About This Guide
Extreme Networks Consolidated Hardware Guide 15
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About This Guide
This guide describes how to prepare your site a nd how to install, maintain , and operate your Extreme
Networks switch. It contains informa tion on features that are common to all swi tches, as well as
switch-specific features. This guide contains seven parts:
• Common Features—Describes features that are shared by t he Extreme Networks family of switches.
This section describes software images, full- duplex support, management po rts, mini-GBIC and
GBIC modules and their installa tion.
• Site Planning—Describes how to evaluate, plan, and determine the location of your Extreme
Networks switch.
• Summit Switch—Describes the features that are specific to the Summit switch. This section provides
an overview of the Summit switch , information about mo del types, summary of feat ures, and
installation guidelines.
• Alpine Switch—Describes the features that are specific to the Alpine switch. This section provides an
overview of the Alpine switch, informa tion about model types, a su mmary of features, and
installation guidelines.
• BlackDiamond Switch—Describes th e features that are specific to the BlackDiamond switch. Th is
section provides an overview of the BlackDia mond switch, information a bout model types, a
summary of features, and insta llation guidelines.
• Switch Operation—Describes how to pow er on any Extreme Networks switch, verify the switch
installation, connect equipment to the con sole port, and log in to the switch for th e first time.
• Appendixes—Includes information abou t safety requirements and technical sp ecifications.
How To Use This Guide
Each chapter of this guid e contains information on how to success fully operate your Extreme Networ ks
switch. The Summit-, Alpine-, a nd BlackDiamond-specific ch apters contain informatio n that is
applicable to that family of sw itch only. All other chapters are applicable to any Extreme Networks