat, thus makes cooking more pleasurable, with a reduced need for ventila­tion.
Finally, the vitroceramic glass as a cooking surface barely becomes hot and this makes cleaning much easier.
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