PD-33 DL is a passive infrared detector intended for presence
detection and the control of light ttings over a DALI bus. It uses
a pyroelectric sensor that reacts to changes in thermal radiation.
• PD-33 DL is able to turn on, dim and turn off DALI light ttings.
• It uses broadcast or group addressing.
• Multiple detectors work together if they are controlling the
same group of light ttings or if they are using broadcast
• The light level can be controlled directly (100%, 10%, 0%)
or by choosing preset levels from scenes 10, 14 and 15.
• Adjustable presence delay of 2 seconds to 20 minutes.
• Timer controls duration of low-level lighting before switch-
off, 5 minutes or 30 minutes.
• Conguration for ofce environments that use a different
form of signal processing when presence is detected.
• “No start” mode can be selected that simply keeps lighting
switched on. (Switched on manually with pushbutton.)
• Power is supplied via the DALI bus (max. consumption 12
• Settings are adjusted using knobs and jumpers on the detector circuit board.
• Lens can be replaced to adjust the detection range. A
choice of lenses is available.
• Check that the “Activity Low/Ofce” jumper is set to the
“Low” position.
• Carry out a walk test over the entire detection area.
Note! The lens must be tted and the cover must be in
place. Adjust vertically and horizontally as required.
• After the walk test and adjustment, the presence delay
should be set to the lowest setting. In dynamic lighting control applications, such as stairways and corridors, a suitable
time is 1–2 minutes. In other applications, such as classrooms and garages, the time can be set to 6–8 minutes or
in line with the light source supplier’s recommendations.
• Set the “Occupancy Activity” jumper to match the level of
activity in the premises.
• We recommend that the LED is disconnected once adjustment is complete (see “Detector settings”), to minimise the
risk of tampering.
Basic terminology
• Broadcast: Broadcast addressing means that the detector
sends its DALI commands to all light ttings at the same time.
• Groups: The light ttings in a DALI system can also be controlled using group addresses. (DALI supports 16 groups.)
• Direct control: The light ttings are controlled by setting the
lighting level with DALI commands (Direct level).
• Scene: Each light tting can have 16 programmed scenes.
Each scene means that the light tting is lit at a certain level
(intensity). The light levels of the scenes for each light tting
can be programmed using a computer.
• Operating mode: Direct level or Extronic. Direct level means
that the light levels are controlled directly and at preset levels.
Extronic means that the light ttings are switched between
scenes 10, 14 and 15.
• Delays;
• Presence delay: The length of time that the lighting re-
mains switched on at the normal level after presence is no
longer detected.
Low-level delay: (Timer delay, base level duration) The
length of time that the lighting remains at the base level before it is switched off completely.
• No start: The lighting is not switched on automatically when
presence is detected. It can be switched on manually using
a pushbutton.
• Normal level: – light level that is used when someone is
present in the premises.
• Base level: – low light level that is used when premises are
Introduction ...........................................................................................1
Commissioning .....................................................................................1
Basic terminology .................................................................................1
Detector settings...................................................................................2
Mode Direct level: Direct control of light level.......................................3
Application example, “Mode Direct level” .............................................4
Mode Extronic: Control using scenes 10, 14 and 15 ............................5
Application example “Mode Extronic” ...................................................6
Wiring examples ...................................................................................9
Lens ....................................................................................................10
Replacing and adjusting lenses .........................................................10
Technical specication .......................................................................10