Extron Electronics MLC 104 SIS User Manual

MLC 104 MediaLink™ Controllers
Chapter Five
SIS™ Programming and Control
Command Tables
SIS™ Programming and Control
The MLC 104 Series controller can be remotely set up and controlled via a host computer or other device (such as a control system) attached to the rear panel Config/RS-232 port or LAN port, or the front panel Config port.
The MLC 104 or MLC 104 IP must be configured before use. As shipped the controller can trigger basic input switching but cannot control any other devices before being configured.
The MLC can be set up and controlled by using Extron’s Simple Instruction Set (SIS) commands or the Extron Global Configurator software (version 2.0 or higher), and both of those methods can be accessed via RS-232 or Ethernet LAN connection. See chapter 2 for pin assignments and other details on the configuration and control ports. For information on the software and the MLC’s embedded Web pages, see chapter four.
MLC’s RS-232 protocol:
38400 baud
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• no parity
• no flow control
Both configuration ports require 38400 baud communication. This is a higher speed than many other Extron products use. The Global Configurator (version
2.0 or higher) software or MLC 226/104 control software automatically sets the connection for the appropriate speed. If using HyperTerminal or a similar application, make sure the PC or control system connected to these ports is set for 38400 baud.
LAN port defaults:
MLC’s IP address:
gateway’s IP address:
subnet mask:
DHCP: off

Host-to-MLC Communications

SIS commands consist of one or more characters per field. No special characters are required to begin or end a command sequence. When the MLC determines that a command is valid, it executes the command and sends a response to the host device. All responses from the MLC to the host end with a carriage return and a line feed (CR/LF = ), which signals the end of the response character string. A string is one or more characters.

MLC-initiated messages

If you are communicating with the MLC via RS-232 or via a verbose Telnet connection, when a local event such as a front panel selection or adjustment takes place, the MLC responds by sending a message to the host. No response is required from the host. The MLC-initiated messages are listed here (underlined).
(c)Copyright 2004, Extron Electronics, MLC 104 IP, Vx.xx Day, DD Mon YYYY HH:MM:SS Vx.xx is the firmware version number. The MLC sends the boot and copyright messages under the following circumstances:
• If the MLC is off and an RS-232 connection is already set up (the PC is cabled to the MLC and a serial communication program such as HyperTerminal is open), the connected MLC sends these messages via RS-232 when it is first powered on.
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• If the MLC is on, it sends the boot and copyright messages when you first open a Telnet connection to the MLC. You can see the day of the week, date, and time if the MLC is connected via Telnet, but not via RS-232. If you are using a Telnet connection, the copyright message, date, and time are followed by a password prompt.
Chn The MLC sends this response when an input is switched.
(where X1 is the input number)

Password information

The “ Password:” prompt requires a password (administrator level or user level) followed by a carriage return. The prompt is repeated if the correct password is not entered.
If the correct password is entered, the unit responds with “ Administrator If passwords are the same for both administrator and user, the unit will default to administrator privileges.
” or “ Login User ”, depending on password entered.

Error responses

When the MLC receives a valid SIS command, it executes the command and sends a response to the host device. If the MLC is unable to execute the command because the command is invalid or it contains invalid parameters, it returns an error response to the host.
The error response codes and their descriptions are as follows: E01 – Invalid input channel number (the number is too large)
E12 – Invalid port number E13 – Invalid value (the number is out of range/too large) E14 – Not valid for this configuration E17 – System timed out E22 – Busy E24 – Privilege violation E25 – Device is not present E26 – Maximum number of connections has been exceeded E27 – Invalid event number E28 – Bad filename or file not found

Error response references

The following superscripted numbers are used within the command descriptions on the following pages to identify commands that may respond as shown:
= Commands that give an E14 (not valid for this configuration) response if the
MLC’s current configuration doesn’t support that command
= Commands that yield an E22 (busy) response.
= Commands that give an E24 (privilege violation) response if you are not logged
in at the administrator level.
= Commands that may yield an E27 (invalid event number) response.
= Commands that may give an E28 (file not found) response.

Command Tables

Using the command/response tables

The MLC 104 IP can be controlled via either a Telnet (port 23) connection or a Web browser (port 80) connection. All MLC 104 Series models can be controlled via
5-3MLC 104 Series • SIS™ Programming and Control
SIS™ Programming and Control, cont’d
RS-232. The ASCII and URL commands listed in the tables starting on page 5-8 perform the same functions, but they are encoded differently to accommodate the requirements of each port (Telnet or browser).
The following ASCII to hexadecimal (HEX) conversion table is for use with the command/response tables.
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
ASCII to Hex conversion table
The command/response tables list valid ASCII (for Telnet or RS-232) command codes, the corresponding URL (uniform resource locator) encoded (for Web browsers) command codes, the MLC’s responses to the host, and a description of the command’s function or the results of executing the command.
• Upper and lower case characters may be used interchangeably in the command field unless otherwise specified.
• Commands may be sent back-to-back without spaces (for example, 2!65V1Z).
• Numbers can be entered as 1, 2, or 3 digits, e.g., 8V = 08V = 008V.
• There are a few differences in how to enter the commands depending on whether you are using Telnet or a Web browser.
When using these commands through a Web browser, the URL reference is used to shorten the examples. “URL” refers to the full URL of the control interface and Web page reference including all path information (e.g.,
To send any of the commands using a Web browser you must prefix them with the full URL followed by ?cmd=.
For control via a Web browser, all non-alphanumeric characters must be represented as the hexadecimal equivalent, %xx, where xx represents the two-character hex byte. For example, a comma (,) would be represented as %2C. Characters such as %, +, and the space character ( ) must be encoded as hex bytes, or they will be misinterpreted by the MLC.
Some characters differ depending on the method you use to send the commands:
Telnet Web browser
Escape (hex 1B) W [must not be hex encoded] Carriage return (hex 0D) Pipe character ( | ) [must not be hex encoded]
With Telnet you can use either an “Escape” command or a “W” command, and the carriage return or the pipe character. With the Web browser, you are required to use a “W” command and the pipe character.
In either method, {Data} = Data that will be directed to a specified port and must be hex encoded if non-alphanumeric.
If you make adjustments (changes to volume, etc.), whether via the front panel or via RS-232 or IP communication, it will take 1 minute 40 seconds (100 seconds) for the data in the MLC’s RAM to be saved to flash memory.
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Symbol definitions

= CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) (hex 0D 0A) = Carriage return (no line feed, hex 0D)
(use the pipe character, | , instead for Web browser commands)
= Space character = Pipe (vertical bar) character
= Escape key (hex 1B)
(use W instead of Esc for Web browsers)
= Specific port number or relay number (01 – 99)
represented as two ASCII characters (two bytes)
01 = rear host (Config/RS-232 port) 02 = front panel Config port 03 = slaved switcher (MLS port) 04 = projector port (Proj RS-232/IR)
= Command data section.
For Web encoding only: data will be directed to the specified port and must be encoded (URL encoding) if it is non-alphanumeric. Change any non- alphanumeric character (%, +, |, , etc.) within the data section into the corresponding hexadecimal equivalent, %xx, where xx represents the two­character hex byte. For example, a space (hex: 20) would be encoded as %20 (hex: 25 32 30) and a plus sign (hex: 2B) would be encoded as %2B or hex 25 32 42.
= Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset value
(-12.00 to +14.00) represents the time difference in hours and minutes (+/-hh:mm) relative to Greenwich, England. The leading zero is optional. For example, 5:30 = 05:30. Do not use a plus (+) sign if the GMT offset is positive.
= On/off status
0 = off/disable 1 = on/enable
= Volume level (0 – 100 steps). When no MLS is
detected at the MLS port, the range is limited by the max. volume command (X*47#). Default volume = 40 when no MLS switcher is detected at the MLS port. Default volume = 100 when slave mode (X*41*) is active and an MLS switcher is detected at the MLS port.
= Version (typically listed to two decimal places,
e.g., x.xx)
= MLC’s name. The name is a text string of up to 24
characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), and minus sign/hyphen (-). No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a name. No distinction is made between upper and lower case. The first character must be a letter. The last character must not be a minus sign/hyphen.
= Local date and time format
Set format (MM/DD/YY-HH:MM:SS).
Example: 01/18/05-10:54:00.
Read format (day of week, date month year
HH:MM:SS). Example: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 18:19:33.
= IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Leading zeros in each
of four fields are optional in setting values, and they are suppressed in returned values. MLC’s default:
= E-mail domain name; for example, extron.com
= Time in tens of milliseconds to wait until the first
response character is received via a serial port before terminating the current receive operation (Default = 10 = 100 ms, max. =
32767.) The response includes leading zeros.
For commands that use both variables must be zero
or both must be non-zero.
In the RS (send data) command,
= Hardware (MAC) address (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx)
is optional.
= Subnet mask (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Leading zeros are
optional in setting values in each of four fields, and they are suppressed in returned values. Default =
= Time in tens of milliseconds to wait between
characters being received via a serial port before terminating the current command or receive operation. The response includes leading zeros. (Default = 2 = 20 ms, max. = 32767)
For commands that use both
variables must be zero or both must be non-zero. In the RS (send data) command,
= Parameter (#L or #D) to set either the Length of
is optional.
message to receive or the Delimiter value. # = byte count (for L) or # = a single ASCII character expressed in decimal form (for D). The parameter is case sensitive; you must use capital D or capital L. Byte count # can be from 0 to 32767, default = 0. The ASCII decimal # can be from 0 to 00255, default = 00000L.
A 3-byte length = 3L. A delimiter of ASCII 0A = 10D. The response from the MLC will include leading zeros.
= Verbose/response mode status:
0 = clear/none, default for Telnet connections; responses are not echoed to the host 1 = verbose mode is on, default for RS-232 host control; responses are echoed to the host and displayed to the user 2 = send tagged responses for queries 3 = verbose mode is on and tagged responses are sent for queries
If tagged responses are enabled, all read commands return the constant string + data, the same as for
setting a value. For example, for the response is Ipn•
CN ,
rather than just the
= Priority status for receiving timeouts:
0 = use send data string command parameters (0 = default) 1 = use configure receive timeout command parameters
= IP address converted from four octets to a single
to a decimal number; e.g.: = [(10*256*256*256) + (13*256*256) + (0*256) + (254)] = [(10*2563) + (13*2562) + (0*2561) + (254*2560)] = 168,624,362 (decimal)
, both
, both
5-5MLC 104 Series • SIS™ Programming and Control
SIS™ Programming and Control, cont’d
= Baud rate: 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800,
7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200
= Parity (only the first letter is needed):
Odd Even None (default) Mark Space
= Data bits: 7, 8 (default = 8)
= Stop bits: 1, 2 (default = 1)
= Password (minimum length = 4 characters,
maximum length = 12 characters, no special characters are allowed)
A user password cannot be assigned if no administrator password exists; the E14 error code will be returned. If the administrator password is cleared, then the user password and all extended security level passwords are also removed.
= Daylight saving time (DST) is a region-specific 1-
hour offset that begins in spring and ends in fall. DST should be turned off in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the eastern time zone portion of the state of Indiana, and the state of Arizona (excluding the Navajo Nation).
0 = off/ignore 1 = USA on – starts on the first Sunday of April
at 2 am and ends at 2 am on the last Sunday of October. For example, time in California is GMT -8:00 from April to October and GMT -7:00 from November to March. 2 = Europe on – begins on the last Sunday in March, ends on the last Sunday in October. 3 = Brazil on – beginning and ending dates vary from year to year (October through March or September through February). DST is not used in equatorial areas.
= Event number, range = 0 - 99
(valid only while events are running)
= I/O mode
0 = input 8 = power sensor (triggered when an input pulse starts/stops)
= Password to display on screen (response to
password query). When the MLC connects to a host device via RS-232, the password ( itself, is the response. When the connection is via IP,
is 4 asterisks (****) if a password has
been assigned, or it is an empty field ( ) if a password hasn’t been assigned.
= E-mail event number or mailbox (1 - 64). The
response will be two digits with a leading zero.
= E-mail recipient’s address (e.g., JDoe@extron.com)
for the person to whom messages will be sent.
= Name (numeral) of e-mail file to be sent
For CR (e-mail configuration) commands:
1.eml, 2.eml, ... 64.eml; and within the file the first line contains the subject, the rest is the body of the e-mail. For SM (e-mail sending) commands: xxx, where xxx = a number 1 to 999 corresponding to the e-mail’s filename (xxx.eml). If xxx = 0 or no parameter is given, the MLC sends the file that was set via the CR command.
If file
.eml is not found when the SM command
is executed, the MLC will send a default e-mail message.
= Default name: a combination of the modelname
and the last 3 pairs of the MLC’s MAC address (e.g., MLC-104-IP-00-02-3D)
= Extended-security (password) levels (1 to 10).
The response will be two digits with a leading zero.
= Connection’s security level
0 = anonymous 1 – 10 = extended security levels 1 through 10 11 = user 12 = administrator The response is two digits with a leading zero.
= IR playback file number (0 to 99) (no extension)
The response includes leading zeros.
= IR playback function number (1 to 137). The
response includes leading zeros. IR function numbers 0 and 127 or higher can return information only. 0 = return all data 129 = manufacturer 130 = model 131 = class 132 = remote 133 = creation date 134 = comments 137 = user file name (a descriptive name the user/installer gave the file)
= IR playback mode
0 = play once 1 = play continuously (send IR command again with mode = 0 to stop mode 1 playback)
= IP connection timeout period in seconds. Each
step is specified in 10-second intervals (1 ­65000, default = 30 = 300 seconds). If no data is received during the specified period, the Ethernet connection will be closed. Responses are returned with leading zeros. This variable is applicable only when the MLC is connected via Ethernet. If the MLC is connected via RS-232 protocol, only the global timeout commands apply, and any commands involving
= The number to insert into an email message if a
return the E13 error response.
____.eml file has an embedded server-side include “<!--#echo var = “WCR|” -->” (the
command with no parameters.) The
numeral is a 16-bit number to be employed as the user defines. This is an optional parameter. Use 0 as a placeholder if the optional used but
= Specific input number (1 – 4)
is not needed.
variable is
1 = input 1 2 = input 2 3 = input 3 4 = input 4
= Lamp hours elapsed (as a five-digit number, max.
= 99999 hours) The response includes leading zeros. The default (99999 hours) is the response to SIS commands (via Telnet or RS-
232) if elapsed lamp hours have not been set. In the MLC’s internal Web pages, “N/A” is displayed if lamp hours have not been set.
= Voltage
= Temperature in degrees Celsius (the response is
3 digits including leading zeros)
MLC 104 Series • SIS™ Programming and Control5-6
= Display (projector on/off) status as tracked by the
display driver 0 = display power is off 1 = display power is on 2 = display is powering down/off (cooling down) 3 = display is powering up/on (warming up)
= Front panel lockout (executive mode ) status
0 = off/unlocked (default) 3 = on, disable/lock entire front panel (buttons, volume control) and optional connected SCP
= IR/serial port configuration
0 = IR ports (0 V – 5 V) (default) 1 = RS-232 ports (±5 V)
= Status (in hexadecimal characters) of script or
firmware button control. This variable is an 8- digit hexadecimal character calculated from a binary bit map. See page 5-27 for details.
= Status (in hexadecimal characters) of control of
lamp enabling (control of all button lights). This variable is an 8-digit hexadecimal character calculated from a binary bit map. See page 5-29 for details.
= Power sensor status:
00 = power sensor is connected and is not sensing projector power (detector voltage is low, signal pin voltage is high) 01 = power sensor is connected and is sensing projector power (detector voltage is high) 02 = power sensor is disconnected or sensor is connected but the sensitivity is set too high (voltage is low at both the detector and signal pin)
= Power sensor signal pin status
00 = voltage is low 01 = voltage is high Leading zeros will be used in responses to commands that use this variable.
= IR/Serial Output port number
1 = projector port
= Display mute or connection status
0 = off/disconnected 1 = on/connected 2 = unknown/unavailable
5-7MLC 104 Series • SIS™ Programming and Control
SIS™ Programming and Control, cont’d
= 1, 2, 3, 4)
, 0 = display power is off
= The MLC responds with an E14 error
code (invalid for this configuration) if the
desired input isn’t part of the switching
(audio and video).
= The MLC sends a “busy” response (E22)
rotation (is not set up to switch inputs).
Events are still triggered, though.
if switching functions are locked.
The display is powering off.
provides a way to set the power status to
match the actual state of the projector.
1 = display power is on
2 = display is powering down/off
= 0 (off), 1 (on), or 2 (unknown)
provides a way to set the status to match the
3 = display is powering on (warming up).
actual state of the projector.
Select input
%21 Chn
(host to switcher) (host to switcher) (switcher to host)
On (discrete).
Off (discrete).
This command is used only by scripts. It
Show the display power status.
%2A0P Pwr
This command is used only by scripts. It
Show display mute status.
%2A0M Mut
14, 22

Command/response table for SIS commands

Command ASCII (Telnet) URL Encoded (Web) Response Additional description
Select an input
Input selection
Turn display power on 1P 1P Pwr
Turn display power off 0P 0P Pwr
Display (projector) power
MLC 104 Series • SIS™ Programming and Control5-8
Example:PP 2
View display power status P P
Set power status
Turn display mute on 1M 1M Mut
View display mute status M M
Set mute status
Turn display mute off 0M 0M Mut
Display mute
= The MLC responds with an E14 error
= volume level (0 to 100). Default = 40 if
code (invalid) if the MLC is in volume
increment/decrement mode (vol. mode 1).
no switcher is connected, 100 if an MLS
switcher is connected. The maximum level
is limited by the X*47# command.
Example: set volume to 27.
Increase audio output.
Show the output volume.
Decrease audio output.
Show the output volume.
as selecting input 0.
Unmute all audio outputs.
= 0 (off) or 1 (on).
can be made from the front panel in
addition to via RS-232, Telnet, or Web
= The MLC responds with an E24 error
(privilege violation) if the connected user is
not logged in at administrator security level.
Specify the volume for audio output.
V Vol
(host to switcher) (host to switcher) (switcher to host)
Decrease audio output.
Show the status of audio mute.
0X 0X Exe 0 Default setting. Adjustments & selections
Command/response table for SIS commands (continued)
Command ASCII (Telnet) URL Encoded (Web) Response Additional description
Set the overall output volume
Volume adjustment (discrete, for volume mode = 0)
Example: 27V 27V Vol027
Increment the volume +V %2BV Vol
Decrement the volume -V %2DV Vol
View the volume level V V
Increment the volume +V %2BV Vol+ Increase audio output.
Decrement the volume -V %2DV Vol-
Volume adjustment (increment/decrement, for volume mode = 1)
View the volume level V V ---
Mute on 1Z 1Z Amt1 Mute all audio outputs. This is not the same
Mute off 0Z 0Z Amt0
Audio mute
View the audio mute status Z Z
Disable lockout modes
Front panel security lockout modes (executive modes)
5-9MLC 104 Series • SIS™ Programming and Control
SIS™ Programming and Control, cont’d
) used by scripts.
adjustments via MLC and SCP. Make
selections, changes, and configure features
via RS-232 or Ethernet only. All front panels
in the control system are locked.
= 0 (off, unlocked) or 3 (front panels
Executive mode is off.
represents the number of elapsed hours
of projector lamp use. The MLC responds
with 2 sets of lamp hours. The number of
Show lockout (executive mode) status.
represents the five-digit numeric value
elapsed hours are shown if a lamp’s status is
set. If a lamp’s status has not been set, it is
shown as the default (99999 hours).
for elapsed lamp use hours, and it is used by
script to determine the number sent in
= The MLC responds with an E24 error
(privilege violation) if the connected user is
response to the “view lamp hours”
command (6S).
not logged in at administrator security level.
This command lets you know whether the
%2A 6S Lhr *
%2A 6S Lhr *
= 0 (disconnected), 1 (connected), or
MLC’s scripts have determined if the
display is still connected to the MLC.
connection status flag (
2 (unknown)
0 = projector not connected.
1 = projector is connected.
2 = undetermined status.
This command is used to reset the projector
%2A 7S Pcs
3X 3X Exe 3 Lock all front panel selections and
(host to switcher) (host to switcher) (switcher to host)
Example:X 0
Command/response table for SIS commands (continued)
Enable lockout mode 3
Command ASCII (Telnet) URL Encoded (Web) Response Additional description
View the lockout mode status X X
View lamp hours status 6S 6S
Status commands
Set lamp hours status for 1 lamp
MLC 104 Series • SIS™ Programming and Control5-10
View connection status 7S 7S
Set lamp hours status for 2 lamps
Set projector connection status
is as follows:
= voltage.
= temperature in degrees Celsius (the
Power Sensor that monitors the projector/
display, this tells you whether the display is
still powered on.
00 = power sensor is connected and is not
sensing projector power (detector voltage is
low, signal pin voltage is high).
01 = power sensor is connected and sensing
projector power (detector voltage is high).
02 = sensor is disconnected or sensor is
connected but sensitivity is too high (voltage
is low at both the detector and signal pin).
If the switcher is connected to an Extron
Power sensor signal pin status:
00 = voltage is low.
01 = voltage is high.
View all voltages and the MLC’s internal
temperature at once.
power input.
Display the operating voltage of the MLC’s
Serial and projector ports.
Display the operating voltage for the IR/
response is 3 digits including leading zeros).
Display the internal operating temperature.
(host to switcher) (host to switcher) (switcher to host)
Command/response table for SIS commands (continued)
View power sensor status 8S 8S
Command ASCII (Telnet) URL Encoded (Web) Response Additional description
View power sensor signal pin status 9S 9S
View all voltage & temp. status 11S 11S responses from commands 12S•14S•16S•20S
View +12 V power supply voltage 12S 12S +
View -10 V IR/Serial bus voltage 16S 16S -
View +3.3 V IP Link/FPGA voltage 14S 14S +
View internal temperature status 20S 20S
5-11MLC 104 Series • SIS™ Programming and Control
+ 25 hidden pages