69 inch electric ARF assembly manual
Copyright Extreme Flight 2019

Please take a few moments to read this instruction manual in its entirety before beginning
assembly. We have outlined a fast, clear and easy method to assemble this aircraft and
familiarizing yourself with this process will aid in a quick, easy assembly.
Please read the following paragraphs before beginning assembly
of your aircraft!
THIS IS NOT A TOY! Serious injury, destruction of property, or even death may result
from the misuse of this product. Extreme Flight RC is providing you, the consumer, with a
very high quality model aircraft component kit, from which you, the consumer, will
assemble a flying model. As such it is beyond our control to monitor the finished aircraft
you produce. Extreme Flight RC will in no way accept or assume responsibility or liability
for damages resulting from the use of this user assembled product. This aircraft should be
flown in accordance with the AMA safety code. It is highly recommended that you join the
Academy of Model Aeronautics in order to be properly insured and operate your model at
AMA sanctioned flying fields only. If you are not willing to accept ALL liability for the use
of this product, please return it to the place of purchase immediately.
Extreme Flight RC, Ltd. guarantees this kit to be free of defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of 30 DAYS from the date of purchase. All warranty claims must
be accompanied by the original dated receipt. This warranty is extended to the original
purchaser of the aircraft kit only. Extreme Flight RC in no way warranties its aircraft
against flutter. We have put these aircraft through the most grueling flight tests imaginable
and have not experienced any control surface flutter. Proper servo selection and linkage
set-up is absolutely essential. Inadequate servos or improper linkage set up may result in
flutter and possibly the complete destruction of your aircraft. If you are not experienced in
this type of linkage set-up or have questions regarding servo choices, please contact us at
info@extremeflightrc.com or 770-887-1794. It is your responsibility to ensure the
airworthiness of your model.

Greetings and congratulations on your purchase of the Extreme Flight RC 69 inch Turbo
Raven EXP! This revolutionary new airframe designed by our good friend Cody Wojcik
is insanely capable, precise, and pure feeling on just a 6S power system. This aircraft is
based on the short-lived full scale Turbo Raven piloted by Wayne Handley, which was
initially based on the Giles G-202 with extensive use of composites, and was one of the only
full scale aerobatic planes with a greater than one to one thrust to weight ratio. It was
capable of full 3D flight including flying straight out of flat spins, torque rolls and stop
and start vertical up lines.
With carefully analyzed moments and areas and a CFD analyzed airfoil, the Turbo Raven
EXP was designed from the outset to perform best at an extremely low wing loading that
would make more traditional designs feel sloppy, floaty, and imprecise. Its narrow
fuselage reduces drag and keeps the ailerons in the prop blast for maximum control at
near zero airspeed. Knife-edge requires no mixing and pitch response is as smooth as a
pattern plane and as powerful as an Edge when you yank on the stick. Huge,
counterbalanced ailerons mean the roll rate is fast but extremely predictable and
consistent, and it makes rifle rolls easier than any other airplane on the market. The clean
design also makes the Turbo Raven shockingly comfortable in the wind!
Paired with modern super torque mini servos such as the MKS HV9767 or Savox SV1260, DualSky G1500.5 and 17x6 prop (the Torque 4016T-500 and 16x7 will also work
well), and a 6S 3700-4500 battery, the Turbo Raven offers unprecedented performance in
an extremely affordable and convenient package.

Tips for Success:
1. Before starting assembly, take a few minutes to read the entire instruction manual to
familiarize yourself with the assembly process.
2. Please take a few minutes and go over all the seams on the aircraft with a covering iron
on a medium heat setting.
3. Apply a couple drops of CA to high stress areas such as anti-rotation pins, landing gear
mounts, servo trays and motor box joints .
4. When applying decals, first clean the area where the decal will be applied with alcohol.
Mist the area lightly with Windex or Rapid Tack before applying the decal which will
allow you to properly position it, then use a rubber squeegee to push all of the liquid from
under the decal. This will result in very few air pockets trapped under the decal.
5. Take the time to properly balance and trim your aircraft and set up rates and
exponential values. Your flying experience will be greatly enhanced by doing this.
The Ultracote colors used on the Turbo Raven are as follows:
True Red #HANU866, Pearl Dark Yellow #HANU843, Midnight Blue #HANU885, White
#HANU870 and Transparent Blue #HANU954

Items needed for completion
-Masking tape.
-Hobby knife with #11 blades.
-Hobby sealing iron.
-Thin and medium CA. We highly recommend Mercury M5T thin and M100XF medium
formulas as well as the Mercury glue tips.
-Pacer Formula 560 Canopy Glue.
-Silicon glue (Goop)
-Blue Loctite.
-Electric drill with an assortment of small drill bits.
-Small flat head and Phillip's head screw drivers.
-Standard and needle nose pliers.
-Metric balldriver or allen key set.
-Sanding block and sandpaper.
-4 high torque mini metal geared servos. All flight testing was performed with MKS 9767
and Savox 1260 servos.
-Extreme Flight 1.25" lightweight servo arms (Qty 3) and 3" double arm with 2mm holes
(Qty 1)
-Torque 4016T/500 Brushless or Dualsky GA1500.5 Brushless Outrunner motor.
-Airboss Elite 80 Amp ESC for Torque motor or Dualsky Summit 120 for Dualsky motor.
-6S 3700-5000 mah LiPo battery.
- 16x7 Xoar PJN Electric wood prop for Torque motor or Xoar 17x6 PJN Electric wood
prop for Dualsky motor.
1-24" 28 AWG extension for elevator servo
2-6" 28 AWG extensions for aileron servos
2-3" 28 AWG extensions for receiver-aileron interface
1-12" 20 AWG extension for ESC to receiver
-Adhesive backed Velcro and Velcro strap for battery retention.

Let's begin!
1. Locate the 2 wing panels with ailerons as well as the 2 G10 aileron control horns and base plates.
Remove the aileron and pull the hinges from the wing and aileron. Use Pacer Formula 560 Canopy Glue
to secure the hinges. This glue works very well in this application and cleans up easily with water. Apply
the glue to both the hinge holes and the hinges themselves and push the surfaces together leaving a
minimal gap between them. Use masking tape to keep the aileron in position while the glue sets. Wipe
away any excess glue with a damp paper towel.