ond it opens the upper panel. It switches the motor on
at the latest sele cte d spe ed.
Upper panel open: when shortly pressed it switches
the motor o n/o ff .
Indicates the selected speed.
B Decreases the suction speed. Number of lit LEDS decreases.
C Increases the suction speed. Number of lit LEDS increases.
D Functioning only when the upper panel is open. This
speed h as been tim ed at 10 min utes. After t hat time
the system activates automatically the latest selected
speed. The function is suitable for cooking conditions
when vapour s and s m e lls are of the utm o s t e m is sio n.
I flashes and all the LEDS on th e display
are lit.
By pressing the key the function is deactivated.
E Functioning only when the upper panel is open. By
pressing this key it is possible to set up the motor to a
suction spee d at 1 00 m
/h .
24–symbol appears and the LEDS on the
display go o ff cy clically, one by one.
By pressing the key the function is deactivated.
F Functioning only when the motor is on. By pressing
this key it is possible to set the delayed shutdown of
the motor and t he lighting to 30 m in ute s .
A flashing clock symbo l appears.
By pressing the key the function is deactivated.
G By pressing this key for about 2 seconds it is possible
to reset the fil te r sa tur atio n al ar m .
A drop symbol indicates that the metal
grease filters saturation alarm has been
activated, and the filters need to be
washed. The alarm is triggered after 100
working ho ur s.
C indicates that the charcoal filter saturation alarm has been activated, and the filter
has to be replaced. The alarm s triggered
after 200 w o r king ho ur s .
H By pressing this key the intensity of the lighting sys-
tem can be modif ied up to five levels.
I Upper panel closed: when pressed for about 1 second
it opens the upper panel and sets the lights at the
maximum inte nsity.
Upper panel open: when shortly pressed it switches
the lights o n/o ff .
L Upper panel closed: when pressed for about one sec-
ond it opens the upper panel and switches the motor
on at the third speed and the lights at the maximum
Upper panel open: when pressed for about 1 second it
switches off motor and lights resetting every activated
function, and cl oses the uppe r panel.
Keyboard lock: it is possible to jam the ke yboard when, for examp le, cleaning the gl ass. The
motor and lights are switched off, and upper panel can be open or closed.
By pressing the F-key (Delay) for about 5 seconds the keyboard block can be activated or deactivated. This function is confirmed by a Beep and by moving motor LEDS on display.