Setting up your FANUC control for RS232 Communications
Setting up RS232 communication with the very popular Fanuc control is quite easy and straight
forward. Once you have the correct cabling, all you have to do is match the baud rate and you
are off and running....well, mostly!
Here are the steps to your success:
1) You can either build, have us
build or we can offer you a
standard, off-the-shelf 6' nullmodem cable configured as in
Figure #1 (10D3-FA). From
the 25 pin side, you only need a
straight through cable to reach
your Fadal (or Fanuc Control)
and you are now properly
connected at whatever length
you need. We offer straight
through cables in 10', 25', 50' &
100' lengths.
**NOTE: We highly recommend
that you DO NOT USE A USB TO
RS232 converter. The USB
communications standard is so
much faster than a CNC controls
ability to transfer data via the
RS232 port, so many errors occur
that many times it is impossible to
make it work. Do yourself a favor
and purchase a 9 pin RS232
expansion board for your PC. This
will work perfectly and save days
of headaches trying to make your
converter to work.
www.FadalCNC.com • 208-855-9426

2) At the Fanuc control, make sure you are in MDI mode, then press the SETTINGS key, and
soft key SETTINGS to turn the parameter lock to 1. (See Figure #2) The control wil l
immediately throw you to the alarm page. This is normal (See Figure #3). Go back to this
settings page and make sure your I/O setting is set to zero. (See Figure #4)
www.FadalCNC.com • 208-855-9426