Extended Systems OneBridge 4.1, OneBridge Real Time Server 4.1 User Manual

OneBridge Real Time Server
User Guide
This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under a license agreement. The content of this manual is furnished for infor m ational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Extended Systems, Inc.. Extended Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.
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Table of Contents
Section 1: Welcome to OneBridge® Rea l Time Server........................ 1
About Real Time............................................................................................................................. 1
About this guide.............................................................................................................................. 2
Section 2: Getting started.............................................................................3
Palm functions................................................................................................................................... 4
Navigating Real Time.................................................................................................................. 4
Choosing menu ite m s................................................... .................................. ........................... 5
Clicking buttons............................................................................................................................. 5
Entering text in text boxes...................................................................................................... 6
Choosing items from list boxes............................................................................................ 6
Mobile phone functions (UP.Link microbrowser)........................................................ 8
Navigating Real Time.................................................................................................................. 8
Clicking buttons............................................................................................................................. 9
Choosing menu ite m s................................................... .................................. ........................ 10
Entering text in text boxes................................................................................................... 11
Choosing items from list boxes......................................................................................... 12
Mobile phone functions (Nokia microbrowser)........................................................ 13
Navigating Real Time............................................................................................................... 13
Clicking buttons.......................................................................................................................... 13
Choosing menu ite m s................................................... .................................. ........................ 14
Entering text in text boxes................................................................................................... 15
Choosing items from list boxes......................................................................................... 15
RIM device functions.................................................................................................................. 17
Navigating Real Time............................................................................................................... 17
Choosing menu ite m s................................................... .................................. ........................ 18
Clicking buttons.......................................................................................................................... 18
Entering text in text boxes................................................................................................... 19
Choosing items from list boxes......................................................................................... 19
Table of Contents
Pocket PC functions.................................................................................................................... 21
Web browser functions......................... ... .... ... ................ ... ... .... ... ... ......................................... 26
Starting Real Time........................................................................................................................ 29
Navigating Real Time.............................................................................................................. 21
Choosing menu ite m s.. ..... .................................. .................................. ................................. . 22
Clicking buttons.......................................................................................................................... 23
Entering text in text boxes.................................................................................................. 24
Choosing items from list boxes ........................................................................................ 25
Navigating Real Time.............................................................................................................. 26
Choosing menu ite m s.. ..... .................................. .................................. ................................. . 27
Clicking buttons.......................................................................................................................... 27
Entering text in text boxes.................................................................................................. 28
Choosing items from list boxes ........................................................................................ 28
Exchange Username field...................................................................................................... 31
Section 3: Managing messages....................................................................33
Viewing messages......................................................................................................................... 33
Composing messages.................... .... ... ... ... ................ .... ... ... ................ .... ... ... ................ ... .... . .... 36
Adding attachmen ts..................... ..... .... .................................. ................................... .... .......... 38
Removing attachments........................................................................................................... 38
Forwarding attachments to a third party for conver si on.................................... 38
Replying to messages.................................................................................................................. 39
Forwarding messages.................................................................................................................. 40
Deleting messages........................................................................................................................ 40
Using the recipient list................................................................................................................ 41
Adding recipient s to messages...................... ..... .................................. ............................. 41
Removing recipients from messages.............................................................................. 43
Section 4: Using and managing contacts......... ........... ...................... ........45
Searching and browsing contact lists................................................................................. 46
Viewing contact details.............................................................................................................. 47
Dialing contacts.............................................................................................................................. 48
Emailing contacts................. .... ... ................ ... .... ... ................ ... ... .... ... ................ ... .... ... .................. 49
Adding contacts............................................................................................................................. 49
Editing contacts.............................................................................................................................. 50
Deleting contacts.......................................................................................................................... 51
Table of Contents
Section 5: Managing meetings .....................................................................53
Viewing Day View........................................................................................................................ 54
Viewing Week View................................................................................................................... 55
Viewing Month View.................................................................................................................. 56
Scheduling meetings................................................................................................................... 57
Viewing details of meetings.................................................................................................... 59
Editing details of meetings........................ .... ... ... ... ................ .... ... ... ... ................. ... ... ... ... ........ 60
Canceling meetings..................................................................................................................... 61
Enabling meeting reminders................................................................................................... 61
Section 6: Managing tasks............................................................................63
Viewing task details..................................................................................................................... 64
Adding tasks.................................................................................................................................... 65
Editing tasks..................................................................................................................................... 67
Marking tasks as complete...................................................................................................... 68
Deleting tasks................................................................................................................................. 68
Section 7: Setting options............................................................................69
Attachments.................................................................................................................................... 70
Auto login......................................................................................................................................... 70
Signature............................................................................................................................................ 72
Startup................................................................................................................................................ 73
Time zone........................................................................................................................................ 74
User profiles.................................................................................................................................... 75
About.................................................................................................................................................. 77
Section 8: Addendum for Lotus Domino and Notes............................79
Replicating personal address books................................................................................... 79
Folder List................... .... ... ... ................ .... ... ... ................ ... .... ... ................ ... .... ... .............................. 80
Table of Contents
List of Figur es
Palm handheld device and scrollbar..................................................................................4
Menu items on a Palm handheld device...........................................................................5
Buttons on a Palm handheld device..................................................................................5
Drop-down list boxes on a Palm handheld device........................................................6
List boxes on a Palm handheld device..............................................................................6
Mobile phone (UP.Link) arrow keys.................................................................................8
OK button on mobile phones (UP.Link)..........................................................................9
Choosing menu items on a mobile phone (UP.Link)..................................................10
Entering text on a mobile phone (UP.Link)..................................................................11
Using list boxes on a mobile phone (UP.Link).............................................................12
Choosing menu items on a mobile phone (Nokia).....................................................14
Entering text on a mobile phone (Nokia)......................................................................15
Using list boxes on a mobile phone (Nokia).................................................................15
RIM Handheld devices: trackwheel.................................................................................17
Choosing menu items on a RIM device ........................................................................18
Clicking buttons on a RIM device....................................................................................18
Entering text on a mobile phone.....................................................................................19
Using list boxes on a RIM device.....................................................................................19
Navigating Real Time..........................................................................................................21
Choosing menu items on a Pocket PC..........................................................................22
Clicking buttons on a Pocket PC.....................................................................................23
Entering text in text boxes on a Pocket PC.................................................................24
Choosing items from list boxes on a Pocket PC.........................................................25
Navigating Real Time in a Web browser.......................................................................26
Choosing menu items in a Web browser.....................................................................27
Clicking buttons in a Web browser................................................................................27
Entering text in text boxes in a Web browser............................................................28
Choosing items from list boxes in a Web browser....................................................28
Login screen.........................................................................................................................29
Message Body screen.........................................................................................................34
Message Header screen.....................................................................................................35
Composing messages..........................................................................................................36
Compose screen.................................................................................................................37
List of Figures
Recipient List screen.......................................... ......... ............................................. ......... .41
Add Recipients screen.......................................................................................................42
Searching contacts..............................................................................................................46
Browsing contacts.......................................................................... ......... ............................47
Viewing contact details......................................................................................................48
Contact name in the recipient list....................................................... ......... ...................49
Adding contacts to Contacts............................................................................................50
Delete confirmation screen......................................................... ......... ............................51
Viewing calendars................................................................................................................53
Day View screen.................................................................................................................54
Week View screen........................................................................ ......... ............................55
Month View screen.............................................................................................................56
Add Meeting screen............................................................................................................57
Start Date screen................................................................................................................58
Viewing the details of a meeting......................................................................................59
Meeting Detail screen........................................................................................................60
Meeting Reminder screen.................................................................................................62
Managing tasks.....................................................................................................................63
Task Details screen............................................................................................................64
Adding tasks.........................................................................................................................65
Add Task screen..................................................................................................................65
Start Date screen................................................................................................................66
Due Date screen............................................................................ ......... ......... ...................66
Edit Task screen..................................................................................................................67
Enabling auto login..............................................................................................................70
Auto Login screen...............................................................................................................71
Signature screen..................................................................................................................72
Startup Screen.....................................................................................................................73
Time Zone screen...............................................................................................................74
Managing profiles.................................................................................................................75
Available Profiles screen....................................................................................................76
Section 1
Welcome to OneBridge
Real Time Server
Welcome to On eBridge Real Time Ser ver. This section provides information about:
Real Time. See page 1.
This guide. See pag e 2.
About Real Time
Real Time is a personal information management (PIM) and messaging application that lets mobile business users access and use email and contacts anywhere, at any time.
Real Ti me fit s easily into your organization’s existing architecture, is extensible and scalable, and supports both current and future Web­enabled mobile devices.
Real Time let s you:
Read, move, and delete incoming messages
Compose and send new messages
Reply to and forward messa ges
Add new contacts to Contacts
Search and browse f or existing contacts
Welcome to OneBridge® Real Time Server
About this guide
This ma nual provides you with a comprehensive guide to procedures and requirements for using Real Time:
Section 1 (this section) – overview of the Real Time manual
Section 2 on page 3 – how to use your device to operate R eal Time
and how to log in to Real Time
Section 3 on page 33 – how to vi ew, compose, send, and organize
Section 4 on page 45 – how to add contacts, and search for and
view cont act information
Section 7 on page 69 – how to use the auto login and reminder
Section 2
Getting started
This section outlines:
How mobile devices differ in functionality and how to use Real Time on them. Real Time is optimized for each device type. It is important to be familiar with the use of your mobile device before working with Real Time. For simplicity, this manual presents generic instructions for using Real Time.
The following devices are discussed in this section:
Palm and Palm OS wireless handheld de v i ces on page 4
Mobile phones that use the UP.Link microbrowser on page 8
Mobile phones that use the Nokia WAP-compliant
microbrowser on page 13
RIM Wireless Handhelds on page 17
Pocket PC devices on page 21
Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator Web browsers on
page 26
Tip If you are familiar with your mobile device, you may proceed
directly to “Starting Real Time” on page 29.
How to start Real Time from your mobile device. See “Starting Real Time” on page 29.
Getting started
Palm functions
This section guides you through using Real Time on Palm handheld devices. This section reviews the following operations:
Navigating Real Time
Choosing menu items
Clicking buttons
Entering text in text boxes
Choosing items from list boxes
Na vigating
Real Time
When using a Palm handheld device, you can perform all operations— including choosing options, clicking buttons, and scrolling through menu items—by touching the stylus to the screen of the device (tapping). You can use the stylus to highlight selections, enter text, navigate through menu items, and click buttons.
If all information does not fit on the display screen of the device, a scroll bar appears on the right side of the screen. Some screens in Real Time use scroll bars. Tap the stylus on the scroll bar to view different portions of the screen.
Figure 2-1: Palm handheld device and scrollbar
1: The scrollbar on a Palm handheld device
Palm functions
Palm handheld devices let you navigate through screens that you have already viewed in Real Time.
Note It is recommended that you use Real Time’s navigation to
move backward and forward through screens instead of using the leftward and rightward pointing arrows.
Choosing menu
Clicking buttons
A menu item appears as underlined text on the screen of your device. Choosing a menu item directs you to another screen in Real Time.
Figure 2-2: Menu items on a Palm handheld device
1. A menu item on a Palm handheld device
To choose a menu item
Tap the menu item > Open.
Throughout Real Time, buttons appear at the bottom of the screen. T appi ng th e sty lus o n a butt on i s the s ame as clic k ing the bu tto n. When you click a button, it appears shaded.
To click a button
Tap a button with the stylus.
Figure 2-3: Buttons on a Palm handheld device
1. A clicked button appears highlighted.
Getting started
Entering text in text
Choosing items
from list boxes
Text boxes let you enter information in Real Time. When you select a text box, you can enter text or edit its contents.
To enter text in a text box 1 Tap a text box. 2 Type text .
You can enter text using Graffiti handwriting or the keypad. For more information, see
Palm handheld devices use two types of list boxes:
Drop-down list boxes look similar to menu items, but are
identifiable by a downward pointing arrow located on the left side. See Figure 2-4 on page 6.
List boxes appear as a list of items. See Figure 2-5 on page 6.
Figure 2-4: Drop-down list boxes on a Palm handheld device
1. Tap a list box.
2. Choose an item.
Figure 2-5: List boxes on a Palm handheld device
1. Tap a list box item.
Palm functions
To choose an item from a drop-down list box 1 Tap a list box.
If all items do not fit on one page, arrows appear at the top and bottom of the list. Click these arrows to navigate the list.
2 Tap an item.
To choose an item from a list box
Tap a list box item.
Getting started
Mobile phone functions (UP.Link microbrowser)
This section guides you through using Real Time on mobile phones that use the UP.Link microbrowser. This section reviews the following operations:
Navigating Real Time
Clicking buttons
Choosing menu items
Entering text in text boxes
Choosing items from list boxes
Na vigating
Real Time
You navigate Real Time using the arrow keys on your mobile phone. An arrow on the screen of your device indicates your location within
Real Time. You scroll the arrow to a menu item, button, or field by clicking the arrow keys on your keypad. When the arrow points to an item, that item is highlighted. The location of the arrow keys on the keypad may differ d epending on the type of mobile phone you have.
Figure 2-6: Mobile phone (UP.Link) arrow keys
1. Numbered menu items with selection arrow
2. Arrow keys
All fields and menu items on the screen of your mobile phone are numbered. Information on your device screen that is not numbered is for displa y purpose s only. You can use the number keys on y our k ey pad to choose numbered menu items from the list.
Mobile phone functions (UP.Link microbrowser)
Clicking buttons
Most models of mobile phones ha v e tw o butt ons loc ated direc tly bel ow the screen. These buttons correspond to the commands located at the bottom of the screen, just above the buttons. When you press a button, Real Time performs the command displayed on the screen above that button.
Figure 2-7: OK button on mobile phones (UP.Link)
1. OK command
2. OK button
Due to the limited size of the display on mobile phones, it is common for only two command buttons to be available at a time. When using a mobile phone, you acce ss most available Real Time commands by clicking the Menu button.
The procedures in th i s m anual are generic for most mobil e devi ce s. For example, wh en com ple ting the fo llo wi ng pr ocedure on a mobi le phon e , you access the To command by clicking the Menu button.
Generic procedure 1 From the Main menu, choose Compose. 2 Click To.
Note For Step 2 using a mobile phone, you click the Menu button,
choose the To menu item, and click OK.
3 Add recipients from the Recipient list.
Getting started
The following table lists some common buttons that you will encounter on the screen of your mobile phone when using Real Time.
Button This command lets you...
OK Execute functions, such as choosing items from menus and
list boxes. When using a mobile phone, you must press the
OK button after every opera tion you perform. Edit Edit the highlighted field or text box Menu View available commands, additional fields, buttons, and
Note It is not recommended that you use the Back button on
mobile phones. Instead, use the Real Time navigation buttons.
Choosing menu
Menu items look similar to textual displays except, like all commands on an UP.Link microbrowser-enabled mobile phone, they are numbered on the screen o f your device. Choosing a menu item directs you to an ot he r screen in Real Time.
Figure 2-8: Choos ing menu items on a mobile phone (UP.Link)
1. Select a menu item (black triangle).
2. Press OK.
Mobile phone functions (UP.Link microbrowser)
To choose a menu item 1 Highlight a menu item on the screen.
Scroll using the arrow keys until the arrow appears to the left of the chosen menu item.
Tip You can also use the keypad to type the number
corresponding to the menu item.
2 Press the OK button.
Entering text in text
Text boxes look similar to menu items. Choosing a text box directs you to another screen where you can type a text entry.
Figure 2-9: Entering text on a mobile phone (UP.Link)
1. Select a menu item (black triangle).
2. Press Edit.
3. Type the text.
4. Press OK.
To enter text in a text box
1 Highlight a text box on the screen. 2 Press the Edit button. 3 Type text using the keypad on your device. 4 Press the OK button.
Getting started
Choosing items
from list boxes
List boxes look similar to text boxes and menu items. When you choose a list box, the items in the list appear on the screen. You can then use the arrow keys to select an item from a list.
Figure 2-10: Using list boxes on a mobile phone (UP.Link)
1. Highlight an item.
2. Press OK.
To choose an item from a list box 1 Highlight the list box. 2 Press the Edit bu tton.
The contents of the list box appear on screen.
3 Highlight an item in the list. 4 Press the OK button.
Tip Afte r you have pressed OK, you can edit your se lection by
pressing the E dit button.
Mobile phone functions (Nokia microbrowser)
Mobile phone functions (Nokia microbrowser)
This section guides you through using Real Time on mobile phones that use the Nokia WAP-compliant microbrowser. This section reviews the following operations:
Navigating Real Time
Clicking buttons
Choosing menu items
Entering text in text boxes
Choosing items from list boxes
Real Time
Clicking buttons
You navigate Real Time using the arrow keys on your mobile phone. Reverse video (white text on a black background) on the screen of your
device indicates your lo cation wi thin R eal Time. Y ou scro ll the s electio n to a menu item, button, or field by clicking the arrow keys on your keypad. The current link or item is highlighted. The location of the arrow keys on the keypad depends on the type of mobile phone you have.
Most models of mobile phones ha v e tw o butt ons loc ated direc tly bel ow the screen. These buttons correspond to the commands located at the bottom of the screen, just above the buttons. When you press a button, Real Time performs the command displayed on the screen above that button.
Due to the limited size of the display on mobile phones, it is common for only two command butt ons to be available at a time.
Getting started
The following table lists some common buttons that you will encounter on the screen of your Nokia mobile phone when using Real Time.
Button This command lets you...
Link Go to the selected link. This is how you choose underlined
menu items and buttons. Edit Edit the highlighted text box on the screen of your device List View the contents of a list box Select Select the highl ighted list item OK End text editing or list item selection
Note It is not recommended that you use the Back button on
mobile phones. Instead, use the Real Time navigation buttons.
Choosing menu
A menu item appears as underlined text on the screen of the device. Choosing a menu item directs you to another screen in Real Time.
Figure 2-11: Choosing menu items on a mobile phone (Nokia)
1. A highlighted menu item on the screen of a Nokia phone
To choose a menu item 1 Use the arrow keys to navigate to a menu item.
The menu item appears in reverse video, indicating that it is selected.
2 Click the Link button.
Mobile phone functions (Nokia microbrowser)
Entering text in text
You can identify text boxes by the brackets that surround them. When you select a te xt box, you can enter text or edit its contents.
Figure 2-12: Entering text on a mobile phone (Nokia)
1. Screen to select a text box: click Edit.
2. Screen to edit text.
To enter text in a text box 1 Use the arrow keys to navigate to a text box. 2 Click the Edit button. 3 Type text using the keypad on your device.
Choosing items
from list boxes
4 Press the OK button.
A list box is distinguished from a text box by brackets surrounding the list. When the list box is selected, the left phone button changes to List. Choosing a list box reveals a list of items.
Figure 2-13: Using list boxes on a mobile phone (Nokia)
1. Screen to select a list box: click List
2. Contents of a list box
Getting started
To choose an item from a list box 1 Use the arrow keys to navigate to a list. 2 Click the List button. 3 Click the Select button to select an item in the list.
The radio button changes to selected (filled), indicatin g that item is chosen.
4 Click the OK button.
RIM device functions
This section guides you through using Real Time on RIM Handheld devices . This section reviews the follow i ng oper ati o ns :
Navigating Real Time
Choosing menu items
Clicking buttons
Entering text in text boxes
Choosing items from list boxes
RIM device functions
Real Time
When using a RIM device, use the trackwheel to move between menu items, highlight and select options, and click buttons. The trackwheel is on the rig ht-hand sid e of y our d evice . You can use it to move the cursor on the screen of your device. When the cursor moves over an menu item, text box or list, a box forms around it, ind icating that it is highlighted. You can press the wheel to choose a highlighted item. For the purpose of this manual, pressing the wheel is called clicking.
Figure 2-14: RIM Handheld devices: trackwheel
1. The trackwheel is located on the right side of a RIM device.
RIM Handheld devices let you navigate screens that you have already viewed in Real Time. To move backward in Real Time, click the trackwheel and choo se Back from the list of option s. To move forward in Real Time, click the trackwheel and choose Forward from the list of options.
Getting started
Choosing menu
A menu item appears as text on the screen of the device. Choosing a menu item directs you to another screen in Real Time.
Figure 2-15: Choosing menu items on a RIM device
1. A highlighted menu item on the screen of a RIM device
To choose a menu item 1 Highlight a menu item.
A box appears aroun d the menu item, indicating that it is highlighted.
2 Click the trackwheel to open the menu. 3 Select and click the GoToLink menu item.
Clicking buttons
Buttons may also appear at the bottom of the screen. You must highlight a button to select it. When high lighted, a button appea rs shaded.
Figure 2-16: Clicking buttons on a RIM device
1. A highlighted button on the screen of a RIM device
To click a button 1 Highlight a button. 2 Click the trackwheel to open the menu. 3 Select and click the GoToLink menu item.
RIM device functions
Entering text in text
T ext bo x es are i dentif ied by the brac ke ts that su rround them. When you select a text box, you can enter text or edit its contents
Figure 2-17: Entering text on a mobile phone
1. Text box
2. Editable text box
To enter text in a text box 1 Highlight a text box. 2 Start typing using the keypad on your RIM Handheld device.
Tip You can also click the trackwheel and choose Edit.
Choosing items
from list boxes
3 Click the trac kwh eel .
A list box is distinguishable from a text box by a downward pointing arrow located on the right-hand side. Choosing a list box reveals a list of items.
Figure 2-18: Using list boxes on a RIM device
1 2
1. An arrow indicates that a field is a list box.
2. Contents of a list box
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