Expert Sleepers Oomingmak User Manual v1.1.0

Expert Sleepers Oomingmak v1.1.0 User Manual
Copyright © 2009-2010 Expert Sleepers. All rights reserved.
This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under licence and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such licence. The content of this man­ual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Expert Sleepers. Expert Sleepers assumes no respon­sibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.
Introduction! 8
Installation! 9
Mac OS X, Audio Unit (AU)! 9 Mac OS X, VST! 9 Windows (VST)! 9
System Requirements! 9
Mac OS X AU! 9 Mac OS X VST! 9 Windows! 9
Registration! 10
Quickstart! 11
Factory presets! 11
Defaults! 11 Down One Octave! 11 Down Two Octaves! 11 Sync To The Max! 11 Auto-Wah! 11 PWM-tastic! 11 Ring Mod! 12 Auto Bassline! 12 Try Me On Drums! 12 Sweep The Pitch! 12 Madness! 12
Using Oomingmak! 13
Using the controls! 13
Knobs! 13 Value edit boxes! 13 Name/value display! 13
Overview! 14
Input Filter! 15
Highpass/Lowpass! 15
Filt Dry/Filt Wet! 15
Envelope! 15
Level meters! 15 Gain! 15 Attack/Release! 15 Gate! 16
Pitch Tracking Display! 16
Oscillator! 16
Tri! 16 Saw! 16 Square! 16 PWM! 16
Pitch! 17
Pitch! 17 Sweep! 17 Sync! 17 Osc! 17
Filter! 18
Cutoff! 18 Q! 18 Typ e! 18
Env Mod! 18
Osc Env! 18 Trigger! 18 Pitch! 19 Filter! 19 PWM! 19
Pitch LFO! 19
Shape! 19 Speed! 19 Amount/Fine! 19
Filter LFO! 19
Shape/Speed! 19 Amount! 20
Shape/Speed/Amount! 20
Mix! 20
Dry! 20 Wet! 20 Osc! 20 Dry RM! 20 Wet RM! 20
Preferences! 21
OSC Base Port! 21 Eye candy! 21 Constant redraw! 21 Floating tooltip! 22
MIDI control! 23
OSC Control! 24
Received OSC Commands! 24
/ping s:returnUrl s:returnPath! 24 /set i:param f:value! 24 /get i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath! 24 /getAll s:returnUrl s:returnPath! 25 /getNumParameters s:returnUrl s:returnPath! 25 /isParameterUsed i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath! 25 /getInfo i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath! 25 /registerUpdate i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath! 25 /unregisterUpdate i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath! 25 /getAllRegistered! 26 /exec s:func ...! 26 /call s:func s:returnUrl s:returnPath ...! 26
MIDI & OSC Scripting! 27
Preamble! 27
Learn by example! 27
Share your scripts!! 27
Script locations! 28
Mac OS X! 28 Windows! 28
Overriding the default script! 28
MIDI & OSC Script Functions! 28
getParameterID( param )! 28 getParameter( param )! 28 setParameter( param, value )! 29 getParameterMinMax( param )! 29 getParameterUnit( param )! 29 getParameterName( param )! 29 isParameterUsed( param )! 29 getNumParameters()! 29 setOthersParameter( id, param, value )! 29 getOthersParameter( id, param )! 30 sendOSC( address, path [, format ] [, values ] )! 30 requestAllNoteOn( function )! 30 requestAllNoteOff( function )! 30 requestAllCC( function )! 30 requestAllNRPN( function )! 31 requestAllProgramChange( function )! 31 requestAllPolyPressure( function )! 31 requestNoteOn( note, function )! 31 requestNoteOff( note, function )! 31 requestCC( cc, function )! 32 requestNRPN( nrpn, function )! 32 requestProgramChange( pc, function )! 32 requestPolyPressure( key, function )! 32 requestPitchWheel( function )! 32 requestChannelPressure( function )! 33
Pre-defined Global Values! 33
Debugging! 33
Mac OS X! 33 Windows! 33
Version History! 34
Contact! 35
Acknowledgements! 36
Lua! 36
oscpack! 36
glew! 37
FreeType! 38
FTGL! 38
libpng! 38
zlib! 38
Short version:
Oomingmak turns your guitar into an analogue monosynth.
Long version:
Oomingmak is a pitch- and envelope-tracking (re)synthesis effect.
It tracks the pitch and level of the incoming audio and uses them to:
synthesize an entirely original sound, using classic analogue-style waveforms and subtractive synthesis.
apply pitch modulation to the incoming audio, while syncing to the original wave­form (the classic ‘oscillator sync’ effect, except that the ‘oscillator’ here is your audio).
The oscillator can also be synced to the incoming audio, and the tracked envelope can be used to modulate the pitch, filter cut-off and oscillator pulse-width. LFOs are also pro­vided for further modulation possibilities.
Two ring modulators are also provided, allowing two different combinations of the above sounds to be modulated against each other.
As with all pitch-tracking devices, Oomingmak tends to work best on monophonic sound sources. It was designed particularly with the guitar in mind, in which case it tends to work well on solo lines rather than chords. However, sending chords, or even non-pitched sounds (e.g. drums) through Oomingmak can also have very interesting results.
Mac OS X, Audio Unit (AU)
The plug-in file is called ExSlOomingmak.component.
Simply copy the file to the folder:
The plug-in file is called ExSlOomingmak.vst.
Simply copy the file to the folder:
Windows (VST)
The plug-in file is called oomingmak.dll.
Simply copy the file to your VST plug-ins folder.
System Requirements
Oomingmak requires at least Mac OS X version 10.5.8. The plug-in is Intel-only, and built for both 32 and 64 bit. The Audio Unit version will work in any Audio Unit host.
Oomingmak has been developed and tested with Windows XP SP2. It may work with other versions of Windows (Vista included) but this is by no means guaranteed. The plug­in requires a “VST 2.4” compatible host.
VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
The downloadable version of Oomingmak stops working after 15 minutes every time you use it. To stop this happening, you need to buy a registration.
You can buy a registration key online using a credit card or PayPal from the Expert Sleep­ers Licence Manager application. See here for more information. Note that you need at least version 1.0.13 of the Licence Manager.
The e-commerce side of things is handled by eSellerate. If you have any security concerns, have a look at their website which is pretty informative.
Your registration key allows you to install Oomingmak on up to 3 different computers (useful if for example you have a desktop computer in the studio and a laptop for live use).
You need an internet connection to activate the software, though not necessarily on the computer on which you want to use it.
For a quick overview of Oomingmak, load up the plug-in in your host application of choice and try out the factory presets, which are listed below.
In all cases you will probably need to set up your levels appropriately, as described below in the Envelope section, so that the envelope tracking works optimally.
Factory presets
In this preset all parameters are at their default value, and audio is passed through the plug-in unaltered. This is a plain ‘vanilla’ preset from which to start creating your own sounds.
Down One Octave
Uses the Oscillator to create a tone an octave below that being tracked. The key settings to note here are the Pitch (-12) and Sync (2) controls in the Pitch section.
Down Two Octaves
As Down One Octave, but another octave lower. Note the Pitch (-24) and Sync (4). This preset uses a different combination of Oscillator waveforms to produce a different timbre.
Sync To The Max
Most settings are at default values, except the Pitch in the Env Mod section which is set to its maximum value of 48. Therefore what you hear is the ReSynth section performing its deepest oscillator sync effect according to the incoming audio envelope.
No pitch modulation in this preset - instead the Filter envelope tracking is used to create a traditional ‘auto-wah’ effect, i.e. a low pass filter whose cut-off frequency depends on the audio envelope.
This preset demonstrates the PWM abilities of the Oscillator. The output mix is set to only output the square wave waveform, and the envelope and PWM LFO modulate the oscilla­tor pulse-width.
Ring Mod
A fairly traditional ring modulation effect. The oscillator’s pitch is fixed, rather than track­ing the incoming audio, and the ‘Dry RM’ output is selected. However the oscillator’s pitch is modulated slightly by the envelope, making this rather more than a standard ring mod.
Auto Bassline
The oscillator’s output is used, and fixed to a bass note. The envelope controls the oscilla­tor’s level, and the filter. The result is a simple bassline that takes its rhythm from the in­coming audio. Try feeding a drum loop through this preset.
Try Me On Drums
The clue is in the title. Applies a variety of sound mangling that sounds pretty interesting on drums.
Sweep The Pitch
An extreme sounding ring mod type effect. Interesting sounds can be obtained by messing about with the ‘Sweep’ parameter.
More extreme sound mangling.
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