Installation Instructions / Warranty
Axor Citterio

Axor Citterio Tub Filler
If measurement * is less than the air gap
required in your area, install this item with
extension 97686000 (sold separately).

Technical Data
Operating pressure: max. 147 psi
Recommended operating pressure: 15 - 72 psi
Hot water temperature: max. 176° F*
Recommended hot water temp.: 120° F - 140° F*
Flow rate at 44 psi: approx. 5.8 gpm
Requires rough 10452181 (not included)
Hansgrohe single lever mixers can be used together with hydraulically and thermically controlled
continuous flow heaters if the flow pressure is at least 15 psi.
*Know and follow all applicable local plumbing codes when setting the temperature on the water heater. In
Massachusetts, the water heater may be set no higher than 112° F.
Turn the water off at the main before beginning!
Cut the plaster shield so that it extends 3/8”
above the surface of the finished floor.
Remove the flush housing screws with an 8 mm
Allen wrench (not included). Remove the flush
housing. Do not discard the screws!