Technical Specifi cation
Spherical power:
Cylindrical power:
Astigmatic axis:
Minimum pupil diameter:
Light source:
Power supply:
Minimum smartphone requirement:
-10 to +8 D (0.25 D steps)
0 D to -5D (0.25 D steps)
0° to 180° (1° steps)
2 mm
3.62 inch x 2 inch x 1.38 inch (92 mm x
50 mm x 35 mm)
Smartphone Display (eye safe)
10°C (50 °F) to 40°C (104 °F)
10% to 95% RH (Non-condensing)
250 ppi screen resolution
Intended Use
The EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker (PVT) is a self-administered, mobile applicationdriven refraction device that provides spherical, cylindrical and axis measurements
of the eye. The PVT allows the tracking of changes over time and generate estimated
refractive corrections.
The EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker (PVT) is a self-administered refraction
measurement device that uses the light from your smartphone screen to determine
EyeQue EyeGlass Numbers: lens power needed to correct nearsightedness or
farsightedness as well as lens power and axis needed to correct for astigmatism. Your
EyeQue results are safely stored in the cloud.
EyeGlass Numbers are not prescriptions and personal vision testing does not replace
the need for an annual eye health exam.
For ages 18 years or older.