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Related Publications1-ix
1Server Load Balancing Concepts
Purpose of Server Load Balancing1-1
Load Balancing Modes1-3
Laye r 4 L oad Bala nci ng1-3
Layer 7 Load Balancing a nd Content Analys is1-4
Port Rewrite1-6
Getting Started on Load Balancing Configuration1-6
2Installing the SummitPx1 Application Switch
Overview of the SummitPx1 Application Switch2-1
SummitPx1 Front View2-1
SummitPx1 Ap plication Switch R ear View2-3
Determining the Location2-4
Installing the SummitPx1 Application Switch2-4
Rack Mounting2-4
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guideiii
Powering On the Su mmit Px12-5
Setting Up Console Communication2-6
Configuring Swit ch IP Parameters2-7
Configuring the 10/100 Ethernet Management Port2-8
3Installing the PxM Application Switch Module
Installing I/O Modules3-1
Removing I /O Mo dules3-2
4Managing the Switch
Using the Command-Line Interface4-2
Abbreviated S yntax and C ommand C ompletio n4-2
Syntax Symbols4-2
Line-Editing Ke ys4-3
Specifying Text Values4-3
Command History4-4
Prompt Text4-4
Configuri ng Man agemen t Access4-4
Changing the Default Passwords4-5
Creating Ac counts4-6
Managing the PxM4-7
Configuring VLANs4-8
Configurin g SNM P4-9
Configuri ng DNS Client Se rvices4-10
Using Secure Shell 2 (SSH2)4-11
Enabling SSH2 for Inbound Switch Access4-12
Using SCP2 from an External SSH2 Client4-13
SSH2 Client Functions on the Switch4-14
Showing CPU Load4-15
Checking Basic Connectivity4-15
ivPx Series Applicati on Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Configuring a Startup Banner Message4-17
Starting the GlobalPx Content Director Agent4-17
Example Configuration4-18
5Configuring Servers and Services
Configuring Real Servers5-1
Configurin g Server G roups5-2
Configurin g Virtual Service s5-3
viPx Series Applicati on Switch Ins tallation a nd Configur ation Guid e
This preface provides an overview of this guide, describes guide conventions, and lists
other publications that may be us eful.
This guide provides the required information to configure the Extreme Networks Px
series application switches, Su mmitPx1
This guide is intended for use by network administrators who are responsible for
installing and setting up network equipment. It assumes a basic working knowledge of:
• Local area netw orks (LAN s)
• Ethernet concepts
• Ethernet sw itching and br idging conce pts
• Routing concepts
• Internet Protocol (IP) conce pts, including conne ction initiation pro cess
• Netw ork A ddres s Translat ion ( NAT)
If the information in the release notes shi pped with your switch differs from the
information in this guide, follow the release notes.
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guidevii
and P xMTM.
Ta ble 1 and Table 2 list conven tions that are used th roughout this guid e.
Table 1: Notice Icons
IconNotice TypeAlerts you to...
NoteImportant features or instructions.
CautionRisk of personal injury, system damage, or loss of data.
WarningRisk of severe personal injury.
Table 2: Text Conventions
Screen displaysThis typeface indicates command syntax, or represents information
as it appears on the screen.
The words “enter”
and “type”
[Key] namesKey names are written with brackets, such as [Return] or [Esc].
Words in italicized typeItalics emphasize a point or denote new terms at the place where
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press the Return or Enter key. Do not press
the Return or Enter key when an instruction simply says “type.”
If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names
are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press [Ctr l]+[Alt]+ [Del].
they are defined in the text.
viiiPx Series Applicati on Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Related Publications
Relat ed Publicati ons
The publicat ions related to th is one are:
• ExtremeWare Software User G uide
• Px Series Application Switch Release N otes
Documentation for Extreme products is available on the World Wide Web at the
following loca tion:
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guideix
xPx Seri es Applicati on Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Server Load Balancing Concepts
The Px series application switch marks the next step in server load balancing. Using a
revolutionary hardware design, t he Px series app lication switch is d esigned to help
website adminis trators achie ve levels of av ailability and s calability neve r before
This chapter cont ains the following s ections:
• Purpose of Server Load Balancing on page 1-1
• Load Balancin g Modes on pa ge 1-3
• Port Rewrite on page 1-6
• Getting Started o n Load Balancin g Configuration on page 1-6
Purpose of Server Load Balancing
An application switch in creases website availabili ty by allowing for web serv ers to fail
(or be shut down for maintenance) without a website outage. It also improves the
response times of the website and increases the traffic-handling capacity of the website
by allowing mult iple servers to b e used together as a single site.
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide1-1
The Px series application switch can examine actual user requests, rather than simply
forwarding the requests to the servers. You can use the powerful array of tools provided
by the Px series app lication switch to scale websit es by:
• Creating special purpose servers
• Making better use of web caches
• Allowing movem ent of web conten t without extensiv e re-linking of the site
The Px series application switch creates a level of abstraction between the real servers
and the Internet, by configuring a virtual IP (VIP) address and port on the application
switch. The VIP has a globally-reachable public IP address, and corresponds to the DNS
entry for the we bsite. All traffic for the website is sent to the applicatio n switch, whic h
applies policies to decide how to forward the traffic to a real server.
Figure 1-1 s hows several Inter net users all conne cting to the webs ite
Real Server 1
Virtual Server
Real Server 2
Internet clients
Real Server 3
Figure 1-1: Conceptual view of server load balancing
1-2Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Load Balancing Modes
In this document, the Internet users are referred to as clients, because they are clients of
the application switch. The website, whic h is actually a n address inside t he applicatio n
switch, is also c alled a virtual IP a ddress, or VIP. Because the Px series application switch
uses the unique combination of IP address and source port, the VIP is referred to as a
virtual service.
Load Balancing Modes
The Px series a pplication swi tch can perform packet redirection for load balancing in
two different ways:
• Layer 4 load balancing
• Layer 7 load balancing
Layer 4 Lo ad Balancin g
In layer 4 mode, the application switch decide s which server s hould receive a give n
user request using server selection poli cies. It selects a server without looking at the
content of the request. The following server selection policies are supported by the Px
series applicat ion switch:
• Round robin
• Weight ed round ro bin
• Least con nections
• Weighted least con nections
For more information on policies, see Chapter 6.
The applic ation sw itch c an bala nce alm ost any traffic us ing ne twork address transla tion
(NAT) at layer 4. The applicatio n switch rewrites t he destination IP a ddress of the
request to point to the real server selected to handle the request, and sets the source IP
address of the request to point to one of the internal IP addresses of the Px series
application switch. When the server responds to the request, the application switch
rewrites the response so that it appears to originate from its VIP address, and forwards
the response to the client.
Figure 1-2 illus trates a single c lient-server tr ansaction using layer 4.
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide1-3
ClientReal Server
(http request)
Figure 1-2: Single client-server transaction using layer 4
As soon as the fir st request from the client is received at the application s witch, the
application switch uses the server-selection policy configured for the VIP to select the
server and immediately sends out the NAT-ed request to the real server. The client and
server continue the connection establishment protocol using the application switch in
the middle, NAT-ing the traffic. After the connection is established, an HTTP request is
sent and the server responds.
Layer 7 Load Balancing and Content Analysis
To make server-selection decisions based on cookies or the URL being requested by the
client, the appli cation swit ch must actu ally look ins ide the client reques t. Becaus e this
data request is only sent out after a connection is established, the Px series application
switch must first act as a proxy for the server by acting as the endpoint of the TCP/IP
connection from the c lient. This process is called layer 7 load balancing.
The Px series application switch delays the establishment of a connection to a server
until the first 1500 bytes of actual data (the HTTP request) is received from the client.
The application switch then takes the content being requested, along with the domain to
which the request pertains, and applies policy rules. Based on the outcome of the policy
decision, the a pplication switch establishes a T CP connection w ith the real server
1-4Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Load Balancing Modes
chosen to process the request, using a source IP address that is part of a proxy pool
inside the app lication switc h.
After a connection is established between the application switch and the real server, the
application switch forwards the buffered data to the server. The server sends any
response to the ap plication switch . The applicatio n switch tr anslates th e IP source
address and port numbers appropriately, along with the TCP sequence and
acknowledgment numbers, and then forwards the data to the real client on the Internet.
Return traffic from the real server does not require content analysis, and is simply
rewritten by the NAT engine.
Figure 3 illustrates the sequence used to establish a layer 7 requ est.
Figure 1-3: Establishing a layer 7 request
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide1-5
Port Rewrite
When a request is sent by a client to a VIP service, the request contains the well-known
port number for the requested application. For example, the well-known port number
for HTTP is port 80.
You can configure the application switch to rewrite the port, configuring a server group
to use a specific port, other than the well-known port number for the application. Port
rewrite is useful in ins tances where m ultiple domain s are configured on t he same s erver
(or all servers in the same server group) and each domain has its own server process.
By giving each domain its own port number, each server process can be configured to
listen f or requ ests a t its o wn po rt.
Getting Started on Load Balancing Configuration
To successfully configure the Px series ap plication switc h to perform lo ad balancing
operations, you must consider the following:
• Do you want to use full NAT or server-only NAT mode? For more information on
NAT, see Chapter 6.
• Do you want to use IP address history? For more information on IP address history,
see Chapter 6.
• What server se lection policies d o you want to use ? For more informati on on
selection policies, see Chapter 6.
• If URL switchin g is going to be im plemente d, what DNS domains an d patterns will
be used? For m ore information on URL sw itching, see Cha pter 7.
• If cookies will be used, what cookie mode will be selected, and are the cookies
configured properly on the web servers? For more information on cookies, see
Chapter 6.
After these decisions have been made, follow these steps to configure load balancing:
1 Configure the syste m IP and related inf ormation. Fo r more informatio n, see
Chapter 4.
2 Configure the appropriate global parameters such as NAT mode, proxy-IPs, and
stickiness options. For more information, see Chapter 6.
3 Configure the servers and virtual services:
1-6Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Getting Star ted on Loa d Balancin g Configuratio n
a Configure the real ser vers that will be load balan ced.
b Create groups of servers, and put the real servers into them.
c Create a virtual service.
— If the virtual service is layer 4, assign a se rver group to it.
— If the virtual service is layer 7, create the appropriate domains and pattern-rules,
and assign server groups to the pattern-rules.
For more information, s ee Chapter 5.
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide1-7
1-8Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Installing the SummitPx1
Application Switch
This chapter de scribes how t o install the Su mmitPx1 conf iguration of t he Px series
application switch . It contains the fo llowing sectio ns:
• Overview of the SummitPx1 Application Switch on page 2-1
• Determining the Lo cation on page 2-4
• Installing the Summ itPx1 Applic ation Switch on pa ge 2-4
• Setting Up Cons ole Commu nication on pa ge 2-6
• Powering On the SummitPx1 on page 2-5
Over view of the SummitPx1 Application Switch
Summ itPx1 Front View
Figure2-1 shows the Px series application switch front view.
Unit status
Figure 2-1: SummitPx1 application switch front view
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide2-1
Network Interface
LEDs and port
Table 2-1 describes the LED behavior on the SummitPx1.
Table 2-1: Px series application switch LEDs
Yellow flashing
ManagementGreen flashing
■ Slow
■ Fast
The 1000Base-T link is operational.
There is activity on this link.
The Px series application switch is operating normally.
Power On Self Test (POST) in progress.
The Px series application switch has failed its POST.
The Px series application switch is powered up.
The Px series application switch is indicating a power or
temperature problem.
The front panel of the SummitPx1 has four ports:
• Giga bit In terfa ce Co nnec tor (GBI C)
The Network Interface port is a Gigabit Interface Connector (GBIC) used to connect
the application sw itch to your loc al network.
• 100BASE-Tx Ethernet Management (RJ-45)
The Ethernet Management port (RJ-45 connector) is a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
connection used for o ut-of-band mana gement.
• Console (serial RJ-45)
The console por t (serial RJ-4 5 connector) is us ed to connec t a terminal for lo cal
out-of-band management. The console operates at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity,
one stop bit (8-N-1) with no hardware flow control.
Use the included DB-9 adapter to connect the console to a PC serial port, using a
straight (1-8, 1-8) cable, such as a standard category 3 or category 5 Ethernet cable.
The pinouts for the DB-9 adapter are shown in Table 2-2 on page 2-3.
If you are wiring the console port to a console server, you must use a null modem
cable (1-8, 8-1).
• AUX (serial RJ- 45)
The AUX port (RJ-45 connector) has the same pi n-outs as the console port. The AUX
port is used for remote out-of-band management.
2-2Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
The SummitPx1 automatically adjusts to the supply voltage. The power supply
operates down to 90 VAC. The fuse is suitable for both 110 VAC and 220-240 VAC
• Serial Number
Use the serial number for fault-reporting purposes.
• MAC Addre ss
A label shows the unique Ethernet MAC addresses assigned to this device.
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide2-3
Determining the Location
The SummitPx1 is suited for use in the office, where it can be free-standing or mounted
in a standard 19-inch equipment rack. Alternatively, the device can be rack-mounted in
a wiring closet or equipment room. Two mounting brackets are supplied with the
When deciding where to install the SummitPx1, ensure that:
• The unit is ac cessible and c ables can be connected e asily.
• Water o r moi sture c anno t en ter the case of th e uni t.
• Air-flow around the unit and through the vents in the side of the case is not
restricted. You should provide a minimum of 25mm (1-inch) clearance.
• No objects are placed on top of the unit.
• Units are not stacked more than four high if the switch is free-standing.
Installing the SummitPx1 Application Switch
The application switch can be mounted in a rack or placed free-standing on a tabletop.
Rack Mountin g
Caution: The rack mount kits must not be u sed to suspen d the switch from
under a table or desk, or to attach to a wall.
To rack mo unt the application switch, follow these steps:
1 Place the device the right way up on a hard, flat surface, with the front facing you.
2 Remove the existing screws from the sides of the chassis and retain for step 4.
3 Locate a mounting bracket over the mounting holes on one side of the unit.
4 Insert the screws and f ully tighten wit h a suitable screw driver, as shown in
Figure 2-3.
2-4Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Powering On the SummitPx1
Figure 2-3: Fitting the mounting bracket
5 Repeat steps 2-4 for the other side of the device.
6 Insert the application switch into the 19-inch rack. Ensure that ventilation holes are
not obstructed.
7 Secure the device with suitable screws (not provided).
8 Connect cables .
The Summit Px1 applic ation switch is supplied w ith four self -adhesive r ubber pads.
Apply the pads to the underside of the device by sticking a pad at each corner of the
Up to four SummitPx1 application switches can be placed on top of one another.
Powering On the SummitPx1
To turn on power to the SummitPx1 application switch, connect the AC power cable to
the sw itch a nd th en to the w all o utlet .
After turning on power to the SummitPx1, the device performs a Power On Self-Test
(POST). During the POST, all ports are temporarily disabled, the packet LED is off, the
power LED is on, and the MGMT LED flashes. The MGMT LED flashes until the
application switch has successfully passed the POST.
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide2-5
If the application switch pas ses the POST, the MGMT LED blinks at a slow rate (1 blink
per second). If the application swit ch fails the POS T, the MGMT LED shows a solid
yellow light.
Setti ng Up Conso le Communica tion
To manage the app lication switch locally, you must conn ect to the managem ent console
to configure the switch’s Ethernet management port using a serial connection. This
section describ es how to to configu re the SummitPx 1 for commun ication with the
console interface.
There are four ports on the application switch:
• GBIC 1000bT network interface port
• 10/100BT Ethernet management po rt
• Serial console and modem management ports
Unit status
Network Interface
LEDs and port
Any workstation w ith a Telnet facility can communi cate with the ap plication switc h
over a TCP/IP network. Telnet is enabled by default. Use Telnet to connect to either the
10/100 Mbps Ethernet management port, or to the Gigabit Ethernet network interface
port, after configuring their IP addresses via the serial port.
The 10/100BT Ethernet management port allows the CPU to upload and download
images on a network that is seperate from the data network. This allows the data
network to be o utside a firewall w hile the man agement port is inside the f irewall.
You use the serial management ports for your initial communication with the device, in
order to configure the management and network interface ports. The serial ports use a
RJ45 connector. The SummitPx1 is supplied with an RJ45-to-DB9 converter and ethernet
2-6Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Setting Up Consol e Communic ation
cable with which to connect most PCs to this port. The console port settings are as
Baud rate9600
Data bi ts8
Stop bit1
Flow controlNone
Each interface has a unique IP address. Before you can start a Telnet session, you must
set up the IP param eters of the po rt you will us e for manageme nt, as describ ed in the
following sections. To open the Telnet session, you specify the IP address of the port.
For information o n how to do t his, refer to the docum entation for your Telnet facility.
After the connection is established, you will see the command-line interface prompt and
can begin configuring the device.
Configuring S witch IP Parameters
To m anage the application switch by way of a Telnet connection to the Gigabit Ethernet
port, you must first configure the switch IP parameters. To manually configure the IP
settings, follow these steps:
1 Connect a terminal or workstation running terminal-emulation software to the serial
management (console) port. See “Setting Up Console Communication” on page 2-6.
2 Configure the system IP address and default gateway. The following example sets
The vlan argument is optional for the SummitPx1, but required for the PxM. See
“Managing the PxM” on page 4-7, and “Configuring VLANs” on page 4-8.
3 Enable the Gigabit port, commit changes, and save your configuration changes to
flash memory, so that they are in effect after the next reboot.
SummitPx1:8 # enable port gigabit
SummitPx1:11 # build
SummitPx1:17 # save
Do you want to save to the primary configuration database (Y/N) ? y
Erasing Flash *
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide2-7
Writing data to Flash
4 When you are finish ed using the facili ty, lo g out of the applic ation switch.
You can now access the Gigabit Ethernet port directly via Telnet.
Configuring the 10/100 Ethernet Management Port
The 10/100BT Ethernet management port provides dedicated remote access to the
application switch using TCP/IP. It supports Telnet using the command- line interface.
The 10/100BT port is designed to be used as an out-of-band management p ort only. It does
not function as a load balancing port.
To use the management interface, you must assign it an IP address and subnetwork
mask, using the f ollowing command :
config mgmt ip <ipa ddress> / <netm ask bit length>
The 10/100BT port has a separate routing table. By default, no routes are installed in the
routing table. You must explicitly configure routes. After the IP address has been
configured, install a route for the network, using t he following com mand:
2-8Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Installing the PxM Application
Switch Module
The PxM conf iguration of th e Px series applic ation switch is a BlackDiam ond module.
The configuratio n informatio n and specif ications for the B lackDiamond I/O modules
are described in d etail in the E xtreme Networks Consolidated H ardware Guide, as w ell as
the module ins tallation and remo val procedures. For conv enience, the information on
installing and removing modules is repeated here.
To manage the a pplication switch locally, you must con nect a manage ment console to
the switch’s Ethern et manageme nt port using a serial co nnection. Do this in the same
way as for the SummitPx1; see “Setting Up Console Communication” on page 2-6.
This chapter cont ains the following s ections:
• Installing I/O Modu les on page 3-1
• Removing I/O Modules on page 3-2
Installing I/O Modules
You can insert I/O modules at any time, without causing disruption of network
To install an I/O module:
1 Select a slot f or the modu le:
• Slots numbered 1 through 16 in the BlackDiamond 6816
• Slots numbered 1 through 8 in the BlackDiamond 6808
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide3-1
Caution: You can install I/O modules only in slots 1 through 16 in the
BlackDiamond 6816 or slots 1 through 8 in the B lackDiamond 680 8. I/O modul es
do not fit in s lots A, B, C, or D. Forceful insertion can da mage the I/O module.
2 Attach the ESD strap that is provided to your wrist and connect the metal end to the
ground receptacle that is located on the top-left corner of the switch front panel.
3 For the BlackDiamond 6816, ensure that the module is horizontal with the module
name to the left and that the ejector/injector handles are extended.
For the BlackDiamond 6808, ensure that the module is vertical with the module
name at the top and that the ejector/injector handles are extended.
4 Slide the module into the appropriate slot of the chassis (slots 1 through 16 in the
BlackDiamond 6816 or slots 1 through 8 in the BlackDiamond 6808), until it makes
contact with the backplane.
As the module begins to seat in the chassis, the ejector/injector handles begin to
5 To c lose the ejector/injector handles, use both hands simultaneously to push the
handles toward the center of the module.
6 To secure the module, t ighten the two screw s using a #1 Phillip s screwdrive r.
Note: Tighten the s crews before inserting additional modules. Otherwise, you
might unseat modules that you have not secured.
7 Repeat this procedure for additional modules, if applicable.
8 Leave the ESD strap permanently connected to the chassis, so that it is always
available when you need to handle ESD-sensitive components.
Removing I/O Modules
All BlackDiamond 6800 series modules (MSM64i and I/O modules) are hot-swappable.
You do not need to power off the system to remove a module.
To remove an I/O module:
1 Attach the ESD strap that is provided to your wrist and connect the metal end to the
ground receptacle that is located on the top-left corner of the switch front panel.
2 Use a #1 Phillips s crewdriver to unscrew the two captive s crews.
3-2Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
Removing I/O Modules
3 Simultaneously rotate the ejector/injector handles outward to disengage the module
from the backplane.
4 Slide the module out of the chassis.
5 If you are not going to install a replacement I/O module, cover the slot with a blank
faceplate. Otherwise, follow the I/O module installation procedure above.
6 Repeat this procedure for additional modules, if applicable.
7 Leave the ESD strap permanently connected to the chassis, so that it is always
available when you need to handle ESD-sensitive components.
Px Series Appli cation Switch In stallation and Config uration Guide3-3
3-4Px Series Application Switch Ins tallation a nd Configurati on Guide
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