Extreme Networks Feature Brief
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The Benefits
Increase Network Availability Identity Manager reduces network noise by enabling switches at the network edge to enforce the right policies
at the right time, then applying those policies consistently across the network, based on user profiles.
Reduce IT Support Costs
for Enterprises
Identity Manager reduces time needed to locate users or devices in the network. EPICenter
management software and ExtremeXOS® network operating system provide extensive information about
identities and their locations, which can reduce IT support and troubleshooting time.
Reduce Compliance and Audit Costs Identity Manager helps to meet compliance requirements such as HIPAA for healthcare service providers, SOX
for enterprises, and those mandated for agencies and organizations in the Federal framework.
Industry Standards-Based Technology Helps in working with a diverse set of products from server, network equipment, and software vendors.
Leverage Existing Network
To deliver robust network access control existing Summit
, BlackDiamond® 8K, BlackDiamond 10K, and
BlackDiamond 12K series switches in the network can be used. This increases ROI and can reduce the
total cost of ownership.
Integration with Business Processes
and Custom Applications
ExtremeXOS InSite SDK provides the XML APIs to monitor and manage identities, as well as role-based
policies from independent third-par ty applications.
Reduce Training and Other Overhead ExtremeXOS delivers a consistent CLI framework across the switching products portfolio, and EPICenter
provides an intuitive user interface to quickly set up, provision and manage role-based policies.
The Technology
Identity Manager is available in the
ExtremeXOS 12.4 operating system or
later and EPICenter 7.1. Identity Manager
runs on the existing Extreme Networks
enterprise switching portfolio, eliminating
the need for a forklift upgrade. The
flexible and modular architecture of
ExtremeXOS allows for gathering and
collecting attributes from different
sources on the network (e.g. IT
applications and servers), which helps in
constructing identities and correlating
information from multiple sources.
Role-based access control policies are
enforced by configuration through
either EPICenter or the ExtremeXOS
based switch. An extensible framework
based on XML APIs is used for
communication between EPICenter and
the switches. When user or device
identities are discovered, the switch
determines if the identity can be placed
in one of the configured roles.
Figure 1: Identity Manager Report
User: John
Role: Employee
Resource Access = Permit All
User: Alice
Role: Contractor
Resource Access = Deny Mail and CRM
ERP Applications
& Data
Customer Data
Active Directory Server
LDAP Server
Role Internet Intranet Mail CRM/Database VLAN
Unauthenticated Yes No No No Default
Employee Yes Yes Yes Yes Default
Contractor Yes Yes No No Default
User: Bob
Role: Unauthenticated
Resource Access = Internet Only