Scirocco Down Draft Range Hood
Disappearing down draft kitchen range hood
Downdraft retracts into
counter when not in use
The Scirocco down draft is perfect for island installations, where an overhead canopy would be obstructive, or wall
installations where cabinet space is at a premium. With the touch of a button the Scirocco rises a full 8 1/4” above
the counter and retracts back down again when finished cooking with the press of a button.
Model # Size | Color Performance Range Sound Levels
30 SS Internal
36 SS Internal
30 SS Remote
36 SS Remote
900 cfm Remote Blower
250 - 500 CFM
250 - 500 CFM
450 - 900 CFM
3.5 - 6.5 sones
3.5 - 6.5 sones
NOTE: “IB” models include a 500 cfm blower in the box, “RB”
models require a seperately purchased 900 cfm remote blower
Feature Chart
Convertible to Ductless / Recirculating N / A
Controls rotary speed control dial with on/off button
Lighting N / A
Ducting 3 1/4” x 10” Rectagle (internal blower) OR 10” Round (remote blower)
Multiple Ducting Options left, right, down, backwards (internal blower) or forward (remote blower)
Grease Filters dishwasher safe stainless mesh
No brand logo on stainless top strip Ye s
Innovative Safety features Yes (microswitch behind grease filters prevent lowering when washing
filters) AND (top strip “pops off” if an object obstructs its path)
Auto shut off Ye s
AC Input / AC Power 120 V - 60 hz / Max 330 W at 2.8 A
Annual Electricty Costs $5.28 / Year *
* Note – ran 30 minutes a day on low speed with the lights on, 365 days, using the North American average of 12.2 cents per kWh.
p.o. box 435 • Wayland, MA 01778 • tel: (508) 358-5353 • fax: (508) 358-5730 • e-mail: info@faberonline.com • www.faberonline.com

Dimensional Diagrams
(see installation instructions for more information)
Internal Blower Remote Blower
Ductwork Cutout Dimensions
For Internal Blower Model Only!
A black plastic duct collar plate (provided
with the remote blower) attaches to the front
of the downdraft plenun over this 9” hole. The
10” (25.4 cm) round duct system attaches to
this duct collar plate.
Countertop Cutout Dimensions
For Both Internal and Remote Models
WARNING! You must know the cook top cutout to determine the
downdraft cutout. Consult the cook top manufacturer’s installation
instructions before cutting the counter top.
Rev. 11/12