HD450 Datalogging
Light Meter
This program can collect data from the HD450 when the meter is connected to a PC and
also download stored data from the meter’s memory. The data may be displayed
graphically, as text or similar programs. The major functions are listed in the main window.
The maximum number of data points is 10,000
System Requirement:
Operating System: Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0 (or above) and XP
Minimum hardware requirements:
PC with Pentium 90MHz or higher
At least 5 MB byte hard disk space for the supplied software
Display resolution of at least 800 x 600 with High Color (16 bit)
Initiating Communication
1. Turn the HD450 Light Meter ON and then connect it to the PC USB port using the supplied USB
2. Run the HD450 software program.
3. When communication is established, the meter’s display and the virtual meter display (software
window) will indicate the same value
4. If communication is unsuccessful the virtual meter will display "OFFLINE"
5. If communication fails, check that the USB cable is connected correctly (replace the cable if the
cable is faulty), close all other applications and then choose other serial ports from the menu
until communication is successful (wait a few second after a new COM port is selected).
Main Menu
Save - Save the recorded real time data
Open - Open a saved file
Real Time Data Run - Begin collecting real time data
Stop - Stop collecting real time data
Print- Print the real time graph
Undo Zoom.
Help document
Download datalogger data form the meter
Download 99 point memory data form the meter