EZ DUPE Flex PRO SD User Manual

Copyright 2015. All right reserved
I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 2
1. Features ................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Control Panel Overview ....................................................................................................................... 3
...................................................................................................................................... 4
II. WARNING ............................................................................................................................. 4
III. SYNCHRONOUS /ASYNCHRONOUS MODE.................................................................... 5
1. Synchronous Mode .............................................................................................................................. 5
2. Asynchronous Mode ............................................................................................................................ 5
IV. MENU OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 7
1. Copy...................................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Compare ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Co py + Compare................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Dual Source Copy + Compare ............................................................................................................. 8
5. Format + Capacity Check..................................................................................................................... 8
6. Utility..................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Measure Speed ................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Quick Erase ........................................................................................................................................ 9
6.3 Full Erase............................................................................................................................................ 9
6.4 Media Information ............................................................................................................................ 10
6.5 System In fo rmation .......................................................................................................................... 10
6.6 System Update ................................................................................................................................. 10
7. Setup................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.1 Copy Area ......................................................................................................................................... 11
7.2 As ynchronous Mode ........................................................................................................................ 11
7.3 Set Type of Format ........................................................................................................................... 12
7.4 Set Cap acity Threshold.................................................................................................................... 12
7.5 Set Slow Out Threshold ................................................................................................................... 13
7.6 Performance .................................................................................................................................... 14
7.7 Button Beep ...................................................................................................................................... 14
7.8 Boo t Password ................................................................................................................................. 14
7.9 Lock Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 15
7.10 Language ........................................................................................................................................ 15
7.11 Clear Set u p ..................................................................................................................................... 16
V. BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................... 16

I. Introduction

Fle x Pro i s a 23-targetcom m ercial gr ad e SD/Micro SD duplic ator which only takes up to 1/10 of a r egular dupl icator sp ace. It has higher output capacity and powerful functionalities by bundle with special designed user menu selections, su ch as Dual Source Copy + Compare, Format + Capacity Check, and Set Slow Out Threshold.
The com pact and li ght w eigh t Fl ex Pr o SD/ Micr o SD dupl ic ator is ideal for workplaces with space limitation, lik e small off ic e and ret ail s tor e. With exp and able d esig n, Fl ex Pr o c an be da isy chained together up to ten units to provide 239 ports fo r duplication, wh ich is 10 times outpu t c apac ity t h an a s in gle unit m aking your daily job easier and flexible even with huge quantity duplication demand.
Flex Pro is designed and developed based on the FPGA from the world famous semic onduct or company XI LINX. E very process i ng c hannel is parallel to eac h ot h er w ith its own control unit, therefore the duplicator will not sacrifice speed for the increasing number of targets load ed - always r em ain th e same an d fast cop y s p e ed. Th e duplicat or s u pp or ts fast cop y wit h mult iple fi le for mats c reated b y three major operat ing s ystems ( W indows/ Linux/ MAC), and makes mirror copies of data efficiently. Furt hermore, this duplicator has been full y test ed with qu al ity assur ance bef ore leavi ng our manufacturing facili ty.
1. Features
a. Each processing channel has its own control unit and operates independently with
dedicated bandwi dt h of up t o 25MB per second.
b. Standalone operation. No PC or software is required, minimizing possible computer
virus infection. c. Inst ant power on and of f , no war m-up or cool-down required. d. E asy to use One-Touch operation. e. Compare function available for verification of copy accuracy. The newly added Dual
Sourc e Cop y + C ompare f uncti on c an furth er compare th e copi ed media with s econd
source to make sure the copy accuracy against unexpected damage to the source
media. f. Menu op tions are us er-friendl y an d easi l y ac cessed thr ou gh t he 4-button control panel.
LCD Screen
▼ Button
▲ Button
ENT Button
ESC Button
Use ▲or ▼ button to scroll through the options and view the operation status of each
ch ann el on th e 2-line backlit LCD display. g. Support Synchronous and Asynchronous copy m o des for best o pe rat ion effi ci ency . h. Powerful 32-bit CRC checksum to assure data integrity. i. Heavy-duty hardware construction for commercial production and personal use. j. External power adapter with full range of voltage (100V-240V) input makes it possible to
duplicate anywh er e ar ou nd the wor l d. k. Desig ned to save ti me and eff ort in creati ng multi ple copi es quic kly and r eliably, Fl ex
Pro can be daisy chained together to provide up to 239 ports for duplication l. Unique source data analysis to copy data area only to achi eve high e s t eff ic iency
m. Supports multiple file formats: W indows: FAT 16/32、exFAT、NTFS , Linu x: Ext 2/3/ 4,
Mac: HFS/H FS + n. Eliminating th e m edi a with s l ow r e ad/write s peed t o expedit e the process f or the rest of
media in the same batch.
2. Control Panel Overview
Button: Up, Backward Button: Down, Forwar d: ENT Button: Enter, OK: ESC Button: Escape, Cancel:
: To navigate backward in the menu.
To navigate forward in the menu.
Execute the function.
Go back to the previous level in the menu.
23targets (up to 239 targets by Daisy chain)
Copy Speed
25 MB/s
Copy Mode
Synchronous and Asynchronous
Copy Area
Whole Media, File and System(Fast Copy)
Supported Media
SD/Micro SD card (SD/SDHC/SDXC)
2-line Backlit Monochrome LCD
Control Button
4 push-button control panel (ENT, ESC, UP, DOWN )
128MB DDR3


Operation Standalone (No PC or Software is required)
Supported File System Format (for Fast Copy)
WindowsFAT16/32, exFAT, NTFS
Power Ada ptor
InputAC 10 0-240V; OutputDC 12V/3A

II. Warning

1. The du pl icator tasks m en t i on ed in this user’s m an u al ar e as foll ow in g: C opy, C om p ar e ,
Copy + C ompare, Dual Sourc e C opy + Comp are, F ormat + C apaci ty Ch ec k, an d the
functions under Utility sub menu, such as Measure Speed, Quick Erase, Full Erase and
Media Information.
2. All the tasks can be executed in sync hr onous m ode, an d as ynchr onous mod e (except
Copy + Compare function and Dual Source Copy + Compare).
3. The Gr een LED f lash es d uri ng th e exec uti on proc ess of a t ask. A ft er th e tas k is d one ,
the Green LED will stay solid if the process is successful, otherwi se the Red L ED wi ll be
on if the process is failed.
4. Press and hold ESC butt on during th e executi on process of a task w i ll st op and exit the
execution of the task.
5. DO NO T unplu g SD or Micro SD card f r om t h e du pl icator d uring th e exec ut ion pr ocess
of a task. I t m ay c ause damage to the duplic ator system and m ed i a.
6. It is strongly recommended that the capacities of the source and target media are equal
or similar.
7. DO NOT plug in SD or Micro SD card until the duplicator boots up. It may cause
abnormal results if a SD or Micro SD card with quality issue is plugged in before or
during the boot up process.

III. Synchronous /Asynchronous Mode

1. Synchronous Mode

Synchronous Mode (default) means t h at th e d up licat or will start t o ex ec ute a tas k after the

source and tar g et devic es h av e been i nsert ed an d the E NT button is pr essed. The t as k w ill begi n and end at th e sam e time f or all target devic es. Any ot her targ et device plugg ed in durin g the proces s of a task wi ll n ot be ex ec uted wit h th e t as k.
a. Insert s ourc e device i nt o the s ourc e ch annel an d blan k devices into the target channels
properly. The LCD display will show no source disk when source device is not plugged in
yet, and show the number of target devices inserted when source device plugg ed in . b. The green LE D wil l be on if the t arg et devic e is pl ug ged in properl y. c. Selec t t h e tas k from menu, and press E NT butt on to ex ec ut e i t. d. Duri ng the ex ecut ion pr oc ess, th e status of each targ et devic e c an be chec ked b y using
the ▲ and ▼ buttons. e. After the task is done, LCD display will show the number of successful and failed
2. Asy nchronous Mode

Asynchr onous M ode means th at t he du plic ator will r ead th e dat a f rom s ourc e d evic e int o

system memory buffer and start to execute a task immediately when target device(s) ins erted . Dupl icator does n ot have t o wait f or all t arget devic e(s) t o be ins erted in order to start the execution of the task at the same time. No matter the data size of the source device,
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