Ezurio TDK-BTISM Users Manual

By: Nick Letheren Date: January 2003
Thank you for purchasing the TDK Bluetooth Intelligent Serial Module Motherboard. This board allows the TDK Intelligent Serial Module to be connected to a PC.
Related documents:
TDK Bluetooth AT Serial Module Software Description
Circuit Description for Motherboard
Basically there 3 parts to the motherboard.
RS232 Serial interface. This provides a direct interface to any standard RS232 port on a PC or peripheral. Component U2 is a level shifter on the RX, TX, CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, RI signals that converts between the 3.3V required on the module to the standard RS232 level. 9-way D type connector (J2) is configured so that it will directly connect to the Serial port of a PC.
Audio interface. Connector J9 allows a headset or audio source to be connected to the Intelligent Serial Module. The PCM signals from the Serial module are converted by CODEC (U4) to analog output. The Mic input is passed via the CODEC to the PCM input of the module. The circuit is designed to drive a simple mobile phone type headset.
Flash upgrade interface. The 25-way D type connector (J1) allows the Intelligent Serial Module to be reflashed using the Bluelab utilities provided by CSR. The connector is organised so that a direct one-to-one cable to the parallel port of a PC will allow the utilities to run.
The Audio and Flash upgrade circuit are on one half of the PCB so that they could be removed in applications using the RS232 interface only. The board is designed so that if the wire links are removed it can be snapped in two parts.
The motherboard and Intelligent Serial Module will connect to the Serial Port of any PC. The user can simply communicate with the module using any Terminal Emulator software such as Hyper-terminal or Procomm.
An alternative Emulator is included on the CD emulation application capable of running on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP operating systems. It was developed specifically to aid development and testing of TDK’s
. “TDK Terminal” is a terminal
Bluetooth Serial Module. It allows connection to serial devices using any combination of the following communications parameters:-
Comport: 1 to 255 Baudrate: 300 to 921600 Parity: None, Odd, Even Data Bits: 7 or 8 Stop Bits 1 or 2 Handshaking: None or Cts/Rts
Differentiating features with respect to other terminal emulation applications are:-
Status of DSR, CTS, DCD and RI are continuously displayed DTR can be directly controlled via a check box RTS can be directly controlled BREAK signals can be sent
Finally, there is a “DATA TRANSFER TEST” mode which allows data to be sent as fast as the handshaking will allow. This feature is very useful for testing the bit transfer of a Bluetooth connection.
To run the TDK Terminal expand the file TDKterminal.zip and copy the .exe file into a working directory. Simply run TDKterminal.exe, instructions are provided.
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