Expert Sleepers Spectral Conquest User Manual v1.0.0

Expert Sleepers Spectral Conquest v1.0.0 User Manual
Copyright © 2010 Expert Sleepers. All rights reserved.
This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under licence and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such licence. The content of this man­ual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Expert Sleepers. Expert Sleepers assumes no respon­sibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.
Introduction! 6
Acknowledgements! 6
Installation! 7
Mac OS X, Audio Unit (AU)! 7 Mac OS X, VST! 7 Windows (VST)! 7
System Requirements! 7
Mac OS X! 7 Windows! 7
Registration! 8
Using Spectral Conquest! 9
Using the controls! 9
Knobs! 9 Value edit boxes! 9 Name/value display! 9
Overview! 10
Spectrum Plot! 10
View! 10
X/Y Axis! 10 Min/Max dB! 10 Min/Max Lin! 10 Smooth! 11
Process! 11
Input! 11 FFT Size! 11 Output! 11
Mix! 11
Dry! 11 Wet! 11
Buttons! 11
Script! 12
Script! 12 Run When! 12 Param 1-4! 12
Built-in Scripts! 12
Shift! 12 Reverse! 12 Low Pass! 12 High Pass! 12 Band Pass! 13 Gate! 13
Preferences! 14
OSC Base Port! 14 Eye candy! 14 Constant redraw! 14 Floating tooltip! 14
MIDI control! 15
OSC Control! 16
Reference! 16
MIDI & OSC Scripting! 16
Reference! 16
Script locations! 16
Spectral Scripting! 17
addSpectralScript( name, function )! 17 copyBin( from, to )! 17 multiplyBin( index, multiplier )! 17 swapBins( index1, index2 )! 18 getBin( index )! 18 setBin( index, re, im )! 18 getBinMagnitudeSqr( index )! 18 zeroBin( index )! 18
Built-in Scripts! 18
Version History! 21
Contact! 22
Acknowledgements! 23
Lua! 23
oscpack! 23
glew! 24
FreeType! 25
FTGL! 25
libpng! 25
zlib! 25
Spectral Conquest is an effect plug-in that lets you directly manipulate the frequency
spectrum of audio signals.
Spectral Conquest allows you to modify the spectrum in two ways:
By setting a multiplier for each frequency band. You can simply draw out the multi­pliers in the GUI.
By applying a script to the spectrum. Some basic scripts are included with the plug­in to perform operations such as filtering and gating, but you can also write scripts yourself to do whatever you like.
The underlying technique used by Spectral Conquest is based on the Cycling '74 Pluggo effect ‘Spectral Filter’, itself based on work by Zack Settel and Cort Lippe.
Mac OS X, Audio Unit (AU)
The plug-in file is called ExSlSpectralConquest.component.
Simply copy the file to the folder:
The plug-in file is called ExSlSpectralConquest.vst.
Simply copy the file to the folder:
Windows (VST)
The plug-in file is called spectralconquest.dll.
Simply copy the file to your VST plug-ins folder.
System Requirements
Mac OS X
Spectral Conquest requires at least Mac OS X version 10.5.8. The plug-in is Intel-only, and built for both 32 and 64 bit. The Audio Unit version will work in any Audio Unit host. The VST version requires a “VST 2.4” compatible host.
Spectral Conquest has been developed and tested with Windows XP SP2. It may work with other versions of Windows (Windows 7 included) but this is by no means guaran­teed. The plug-in requires a “VST 2.4” compatible host.
VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
The downloadable version of Spectral Conquest stops working after 15 minutes every time you use it. To stop this happening, you need to buy a registration.
You can buy a registration key online using a credit card or PayPal from the Expert Sleep­ers Licence Manager application. See here for more information. Note that you need at least version 1.0.16 of the Licence Manager.
The e-commerce side of things is handled by eSellerate. If you have any security concerns, have a look at their website which is pretty informative.
Your registration key allows you to install Spectral Conquest on up to 3 different comput­ers (useful if for example you have a desktop computer in the studio and a laptop for live use).
You need an internet connection to activate the software, though not necessarily on the computer on which you want to use it.
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