Extron Electronics FOX Tx-Rx DVI Plus User Manual

User Guide
Fiber Optic Extenders
PowerCage FOX Tx/Rx VGA PowerCage FOX Tx/Rx DVI PowerCage FOX Tx/Rx DVI Plus
High Resolution Fiber Optic Transmitters and Receivers
68-1911-01 Rev. C
01 11
Safety Instructions • English
This symbol is intended to alert the user of the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that may present a risk of electric shock.
Read Instructions • Read and understand all safety and operating instructions before using the equipment. Retain Instructions • The safety instructions should be kept for future reference. Follow Warnings • Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the equipment or in the user information. Avoid Attachments • Do not use tools or attachments that are not recommended by the equipment
manufacturer because they may be hazardous.
Power sources • This equipment should be operated only from the power source indicated on the product. This
equipment is intended to be used with a main power system with a grounded (neutral) conductor. The third (grounding) pin is a safety feature, do not attempt to bypass or disable it.
Power disconnection • To remove power from the equipment safely, remove all power cords from the rear of
the equipment, or the desktop power module (if detachable), or from the power source receptacle (wall plug).
Power cord protection • Power cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be stepped on or pinched
by items placed upon or against them.
Servicing • Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. To prevent
the risk of shock, do not attempt to service this equipment yourself because opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards.
Slots and openings • If the equipment has slots or holes in the enclosure, these are provided to prevent
overheating of sensitive components inside. These openings must never be blocked by other objects.
Lithium battery • There is a danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace it only with the
same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Consignes de Sécurité • Français
Ce symbole sert à avertir l’utilisateur que la documentation fournie avec le matériel contient des instructions importantes concernant l’exploitation et la maintenance (réparation).
Ce symbole sert à avertir l’utilisateur de la présence dans le boîtier de l’appareil de tensions dangereuses non isolées posant des risques d’électrocution.
Lire les instructions• Prendre connaissance de toutes les consignes de sécurité et d’exploitation avant
d’utiliser le matériel.
Conserver les instructions• Ranger les consignes de sécurité afin de pouvoir les consulter à l’avenir. Respecter les avertissements • Observer tous les avertissements et consignes marqués sur le matériel ou
présentés dans la documentation utilisateur.
Eviter les pièces de xation • Ne pas utiliser de pièces de fixation ni d’outils non recommandés par le
fabricant du matériel car cela risquerait de poser certains dangers.
Sicherheitsanleitungen • Deutsch
Dieses Symbol soll dem Benutzer in der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Dokumentation besonders wichtige Hinweise zur Bedienung und Wartung (Instandhaltung) geben.
Dieses Symbol soll den Benutzer darauf aufmerksam machen, daß im Inneren des Gehäuses dieses Produktes gefährliche Spannungen, die nicht isoliert sind und die einen elektrischen Schock verursachen können, herrschen.
Lesen der Anleitungen • Bevor Sie das Gerät zum ersten Mal verwenden, sollten Sie alle Sicherheits-und
Bedienungsanleitungen genau durchlesen und verstehen.
Aufbewahren der Anleitungen • Die Hinweise zur elektrischen Sicherheit des Produktes sollten Sie
aufbewahren, damit Sie im Bedarfsfall darauf zurückgreifen können.
Befolgen der Warnhinweise • Befolgen Sie alle Warnhinweise und Anleitungen auf dem Gerät oder in der
Keine Zusatzgeräte • Verwenden Sie keine Werkzeuge oder Zusatzgeräte, die nicht ausdrücklich vom
Hersteller empfohlen wurden, da diese eine Gefahrenquelle darstellen können.
Instrucciones de seguridad • Español
Este símbolo se utiliza para advertir al usuario sobre instrucciones impor­tantes de operación y mantenimiento (o cambio de partes) que se desean destacar en el contenido de la documentación suministrada con los equipos.
Este símbolo se utiliza para advertir al usuario sobre la presencia de elemen­tos con voltaje peligroso sin protección aislante, que puedan encontrarse dentro de la caja o alojamiento del producto, y que puedan representar riesgo de electrocución.
Leer las instrucciones • Leer y analizar todas las instrucciones de operación y seguridad, antes de usar el
Conservar las instrucciones • Conservar las instrucciones de seguridad para futura consulta. Obedecer las advertencias • Todas las advertencias e instrucciones marcadas en el equipo o en la
documentación del usuario, deben ser obedecidas.
安全须知 中文
阅读说明书 用户使用该设备前必须阅读并理解所有安全和使用说明。 保存说明书 用户应保存安全说明书以备将来使用。 遵守警告 用户应 遵守产品和用户指南上的所有安全和操作说明。 避免追加 不要使用该产品厂商没有推荐的工具或追加设备,以避免危险。
Alimentations • Ne faire fonctionner ce matériel qu’avec la source d’alimentation indiquée sur l’appareil. Ce
matériel doit être utilisé avec une alimentation principale comportant un fil de terre (neutre). Le troisième contact (de mise à la terre) constitue un dispositif de sécurité : n’essayez pas de la contourner ni de la désactiver.
Déconnexion de l’alimentation• Pour mettre le matériel hors tension sans danger, déconnectez tous les
cordons d’alimentation de l’arrière de l’appareil ou du module d’alimentation de bureau (s’il est amovible) ou encore de la prise secteur.
Protection du cordon d’alimentation • Acheminer les cordons d’alimentation de manière à ce que personne
ne risque de marcher dessus et à ce qu’ils ne soient pas écrasés ou pincés par des objets.
Réparation-maintenance • Faire exécuter toutes les interventions de réparation-maintenance par un
technicien qualifié. Aucun des éléments internes ne peut être réparé par l’utilisateur. Afin d’éviter tout danger d’électrocution, l’utilisateur ne doit pas essayer de procéder lui-même à ces opérations car l’ouverture ou le retrait des couvercles risquent de l’exposer à de hautes tensions et autres dangers.
Fentes et orices • Si le boîtier de l’appareil comporte des fentes ou des orifices, ceux-ci servent à empêcher les
composants internes sensibles de surchauffer. Ces ouvertures ne doivent jamais être bloquées par des objets.
Lithium Batterie • Il a danger d’explosion s’ll y a remplacment incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement
avec une batterie du meme type ou d’un ype equivalent recommande par le constructeur. Mettre au reut les batteries usagees conformement aux instructions du fabricant.
Stromquellen • Dieses Gerät sollte nur über die auf dem Produkt angegebene Stromquelle betrieben werden.
Dieses Gerät wurde für eine Verwendung mit einer Hauptstromleitung mit einem geerdeten (neutralen) Leiter konzipiert. Der dritte Kontakt ist für einen Erdanschluß, und stellt eine Sicherheitsfunktion dar. Diese sollte nicht umgangen oder außer Betrieb gesetzt werden.
Stromunterbrechung • Um das Gerät auf sichere Weise vom Netz zu trennen, sollten Sie alle Netzkabel aus der
Rückseite des Gerätes, aus der externen Stomversorgung (falls dies möglich ist) oder aus der Wandsteckdose
Schutz des Netzkabels • Netzkabel sollten stets so verlegt werden, daß sie nicht im Weg liegen und niemand
darauf treten kann oder Objekte darauf- oder unmittelbar dagegengestellt werden können.
Wartung • Alle Wartungsmaßnahmen sollten nur von qualiziertem Servicepersonal durchgeführt werden.
Die internen Komponenten des Gerätes sind wartungsfrei. Zur Vermeidung eines elektrischen Schocks versuchen Sie in keinem Fall, dieses Gerät selbst öffnen, da beim Entfernen der Abdeckungen die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlags und/oder andere Gefahren bestehen.
Schlitze und Öffnungen • Wenn das Gerät Schlitze oder Löcher im Gehäuse aufweist, dienen diese zur
Vermeidung einer Überhitzung der empndlichen Teile im Inneren. Diese Öffnungen dürfen niemals von
anderen Objekten blockiert werden.
Litium-Batterie • Explosionsgefahr, falls die Batterie nicht richtig ersetzt wird. Ersetzen Sie verbrauchte Batterien
nur durch den gleichen oder einen vergleichbaren Batterietyp, der auch vom Hersteller empfohlen wird. Entsorgen Sie verbrauchte Batterien bitte gemäß den Herstelleranweisungen.
Evitar el uso de accesorios • No usar herramientas o accesorios que no sean especificamente recomendados
por el fabricante, ya que podrian implicar riesgos.
Alimentación eléctrica • Este equipo debe conectarse únicamente a la fuente/tipo de alimentación eléctrica
indicada en el mismo. La alimentación eléctrica de este equipo debe provenir de un sistema de distribución general con conductor neutro a tierra. La tercera pata (puesta a tierra) es una medida de seguridad, no puentearia ni eliminaria.
Desconexión de alimentación eléctrica • Para desconectar con seguridad la acometida de alimentación
eléctrica al equipo, desenchufar todos los cables de alimentación en el panel trasero del equipo, o desenchufar el módulo de alimentación (si fuera independiente), o desenchufar el cable del receptáculo de la pared.
Protección del cables de alimentación • Los cables de alimentación eléctrica se deben instalar en lugares
donde no sean pisados ni apretados por objetos que se puedan apoyar sobre ellos.
Reparaciones/mantenimiento • Solicitar siempre los servicios técnicos de personal calicado. En el interior no
hay partes a las que el usuario deba acceder. Para evitar riesgo de electrocución, no intentar personalmente la reparación/mantenimiento de este equipo, ya que al abrir o extraer las tapas puede quedar expuesto a voltajes peligrosos u otros riesgos.
Ranuras y aberturas • Si el equipo posee ranuras o orificios en su caja/alojamiento, es para evitar el
sobrecalientamiento de componentes internos sensibles. Estas aberturas nunca se deben obstruir con otros
Batería de litio • Existe riesgo de explosión si esta batería se coloca en la posición incorrecta. Cambiar esta
batería únicamente con el mismo tipo (o su equivalente) recomendado por el fabricante. Desachar las baterías
usadas siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante.
电源 该设备只能使用产品上标明的电源。 设备必须使用有地线的供电系统 供电。 第三条线
(地线)是安全 设施,不能不用或跳过 。
拔掉电源 • 为安 全地从设备拔掉电源,请拔掉所有设备后或桌面电源的电源线,或任何接到市
电系统的电 源线。
电源线保护 妥善布线, 避免被踩 踏,或重物 挤压。 维护 所有维修必须由认证的维修人员进行。 设备内部没有用户可以更换的零件。为避免出现
通风孔 • 有些设备机 壳上有通风 槽或孔,它们是用来 防止机内敏感 元件过热。 不要用任何东
西挡住通风 孔。
锂电池 • 不正确的更 换电池会有爆炸的危险。必须使用与厂家推荐的相同或相近型号的电池。
按照生 产厂的建议处理废弃电池。
FCC Class A Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The Class A limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
NOTE: This unit was tested with shielded cables on the peripheral devices. Shielded cables must be used with
the unit to ensure compliance with FCC emissions limits. For more information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF compliance, accessibility, and
related topics, click here.
Notational Conventions Used in this Guide
TIP: A tip provides a suggestion to make setting up or working with the device easier.
NOTE: A note draws attention to important information.
CAUTION: A caution warns of things or actions that might damage the equipment.
WARNING: A warning warns of things or actions that might cause injury, death, or
other severe consequences.
© 2011 Extron Electronics. All rights reserved.
All trademarks mentioned in this manual are the properties of their respective owners
Introduction ............................................ 1
About this Manual ........................................... 1
About the PowerCage FOX Transmitters and
Receivers ........................................................ 2
General System Operation ........................... 3
System Compatibility ................................... 4
Cable Transmission Modes ........................... 5
Features ........................................................... 5
Installation and Operation ..................... 7
Mounting the Units.......................................... 7
Connections and Indications ............................ 7
Making Connections .................................. 12
PowerCage Front Panel Port, Control, and
Indicators ...................................................... 14
Operation ...................................................... 15
Remote Control ......................................16
Serial Ports ..................................................... 16
Board Remote RS-232 Ports ....................... 16
PowerCage Configuration Port .................. 17
Simple Instruction Set Control ........................ 18
Host-to-Unit Instructions ............................ 18
Symbol Definitions ..................................... 18
Unit-initiated Messages .............................. 19
Error Responses.......................................... 20
Using the Command/Response Tables ........ 20
FOX Extender Program Control ...................... 25
Installing the Software ............................... 25
Starting the Program .................................. 25
Firmware upgrade ...................................... 31
Reference Information ..........................36
Specifications ................................................. 36
Part Numbers ................................................. 40
PowerCage FOX part numbers ................... 40
Included parts ............................................ 40
Cables ....................................................... 41
Adapters .................................................... 41
Installing a Board in the Enclosure .................. 42
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Contents iv


WARNING: The PowerCage™ FOX Tx/Rx units output continuous invisible light,
which may be harmful to the eyes; use with caution.
• Do not look into the rear panel fiber optic cable connectors or into
• Plug the attached dust caps into the optical transceivers when the

• About this Manual

• About the PowerCage FOX Transmitters and Receivers
• Features
This guide contains information about the following Extron® PowerCage FOX family of modular board-designed fiber optic transmitters and receivers for the PowerCage Modular Power Enclosures:
• PowerCage FOX Tx VGA transmitter
• PowerCage FOX Rx VGA receiver:
• PowerCage FOX Tx DVI (non-Plus) transmitter
• PowerCage FOX Rx DVI (non-Plus) receiver
• PowerCage FOX Tx DVI Plus transmitter
• PowerCage FOX Rx DVI Plus receiver
PowerCage 1600
Power Supply
1T23 I.T.E.
100-240V 50/60Hz
the fiber optic cables themselves.
fiber optic cable is unplugged.
1 2
1 2
Tx Rx
Tx Rx
Tx Rx
Tx Rx
Tx Rx 1 2
Tx Rx 1 2
1.0A MAX
1.0A MAX
Flat Panel Displa
Extron PowerCage 1600
Figure1.Typical PowerCage FOX Tx/Rx Application
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Introduction 1
This guide includes instructions for an experienced installer to install, configure, and operate the equipment.
NOTES: • In this manual, the term “PowerCage FOX” refers to either an analog RGB
video or a DVI video unit. Where differences exist between the VGA and DVI
models, the full name of the unit is used.
In this manual, the term “PowerCage FOX DVI” refers to either the Plus or
non-Plus model, unless a model is specifically named.

About the PowerCage FOX Transmitters and Receivers

The PowerCage consists of several sets of ultra-high performance fiber optic transmitters and receivers:
PowerCage FOX Tx VGA transmitter — Accepts an analog RGB video input, an
audio input, and an RS-232 serial input and outputs a proprietary optical signal on an LC connector to a PowerCage FOX, FOXBOX, or FOX 500 receiver. It also can receive
a proprietary optical signal from the receiver consisting of the RS-232 return from a controlled device.
PowerCage FOX Rx VGA receiver — Accepts a proprietary optical signal on an LC
connector from a PowerCage FOX, FOXBOX, or FOX 500 transmitter or daisy-chained PowerCage FOX or PowerCage FOX receiver and outputs analog RGB video, audio, and RS-232 serial commands. It also can either:
Receive an RS-232 return from a controlled device and send it to the transmitter via
a proprietary optical signal, or
Output a daisy-chained signal to another receiver.
PowerCage FOX Tx DVI Plus transmitter — Accepts a single link of DVI video input
(up to 1920 x 1200 at 60 Hz), an audio input, and an RS-232 serial input and outputs a proprietary optical signal on an LC connector to a PowerCage FOX Rx DVI Plus or FOXBOX Rx DVI Plus receiver only. It also can receive a proprietary optical signal from the
receiver consisting of the RS-232 return from a controlled device.
PowerCage FOX Tx DVI (non-Plus) transmitter — Similar to PowerCage FOX TX
DVI Plus, but with a lower maximum resolution (1600x1200 or 1080p @ 60 Hz) and a different proprietary output that is compatible with all PowerCage FOX, FOXBOX, or
FOX 500 receivers.
PowerCage FOX Rx DVI Plus receiver — Accepts a proprietary optical signal on an LC
connector from a PowerCage FOX, FOXBOX, or FOX 500 transmitter or daisy-chained receiver and outputs a single link of DVI video, audio, and RS-232 serial commands. It
also can either:
Receive an RS-232 return from a controlled device and send it to the transmitter via
a proprietary optical signal.
Output a daisy-chained signal to another receiver.
PowerCage FOX Rx DVI (non-Plus) receiver — Similar to the PowerCage
FOX RX DVI Plus, but with lower maximum resolution (1600x1200 or 1080p @ 60 Hz)
and receiving a different proprietary input. Discontinued, but included in this list for reference only.
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Introduction 2

General System Operation

The PowerCage FOX VGA transmitter inputs VGA-UXGA RGB video.
The PowerCage FOX DVI Plus transmitter inputs a single link of DVI video.
Both transmitters input audio and one-way (transmitter-to-receiver) RS-232 serial
communication (for applications such as projector control). The transmitters convert all of the inputs to them into a proprietary signal and output the signal on a single fiber optic cable to the receiver. An optional return (receiver-to-transmitter) stream of serial RS-232 communications, such as projector responses, requires a second fiber optic cable. Rather than the return RS-232 communications, the receivers can be configured to output a daisy­chained primary fiber optic signal to another receiver.
The PowerCage FOX VGA receiver outputs VGA-UXGA RGB video.
The PowerCage FOX DVI receiver outputs a single link of DVI video.
The receivers convert the proprietary signal back to video (either RGB or DVI as applicable to
the model), audio, and serial RS-232 communication and output the signals locally. If either RS-232 return or daisy-chained communications are implemented (a second fiber optic cable is installed), the receiver outputs a proprietary signal on the second fiber optic cable. For video resolutions up to 1600 x 1200 or 1080p, the video output of the receiver is a perfect, pixel-for-pixel recreation of the video signal input to the transmitter.
The PowerCage FOX VGA transmitter can handle an RGBHV, RGBS, RGsB, or RsGsBs input signal. The PowerCage FOX VGA receiver can output RGBHV or RGsB, as selected by the
The transmitter and receiver have image and audio adjustments available under RS-232
control. Both units have ber light status indicators and lost-light alarm connectors.
The receivers have built-in alternating pixels, Color Bars, and grayscale test patterns to assist
in setting up the display equipment.
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Introduction 3

System Compatibility

The ber optic signal output from a PowerCage FOX Tx DVI Plus transmitter can be received only by a PowerCage FOX Rx DVI Plus or FOXBOX Rx DVI Plus receiver.
The ber optic signals from all other units are interchangeably compatible between VGA and DVI units, Plus and non-Plus units, and PowerCage FOX, FOXBOX, and FOX 500 units as
shown in the following table.
Receiver Compatible transmitters
PowerCage FOX Rx VGA PowerCage FOX Tx VGA
PowerCage FOX Tx DVI (non-Plus) FOXBOX Tx VGA FOXBOX Tx DVI (non-Plus) FOX 500 Tx (VGA) FOX 500 Tx DVI
FOX 500 DA6
PowerCage FOX Rx DVI Plus PowerCage FOX Tx DVI Plus
PowerCage Tx DVI (non-Plus) PowerCage FOX Tx VGA FOXBOX Tx DVI Plus FOXBOX Tx DVI (non-Plus) FOXBOX Tx VGA FOX 500 Tx (VGA) FOX 500 Tx DVI
FOX 500 DA6
PowerCage FOX Rx DVI (non Plus) PowerCage FOX Tx DVI (non-Plus)
PowerCage FOX Tx VGA FOXBOX Tx DVI (non-Plus) FOXBOX Tx VGA FOX 500 Tx (VGA) FOX 500 Tx DVI
FOX 500 DA6
NOTES: • The PowerCage FOX units are fully compatible with all Extron
PowerCage FOX, FOXBOX, and FOX 500 products and a variety of other ber
optic products. Those other products are identified where appropriate, but not specifically described in this manual.
The PowerCage FOX DVI does not support the transmission of signals with
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP).
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Introduction 4

Cable Transmission Modes


The transmitters and receivers are further categorized by the type of fiber optic cable, multimode or singlemode, which define the effective range of transmission:
Multimode — Long distance, up to 2 km (6,560 feet) (depending on the fiber cable)
PowerCage FOX Tx VGA MM
PowerCage FOX Rx VGA MM
PowerCage FOX Tx DVI (Plus and non-Plus) MM
PowerCage FOX Rx DVI (Plus and non-Plus) MM
Singlemode — Very long distance, up to 30 km (18.75 miles)
PowerCage FOX Tx VGA SM
PowerCage FOX Rx VGA SM
PowerCage FOX Tx DVI (Plus and non-Plus) SM
PowerCage FOX Rx DVI (Plus and non-Plus) SM
NOTE: The multimode and singlemode products are physically and functionally identical,
with the exception of the effective range of transmission. In this manual, any reference applies to either transmission mode unless otherwise specified.
Ultra high performance — Offers pixel-for-pixel RGBHV video or DVI video transmission, up to 1920 x 1200 at 60 Hz (PowerCage FOX DVI Plus models) or 1600 x 1200 at 60 Hz.
Video input —
PowerCage FOX VGA — The transmitter accepts RGBHV, RGBS, RGsB, or RsGsBs on a
15-pin HD connector.
PowerCage FOX DVI — The transmitter accepts a single link of DVI-D video on a DVI-I
EDID emulation mode (PowerCage FOX Tx DVI only) — The PowerCage FOX DVI
transmitter provides a function, under RS-232 control, for specifying the rate of the
incoming DVI signal. EDID emulation mode allows proper operation when no local monitor is
Video output —
PowerCage FOX VGA — The receiver outputs RGBHV or RGsB (user-selectable) on a
15-pin HD connector.
PowerCage FOX DVI — The receiver outputs a single link of DVI-D video on a DVI-I
PowerCage FOX VGA and PowerCage FOX DVI are mutually compatible —
Enables ultra-long distance DVI-to-analog RGB and analog RGB-to-DVI conversion
without the need for extra signal conversion devices.
Compatibility with FOX 500 DA6 distribution amplifier and Fiber Matrix 6400 matrix
Audio input — The transmitters accept a balanced or unbalanced stereo audio input on a
3.5 mm, 5-pole captive screw terminal.
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Introduction 5
Audio input gain/attenuation — The input audio level can be adjusted within a range
of -18 dB (attenuation) to +10 dB (gain) via the RS-232 link.
Audio output — The receivers output balanced or unbalanced stereo audio on a 3.5 mm, 5-pole captive screw terminal.
Links monitoring — The front panels of the transmitters and receivers have indicators for monitoring both fiber optic links.
Loss-of-light alarms — The rear panels of the transmitters and receivers have discrete outputs that indicate if either of the fiber optic links have suffered a loss of the light signal.
FOX Extender control program — For RS-232 remote control from a PC running
Windows®, the Extron FOX Extender control software provides a graphical interface and
drag-and-drop/point-and-click operation.
Simple Instruction Set (SIS™) — The transmitters and receivers use the SIS for easy remote control operation.
Audio level — The audio output can be set to either the consumer level (-10 dBV) or professional level (+4 dBu) from the front panel or under RS-232 control.
Upgradable firmware — The firmware that controls the operation of each unit can be upgraded in the field via the Configuration port on the PowerCage enclosure without
taking the unit out of service. Firmware upgrades are available for download on the Extron
website, www.extron.com, and they can be installed using the FOX Extender control program.
Memory presets — 30 memory presets are a time-saving feature that lets you store input size and position settings relative to a specific input resolution. You can then recall those settings, when needed, using the SIS or the control software.
PowerCage mounting — All PowerCage FOX Tx and Rx units are mountable in any
Extron PowerCage enclosure.
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Introduction 6

Installation and Operation

This section describes the installation and operation of the PowerCage FOX VGA and PowerCage FOX DVI, including:
Mounting the Units
Connections and Indications
PowerCage Front Panel Port, Control, and Indicators

Mounting the Units

The PowerCage FOX transmitter or receiver must be installed in an Extron PowerCage enclosure (see “Installing a Board in the Enclosure” on page 42.)

Connections and Indications

Transmitters Receivers
Tx Rx
PowerCage FOX Tx VGA
Figure 2. PowerCage FOX Tx Transmitter Connectors
VGA Input connectors (PowerCage FOX VGA only) — Connect an analog
VGA-UXGA RGB video source to this 15-pin HD female connector.
DVI-I Input connector (PowerCage FOX DVI only) — Connect a single link
of DVI-D to this DVI-I connector (see “DVI connector (PowerCage FOX DVI)“ on
page 12 for pin assignments.)
7 7
6 6
1 2
Tx Rx
5 5
PowerCage FOX Tx DVI
Tx Rx
1 2
Tx Rx
1212 1212
PowerCage FOX Tx DVI
Tx Rx
PowerCage FOX Rx VGA
PowerCage FOX Rx DVI
Tx Rx
8 8 6 6
1 2
Tx Rx
5 5
PowerCage FOX Rx DVI
1 2
Tx Rx
NOTE: The PowerCage FOX DVI accepts only the digital signals on the DVI-I Input
connector. The analog pins on the port are not connected.
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Installation and Operation 7
Audio Input connector (transmitters) — Connect a balanced or unbalanced
Unbalanced Stereo Input
Balanced Stereo Input
Sleeve (s)
Do not tin the wires!
Tip (+)
Sleeve ( )
Sleeve ( )
Ring (-)
Tip (+)
RCA Connector
3.5 mm Stereo Plug Connector
stereo or mono audio input to this connector. The connector is included with transmitter, but you must supply the audio cable (see figure 3 to wire a captive screw
connector for the appropriate input type and impedance level.) Use the supplied tie-
wrap to strap the audio cable to the extended tail of the connector.
Figure 3. Captive Screw Connector Wiring for Stereo Audio Input
NOTES: • The length of exposed wires is critical. The ideal length is 3/16 inch (5 mm).
If the stripped section of wire is longer than 3/16 inch, the exposed
wires may touch, causing a short circuit.
If the stripped section of wire is shorter than 3/16 inch, wires can be
easily pulled out even if tightly fastened by the captive screws.
Figure 4 identifies the tip, ring, and sleeve. A mono audio connector consists of the tip and sleeve. A stereo audio connector consists of the tip, ring and sleeve. The tip, ring, and sleeve wires are also shown on the captive screw audio connector diagrams, figure 3, above, and figure 7.
Figure 4. Typical Audio Connectors
The input audio level can be set via RS-232 control (see the “Remote Control” section.)
RS-232 Over Fiber port — If you want the transmitter/receiver system to
pass serial command signals between the transmitter and receiver, for serial control of a projector for example, connect the host device to the transmitter
Tx Rx
and the slave device to the receiver via the first three poles on the left (Tx, Rx, and _) of these 5-pole captive screw connectors on both units (see RS-232
connections“ on page 13 to wire this connector.
NOTES: • If you connect only one ber optic cable (item g), or you configure the
receiver for daisy-chaining, you will not receive reports from the controlled device. To receive responses from the controlled device, you must install two fiber optic cables and leave the receiver in normal mode (via an SIS command for the PowerCage FOX Rx receiver.)
The PowerCage FOX can pass RS-232 commands and responses at rates up to 115200 baud.
Remote RS-232 port — For serial control of the transmitter and receiver,
connect a host device, such as a computer, to either unit via three poles (Tx, Rx, and _) of this 5-pole captive screw connector on either unit (see
Tx Rx
RS-232 connections“ on page 13 to wire this connector.) See “Remote Control“ for denitions of the SIS commands (serial commands to
control the transmitter via this connector).
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Installation and Operation 8
1 2
Alarm outputs port — For remote monitoring of the status of the
Rx fiber optic link, connect a locally-constructed or furnished monitoring device to the unit to be monitored via two poles of this 5-pole captive screw
connector on the unit to be monitored. When the unit does not detect light on
its Rx connector, pin 1 and pin 2 of this port are shorted together.
Transmitter fiber optic connectors and LEDs —
WARNING: These units output continuous invisible light, which may be harmful
to the eyes; use with caution. For additional safety, plug the attached dust caps into the optical transceivers when the fiber optic cable is unplugged.
NOTES: • Ensure that you use the proper ber cable for your transmitter/receiver
pair. Typically, singlemode fiber has a yellow jacket and multimode cable has an orange or aqua jacket.
Only one fiber optic cable, transmitter-Tx-to-receiver-Rx, is required for
video, audio, and serial command transmission. But, if you connect only
one fiber optic cable, or if your transmitter is configured to daisy-chain the optical signal, system functionality is reduced. You will not receive
RS-232 reports from the controlled device, and some Windows-based
control program functions and RS-232 commands will not work. To receive responses from the controlled device and for full functionality, you need to install both fiber optic cables and leave the receiver in normal mode (via an SIS command for the PowerCage FOX Rx receiver.)
Tx Rx
1 2
Tx (required) — For all one-way video, audio, and serial
Tx Rx
communications from the transmitter to the receiver, connect a fiber optic cable to the Tx LC connector.
7a 7b
Connect the free end of this fiber optic cable to the Rx connector (item h) on the PowerCage FOX Rx receiver or to any other
compatible Extron FOX device.
Rx (optional) — Connect a fiber optic cable for all one-way
return serial communications from the receiver to the transmitter. Connect the free end of this fiber optic cable to the Tx connector
(item h) on the PowerCage FOX Rx receiver in normal mode or to
any other compatible Extron FOX device.
Tx Rx
Tx and Rx LEDs — When lit, the link is active (light is received).
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Installation and Operation 9
Receiver fiber optic connectors and LEDs —
WARNING: These units output continuous invisible light, which may be harmful
to the eyes; use with caution. For additional safety, plug the attached dust caps into the optical transceivers when the fiber optic cable is unplugged.
NOTES: • You can connect the transmitter to one or more receivers in one of three
One way (transmitter-Tx-to-receiver-Rx) only — Connect fiber
cable é (from transmitter connector å) only.
Two way (transmitter to receiver and return) — Connect fiber
cable é (from transmitter connector å) and fiber cable è back to the transmitter (connector ç) (see figure 5.)
One way (transmitter to receiver) with daisy
Tx Rx
chain (receiver to receiver) — Connect fiber cable é from a fiber optic source and cable è to the next receiver in the daisy chain (see figure 6.) Set each receiver in the daisy chain to daisy
8b 8a
chain mode (via an SIS command for the PowerCage FOX Rx receiver.)
Up to 10 properly-congured receivers can be
connected in a daisy chain to a single transmitter.
See the transmitter fiber connector NOTES on page 8, which also apply to these connectors.
From Transmitter or Daisy-Chained
Figure 6. Daisy Chain Configuration
Rx (required) — For all one-way video, audio, and serial communications from the
Tx Rx
Tx Rx
Figure 5. Two Way
7a 7b
Tx Rx
transmitter to the receiver, connect a fiber optic cable to the Rx LC connector. Connect the free end of this fiber optic cable to the Tx connector on the
PowerCage FOX Tx transmitter (item å on page 9) or to any other compatible
Extron ber optic device.
Tx (optional) — Connect a fiber optic cable to the Tx LC connector for either of
the following functions: Normal configuration — For all one-way return serial communications from the
receiver to the Rx connector on the transmitter (see figure 5.) Daisy chain configuration — For daisy-chained video, audio, and serial
communications to the Rx connector on another receiver (see figure 6.)
NOTE: The Tx connector emits light in either case and the Rx port receives light.
Connect the free end of this fiber optic cable to either:
The Rx connector on the PowerCage FOX Tx transmitter (item ç on page 9) or
to any other compatible Extron ber optic device
The Rx connector on another receiver in the daisy chain.
Tx and Rx LEDs — When lit, the link is active (light is received).
PowerCage FOX DVI and PowerCage FOX VGA • Installation and Operation 10
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