Extronic Electronic PD-33 DL Installation Instructions Manual

PD-33 DL is a passive infrared detector intended for presence
detection and the control of light ttings over a DALI bus. It uses a pyroelectric sensor that reacts to changes in thermal radiation.
PD-33 DL is able to turn on, dim and turn off DALI light t­tings.
Multiple detectors work together if they are controlling the
same group of light ttings or if they are using broadcast addressing.
The light level can be controlled directly (100%, 10%, 0%) or by choosing preset levels from scenes 10, 14 and 15.
Adjustable presence delay of 2 seconds to 20 minutes.
Timer controls duration of low-level lighting before switch-
off, 5 minutes or 30 minutes.
Conguration for ofce environments that use a different form of signal processing when presence is detected.
“No start” mode can be selected that simply keeps lighting switched on. (Switched on manually with pushbutton.)
Power is supplied via the DALI bus (max. consumption 12 mA).
Settings are adjusted using knobs and jumpers on the de­tector circuit board.
Lens can be replaced to adjust the detection range. A choice of lenses is available.
Check that the “Activity Low/Ofce” jumper is set to the “Low” position.
Carry out a walk test over the entire detection area. Note! The lens must be tted and the cover must be in place. Adjust vertically and horizontally as required.
After the walk test and adjustment, the presence delay should be set to the lowest setting. In dynamic lighting con­trol applications, such as stairways and corridors, a suitable time is 1–2 minutes. In other applications, such as class­rooms and garages, the time can be set to 6–8 minutes or in line with the light source supplier’s recommendations.
Set the “Occupancy Activity” jumper to match the level of activity in the premises.
We recommend that the LED is disconnected once adjust­ment is complete (see “Detector settings”), to minimise the risk of tampering.
Basic terminology
Broadcast: Broadcast addressing means that the detector
sends its DALI commands to all light ttings at the same time.
Groups: The light ttings in a DALI system can also be con­trolled using group addresses. (DALI supports 16 groups.)
Direct control: The light ttings are controlled by setting the lighting level with DALI commands (Direct level).
Scene: Each light tting can have 16 programmed scenes. Each scene means that the light tting is lit at a certain level (intensity). The light levels of the scenes for each light tting can be programmed using a computer.
Operating mode: Direct level or Extronic. Direct level means
that the light levels are controlled directly and at preset levels. Extronic means that the light ttings are switched between scenes 10, 14 and 15.
Presence delay: The length of time that the lighting re-
mains switched on at the normal level after presence is no longer detected. Low-level delay: (Timer delay, base level duration) The length of time that the lighting remains at the base level be­fore it is switched off completely.
No start: The lighting is not switched on automatically when presence is detected. It can be switched on manually using a pushbutton.
Normal level: – light level that is used when someone is present in the premises.
Base level: – low light level that is used when premises are empty.
Introduction ...........................................................................................1
Commissioning .....................................................................................1
Basic terminology .................................................................................1
Detector settings...................................................................................2
Mode Direct level: Direct control of light level.......................................3
Application example, “Mode Direct level” .............................................4
Mode Extronic: Control using scenes 10, 14 and 15 ............................5
Application example “Mode Extronic” ...................................................6
Wiring examples ...................................................................................9
Lens ....................................................................................................10
Replacing and adjusting lenses .........................................................10
Technical specication .......................................................................10
Installation instructions
Order no. 13150, E no. 13 060 85
Extronic Elektronik AB +46 8 609 29 00
Jumper “LED ind”/“No start” (LED)
Position “On”: The LED ashes when movement is detected. Position “Off”: The LED does not show when movement is detected. Without jumper: “No start” is a feature that prevents the detector from switching on the lighting automatically.
The LED can be disconnected once adjustment is complete, to reduce the risk of tampering.
“Occupancy Activity” jumper / 5- or 30-minute
low-level delay
“High”: For use in premises where people are only present
briey, e.g. corridors and underpasses, i.e. clearly dened passageways. Gives ve minutes of base-level lighting.
“Low/Ofce”: For use in premises where people sit for long periods of time, e.g. in ofces, some warehouse premises and libraries. The sensitivity increases when the detector has previously detected no presence. Gives ve minutes of base-level lighting.
Without jumper: Gives 30 minutes of base-level lighting. Signals are handled in the same way as for “Low/Ofce”.
“Mode” jumper
Extronic: Control using scenes
Uses scene 10 while presence is detected.
Uses scene 14 during low-level delay.
Uses scene 15 when no-one is present.
Direct level: Turns on, dims and turns off lighting by direct control.
When presence is detected the lighting level is immediate-
ly switched to 100%.
When presence is no longer detected the light level is im-
mediately switched to 10% during the low-level delay.
After the low-level delay (5 or 30 minutes) the lighting is switched off completely.
Without jumper: Provides special features in combination with the “Selection number” mode selector.
Selection number”:
0: Broadcast 1.5% base-level during low-level delay. 1-5: Groups 1 to 5 get 1.5% lighting level during low-level delay. F: Used with level selectors NP-2T DL and NP- 3T DL.
6 - E: Not used.
Mode selector (Selection number) 0–9 A–F
Choice of control by broadcast or groups 1 to 15. Selection number determines which group is used.
Selection number 0 is used for Broadcast.
Selection numbers 1 to 9 send DALI commands to the re-
spective group.
Selection numbers A–F give groups 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 respectively.
Group 16 cannot be accessed.
NOTE! If NP-2T DL or NP-3T DL level switches are used, the mode selector should be set to F and the “Mode” jumper should be removed.
(Group 0=Broadcast)
(no jumper see manual)
LED Ind.
Occupancy Activity
High Low/Office
v 1.0
Further, to light fittings or other DALI equipment
Occupancy Activity jumper
Mode jumper
Selection number Function selector
LED Ind. LED indication
Detector settings
Opening the enclosure
The enclosure is opened by twisting with a screwdriver
at the centre top or centre
Time (red): delay between time when presence was last detect­ed until time when lighting is dimmed. Adjustable from 2 sec­onds to 20 minutes.
Sensitivity (yellow): this potentiometer is used to adjust sensi­tivity.
DALI terminals
PD-33 DL is only connected to the DALI bus and is intended for detecting presence in lighting control systems. It has dual termi­nal blocks (DA-1 and DA-2) that can be used to connect the in­coming and outgoing buses. The DALI terminals are polarity independent. DA-1 and DA-2 are wired in pairs.
The detector is powered by the DALI bus.
Extronic Elektronik AB +46 8 609 29 00
The lighting is switched to 100%.
The lighting is switched off with a pushbutton that sends the DALI command “off”.
The lighting remains off as long as presence is detect-
ed in the premises.
After a short period of absence the detector returns to normal op­eration. (The time is set using the red timer knob).
The lighting is
switched immedi­ately to 100%.
The lighting is switched immediately to 100%.
As long as presence is detected the lighting level stays at 100%. The presence delay can be set at up to 20 minutes.
The light level stays at
100% until the presence delay has elapsed.
The lighting is dimmed
gradually down to 10% (1.5%, see text). The detector main­tains the base level for 5 min­utes (30 minutes, see text).
The lighting is
switched off com­pletely.
Mode Direct level: Direct control of light level
Group mode sets the lighting level directly. The light ttings do not need to be programmed if Broadcast is used. If group ad­dressing (groups 1–15) is used, it is only necessary to program the light ttings with their group designations.
When presence is detected, the light level is set at 100%.
The presence delay can be set at up to 20 minutes.
When presence is no longer detected and the presence delay
has elapsed, the lighting is gradually dimmed to 10% and stays at this level for 5 minutes. The detector then switches the light level to 0%.
Several detectors can work together if they belong to the same group or are in Broadcast mode.
To prevent the lighting from being switched on automatical­ly (“No start”), remove the “LED indication” jumper.
The lighting can be switched off using one or more push­buttons that send the DALI command “off”.
The lighting can be switched on using one or more push­buttons that send the DALI command “recall max level”.
A 30-minute low-level delay can be selected by removing the “Occupancy Activity” jumper (normally 5 minutes).
The lighting can be dimmed to 1.5% instead of 10% by re-
moving the “Mode” jumper. This only applies in Broadcast mode (0) or for groups 1 to 5.
Multiple detectors assigned to different groups work inde­pendently of each other.
Automatic switching on, dimming and switching off
Entry 100% Presence 100% Exit 100% Base level 10% No presence
Manual control “off”
Presence 100% Manual control off Presence off No presence off New entry 100%
Entry 0% Manual control
on 100%
Presence 100% Exit 100% Base level 10% New entry
100 %
The lighting is not
switched on.
The lighting is switched on using a pushbutton that sends the DALI command “recall max level”.
As long as presence
is detected the lighting
remains at 100%.
The presence delay
can be set at up to 20 minutes.
The light level stays
at 100% until the
presence delay has
The lighting is dimmed
gradually down to 10% (1.5%, see text). The
detector maintains the
base level for 5 min­utes (30 minutes, see text).
If someone enters the premises be
fore the lighting is switched off, the light level is raised
to 100% again.
Manual control “No start”
Extronic Elektronik AB +46 8 609 29 00
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