22 EPICenter So ftware Installatio n and User Guid e
EPICenter and Po licy Manager Overvi ew
Summary of Features
In large corporate networks, network managers need to manage systems “end to end.” The EPICenter
software is a powerful, flexible and easy-to-use application for centralizing the management of a
network of Extreme switches and selected third-party devices, regardless of the network size. The
EPICenter software provides the vital SNMP, HTML, and CLI-based tools you need for network-wide
management of Extreme Networks Summit, Black Diamond, and Alpine switches.
• Network C ontrol. Th e EPICenter software provides configuration and monitoring of Extreme
Networks' switches and selected third-party devices anywhere on the network simultaneously.
• Intelligent Management. Extreme SmartTraps
(patent pending) automatically gather switch
configuration changes and forward them to the EPICenter server, thereby minimizing network
management traffic. EPICenter separates its “heartbeat” polling, used to asses a device’s connectivity,
from its less frequent and more data-intensive status polling.
• Hierarchical Displays. Most information, includ ing that found in EPICenter to pology maps, V LAN
management, configuration management, and real-time statistics, is dynamically presented in an
easy-to-navigate hierarchical tree.
• Multi-platform capability. The EPICenter server supports Sun SPARC/Solaris and Intel, Windows
2000, and Windows XP. Client applications on either of these platforms can connect to servers on
either platform.
• Support for mu ltiple us ers with securi ty. Users must log in to the applicatio n, and can be g ranted
different levels of access to the application features.
• Web -based or installed clients. The EPICenter software gives you a c hoice of installin g client
softwa re, or c onnec ting to the EP ICen ter se rver t hroug h a web- brow ser-base d clie nt, av ailab le on
Windows client machines.
• Man age l arg e nu mbe rs of dev ice s. The EPICenter server can manage up to 2000 devices with a
single installation of the EPICenter software. For even larger networks you can split the management
task a mon g sev eral E PICe nter serve rs in a di strib uted serve r mod e th at let s you mon itor t he st atus
of those servers from a single client.
Extreme Networks switches and many other MIB-2 compatible devices can be monitored and controlled
from a central interface, without exiting EPICenter to run a separate program or telnet session. Features
such as SmartTraps
and the EPICenter alarm system further maximize network monitoring capability
while maintain ing network usag e efficiency.
You can organize your network resources into non-exclusiv e groups (including groups made up of
selected ports from mult iple switches) that you can manage as a single ent ity. Dev ice groupings can be
based on a variety of factors. For example, physical location, logical grouping, devices that support
SSH2, and so on. Using device groups, you can search for individual IP addresses and identify their
connections into the network. You can monitor the status of your network devices either visually,
through the Extrem eView applet, or by s etting al arms that will not ify you ab out cond itions or events on
your network devices. You can get a high-level overview of the status of your network devices
displayed as a hierarchical topology map.
These features and more are descr ibed in more det ail in the fo llowing sectio ns, and in th e remaining
chapters of this manual.