Extron Electronics IN2116 User Manual

Installation Interface Series
IN2116 Table Mountable Interface
Installation and Safety Instructions
For Models without a Power Switch:
The socket outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be accessible.
Caution: Before applying power to this unit, the voltage selector must be set to the appropriate setting to match local A/C line voltage. Improper setting of the voltage selector may cause damage to the unit and create a potential fire hazard.
The voltage selector is a round switch located next to the A/C power input connector which looks like this:
Using a straight slot screwdriver or small coin, rotate the selector to the correct position so that
the arrow lines up with 110 or 220 as appropriate for local power line voltage as indicated in the chart below:
Local A/C Voltage Voltage Selector Setting
110 ~ 120 VAC 110 220 ~ 240 VAC 220
For all Models:
No serviceable parts inside the unit. Refer service to a qualified technician.
For Models with Internal or External Fuses:
For continued protection against fire hazard, replace only with same type and rating of fuse.
For IN2001 / IN3234 / IN3236 / IN3502 / IN3504 / IN3506 / IN3562 / IN3564 / IN3566 / IN3572 / IN3574 / IN3576:
Caution: Double pole / neutral fusing.
For all Models with Integral Lithium Battery:
Caution: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by
the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Instructions d’installation et de sécurité
Pour les modèles sans interrupteur de courant:
La prise de courant d’alimentation sera installé près de l’équipement et sera accessible.
Pour les modèles avec un sélecteur d’alimentation 110V/220V:
Attention: Avant de connecter l’appareil au circuit d’alimentation, le sélecteur de courant doit être positionné sur la sélection appropriée correspondant au voltage du circuit de courant alternatif local. Une mauvaise sélection peut engendrer des dommages à l’appareil et créer un danger d’incendie.
Le sélecteur d’alimentation est un commutateur rond positionné près du connecteur d’alimentation. Il se représente comme suit:
A l’aide d’un tourne-vis plat ou d’une pièce de monnaie, le sélecteur peut être tourné dans la position adéquate en veillaut que la flèche corresponde avec 110 ou 220, en fonction de la valeur du circuit de courant local. (Voir tableau ci-dessous)
Circuit local AC Position Sélecteur
110 ~ 120 VAC 110 220 ~ 240 VAC 220
Pour tout les modèles:
Pas de composants à entretenir à l’intérieur. Confiez toute réparation à un technicien qualifié.
Pour les modèles équipés de fusibles internes ou externes:
Afin d’éviter tout danger d’incendie, ne remplacer qu’avec le même type et la même valeur de fusible.
Pour IN2001 / IN3234 / IN3236 / IN3502 / IN3504 / IN3506 / IN3562 / IN3564 / IN3566 / IN3572 / IN3574 / IN3576:
Attention: Double pôle / fusible au neutre.
Pour tout les modèles avec une batterie au lithium interne:
Attention: Danger d’explosion si la batterie est incorrectement remplacée. Ne remplacez la batterie qu’avec le même modèle, ou avec un modèle recommandé par le constructeur. Traitez les batteries usagées selon les instructions du fabricant, ou selon les normes écologiques en viguer.
Installations und Sicherheitshinweise
Für Geräte ohne Netzschalter:
Die Netzsteckdose soll in de Nähe des Gerätes installiert und frei zugänglich sein.
Für Geräte mit 110 / 220V Spannungswähler:
Achtung: Bevor Sie dem Gerät Spann ung zuführen, muß der Spannungswähler entsprechend der Spannung des lokalen Wechselspannungsnetzes eingestellt werden. Die falsche Stellung des Spannungswählers kann eine Beschädigung des Gerätes und möglicherweise ein Feuer verursachen.
Der Spannungswähler ist ein runder Schalter in der Nähe der Netzeingangsbuchse mit folgendem Aussehen:
Drehen Sie den Wähler mit einem normalen Schraubenzieher oder einer kleinen Münze so, daß der Pfeil auf die 110 oder 220 zeigt, entsprechend der Spannung Ihr es lokalen Netzes wie hier angezeigt:
Lokale Netzwechselspannung Stellung des
110 ~ 120 V 110 220 ~ 240 V 220
Für alle Geräte:
Keine Wartung innerhalb des Gerätes notwendig. Reparaturen nur durch einen Fachmann!
Für Geräte mit interner oder externer Sicherung:
Für dauernden Schutz gegen Feuergefahr darf die Sicherung nur gegen eine andere gleichen Typs und gleicher Nennleistung ausgewechselt werden.
Für IN2001 / IN3234 / IN3236 / IN3502 / IN3504 / IN3506 / IN3562 / IN3564 / IN3566 / IN3572 / IN3574 / IN3576:
Achtung: Allpolige Absicherung
Für alle Geräte mit eingebauter Lithium Batterie:
Achtung: Explosionsgefahr bei falschem Batterieeinsatz. Batterie nur erstzen durch den gleichen oder entsprechenden Typ wie vom Hersteller empfohlen. Entsorgung verbrauchter Batterien nur nach den Anweisungen des Herstellers.
Instalacion E Instrucciones de Seguridad
Modelos Sin Interruptor:
La conexión debe ser instalada cerca del equipo y debe ser accesible.
Modelos con Selector de Voltaje de 110/220V:
Precaución: Antes de operar esta unidad, el selector de voltaje debe instalarse de forma que corresponda a la linea de voltaje local. Instalación inadecuada del selector de voltaje puede causar daño a la unidad y originar un incendio.
El selector de voltaje es un cambia vía redondo localizado cerca de la conexión electrica, como se ve en el dibujo:
Use un destornillador comun o una moneda pequeña, mueva el selector a la posición correcta, de forma que las flechas indiquen 110 o 220 de acuerdo con el voltaje local, como esta indicado a continuación.
Voltaje Local A/C Selector de Voltaje
110 ~ 120 VAC 110 220 ~ 240 VAC 220
Para Todos Los Modelos:
Dentro de la unidad , no hay partes para reparar. Llame un tecnico calificado.
Modelos con Fusibles Internos o Externos:
Para prevenir un incendio, reemplace solo con el mismo tipo de fusible.
Modelos IN2001 / IN3234 / IN3236 / IN3502 / IN3504 / IN3506 / IN3562 / IN3564 / IN3566 / IN3572 / IN3574 / IN3576:
Precaución: Double Polo / Fusible Neutral.
Modelos con Bateria de Lithiun Interna:
Precaución: Peligro de explosión si la batería es reemplacada incorrectamente. Reemplace solamente con la misma clase de batería, o una equivalente recomendada por el fabricante. Deseche las baterías usadas de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante.
All products exported to Europe by Inline, Inc. after January 1, 1997 have been tested and found to comply with EU Council Directive 89/336/EEC. These devices conform to the following standards:
EN50081-1 (1991), EN55022 (1987) EN50082-1 (1992 and 1994), EN60950-92
Shielded interconnect cables must be employed with this equipment to ensure compliance with the pertinent Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards governing this device.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide against harmful interference when equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.
Table of Contents
Product Overview ................................................................................................2
Product Features ...............................................................................................2
Adapter and Extension Cables for Input and Local Monitor Output................5
IN2116 Application Diagram ...........................................................................7
IN2116 Front Panel Connectors and Controls..................................................8
Horizontal Position Control..............................................................................8
Dipswitch Settings............................................................................................9
Optimal Settings for LCD / DMD / ILA / D-ILA / Plasma Displays ...............9
IN9370 Audio Buffer Module ........................................................................10
Audio / Video / Phone / Data / Switch / Computer Connector Modules........11
RGB Output Cables ........................................................................................14
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................15
Product Overview
The IN2116 is a high performance computer video interface for analog video signals including VGA, SVGA, XGA, MAC, SUN and other high-resolution workstations. The IN2116 combines high-resolution computer interfacing and modular A/V connector plates into a unit that mounts neatly under a conference or boardroom table, computer workshop, or a podium using integral mounting brackets and (4) #6 wood screws (included). The unit can also be configured with an optional audio buffer module that converts unbalanced stereo audio signals to balanced stereo audio. This highly integrated approach gives audiovisual professionals the ability to quickly design and install functional, customized computer interfacing and A/V connectivity solutions for a broad spectrum of applications.
Like other INLINE interfaces, the IN2116 performs the following functions:
Signal Splitting - allows the simultaneous connection and viewing of both the computer’s local monitor
and a second output device such as an LCD data projector or a presentation monitor.
Physical Interfacing - Because computers employ many different types of video output connectors, it is
sometimes difficult to directly connect them to data projection devices. The IN2116 simplifies interfacing, routing and switching tasks by acting as a universal adapter. Through the use of removable input cables, the IN2116 can be attached to different computers and will provide a video output signal on five BNC connectors. The output signal may be set to RGBHV (default), RGBS or RGsB formats.
The IN2116 is not a scan converter. The data projector, monitor or other output device must be compatible with the horizontal scan rate output by the computer video card.
Easy Operation - The user simply brings in a computer and connects to the nearest IN2116 table
mountable interface. The IN2116 includes a front panel A/C convenience outlet to power a laptop computer. Tucked away under the table or podium shelf, the IN2116 provides easy access for making
computer and A/V connections, reduces equipment clutter and com pliments the décor of boardroom, conference room and training room installations.
15-Pin HD VGA Standard Connectors - The IN2116 connects directly to VGA graphics cards and
VGA local monitors using high-resolution coaxial VGA extension cables such as the IN8000 series. Input / output adapter cable sets (see table on page 5) are also available in a variety of lengths for MAC (15-Pin D), SUN (13W3) and workstations (4 or 5 BNC).
Modular A/V Connector Plates - In addition to its interface capability, the IN2116 also acts as a
modular A/V connector plate. The IN2116 front panel accepts up to four A/V connector modules, available with a variety of popular connectors. Two of the most commonly used modules for table mounted installations are the RJ45 jack (for quick access to the computer network) and the 3.5mm stereo mini or dual
RCA jacks (to connect the computer’s sound card output to the room’s sound system). The IN2116 can hold double size connector plates to accommodate large connectors such as XLR. The IN2116 simplifies the design and installation process since a single unit fills the function of both video interface and A/V connector plate. Available A/V modules are listed on pages 11-12.
Ultra High-Resolution Amplification - The IN2116 provides superb performance and maximum image
clarity at any resolution. Several design elements combine to provide this level of performance: video bandwidth in excess of 400 MHz, buffered local monitor output, and input / local monitor output cables constructed of high-resolution coaxial materials.
Stereo Audio Signal Balancing - The IN2116 can be ordered with a IN9370 Balanced Audio Buffer
Module. An optional factory installed module, the IN9370 takes an unbalanced stereo audio signal (applied to a 3.5mm stereo mini or other front panel audio connector) and converts it to balanced audio. Balanced audio signals are output in a 5-pin captive screw terminal connector.
CRT / LCD / DMD / ILA / HDLV / Plasma Friendly Output Signal - Dipswitches are available to
set the output sync format, polarity and horizontal position control characteristics as needed to match the requirements of virtually any compatible data display device.
Selectable Output Sync Format - The unit can be set for RGBHV, RGBS or RGsB output sync as
required by the data display device and signal distribution system. The IN2116 does not strip green off the sync signal (i.e. RGsB input signals appear at the output as RGsB).
Convenient Controls and Features - A hand-adjustable horizontal position control on the IN2116
front panel allows for precise centering of the image within the data display area. The dipswitch access plate, located on the underside of the interface, provides quick access to the dipswitches for setting the
output sync format, sync polarity mirroring, serration pulse enable / disable, and VGA / MAC monitor emulation enable / disable.
In addition the IN2116 features:
Analog Interface - the unit will operate with Analog Video with TTL level sync signals. The signal can
be separate H & V or composite sync.
Monitor Emulation Switch - eliminates the need for a termination plug if a local monitor is not used.
Emulates a color VGA monitor or a 13/14” 640 x 480 MAC monitor.
Sync Polarity Preservation Switch - enables the sync polarity to be preserved, or to be set for negative
polarity (for RGBHV signals in and out).
Serration Pulse Removal Switch - (for RGBS or RGsB output) enables the user to remove serration
pulses from the sync output.
Internal Universal Power Supply - plugs directly into any available A/C outlet.
Available in Two Finishes - IN2116B - Black. IN2116W - White (PMS Cool Grey 3).
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