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Make CDs Right on Your Desktop 1-1
Deluxe Edition Features 1-2
System Requirements 1-2
Supported Formats 1-3
File System Options 1-4
About CD-Recordable and CD-ReWritable Technology 1-5
CD-R Advantages 1-5
CD-RW Advantages 1-5
Getting Help 1-6
2Getting Started
Installing Easy CD Creator 2-1
Opening Easy CD Creator 2-2
Using the Wizard to Make a CD 2-2
About the Easy CD Creator Window 2-4
Direct Access to Windows Explorer 2-4
Obtaining Blank CDs 2-5
Care and Handling of Recordable CDs 2-5
3Making an Audio CD
How to Make an Audio CD 3-1
Recording Audio Tracks from an Existing Music CD 3-2
Recording Wave Files Stored on Your Hard Drive 3-4
Pre-recording Audio Tracks to Wave Files 3-5
Combining Both Audio Tracks and Wave Files 3-6
Modifying Your CD Layout 3-7
Changing the Order of Your Songs 3-7
Removing Songs from Your CD Layout 3-7
Renaming Songs in Your CD Layout 3-7
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
Merging (Composite) Tracks 3-8
Splitting Composite Tracks 3-8
Saving a CD Layout 3-8
Opening an Existing CD Layout 3-9
Closing an Audio CD 3-9
Playing an Audio CD 3-9
CD-DA Recording Tips 3-10
Using Easy CD Creator Wizard 3-10
Using CD Copier 3-10
Minutes on a CD 3-10
Recording Time 3-10
Recording from a CD-ROM Drive 3-10
Eliminating the Two-Second Gap Between Tracks 3-11
Using a Disc Image to Record Your CD 3-11
Leaving the Session Open 3-11
4Making a Data CD
How to Make a Data CD 4-2
Adding Files and Folders to Your CD Layout 4-2
Defining CD Layout Properties (Optional) 4-3
Creating the CD 4-5
Modifying Your CD Layout 4-5
Creating New Folders 4-5
Changing the Order of Files and Folders 4-5
Removing Files and Folders 4-6
Renaming Files and Folders 4-6
Finding Files 4-6
Saving a CD Layout 4-7
Opening an Existing CD Layout 4-7
Advanced Options 4-7
Using File Ordering Priorities 4-7
CD-ROM Writing Tips 4-11
Using Easy CD Creator Wizard 4-11
CD-ROM Formats 4-11
Using a Disc Image to Make Your CD-ROM Disc 4-12
Using CD Copier Deluxe 4-12
Making a Bootable CD 4-12
5Making a Multisession CD
How to Make a Multisession CD 5-2
Importing Previous Sessions 5-3
Importing a Specific Session 5-3
Multisession CD Writing Tips 5-4
Deciding Which Format to Use: CD-ROM or CD-ROM
XA 5-4
Testing Your Multisession CD 5-5
Importing Sessions 5-5
Accessing Different Sessions 5-5
6Making a Bootable CD
How to Make a Bootable CD 6-2
Tips for Making a Bootable CD 6-3
7Combining Data And Audio on a CD
What is a Mixed-Mode CD? 7-1
What is a CD Extra Disc? 7-1
How to Make a Mixed-Mode CD 7-2
How to Make a CD Extra Disc 7-3
CD Extra Disc Properties General Tab 7-4
Mixed-Mode and CD Extra Writing Tips 7-4
When to Use Mixed-Mode 7-4
When to Use CD Extra 7-5
Differences Between the Two Methods 7-5
Multimedia CDs 7-6
Using a Multimedia Authoring Program 7-6
8Making a CD from a Disc Image
How to Make a Disc Image 8-2
Creating the Disc Image 8-2
Creating the CD from a Disc Image 8-2
Disc Image Writing Tips 8-3
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
9Making a Copy of a CD
What Kinds of CDs Can I Copy? 9-2
Opening CD Copier Deluxe 9-3
How to Make a Copy of a CD 9-3
CD Copier Advanced Tab Settings 9-5
CD Copier Tips 9-5
Testing Your CD Copier Setup 9-5
Source CD-ROM Drives for CD-to-CD Copying 9-5
Using the CD Recorder for CD-to-CD Copying 9-6
Copying Audio and Mixed-Mode 9-6
Making Multiple Copies 9-6
10Making a Custom Jewel Case Insert
How to Make a Jewel Case Insert 15-2
Editing Inserts 15-2
Adding Text and Graphics 15-5
Arranging Track Titles 15-11
Printing Jewel Case Inserts 15-12
Setting Insert Layout Options 15-13
Margins Tab 15-14
Units Tab 15-14
Fonts Tab 15-14
Testing Your System Configuration 16-1
When to Test 16-1
How to Run the System Tests 16-2
CD-ROM Drive Incompatibility with Recordable CDs 16-4
Finding Error Message Descriptions 16-4
Using the Online Help 16-4
Getting Technical Support 16-5
Electronic Support 16-5
ACommand Reference
The Easy CD Creator Main Toolbar A-1
Additional Audio CD Layout Toolbar Icons A-3
Additional Jewel Case Layout Toolbar Icons A-3
The File Menu A-5
The Edit Menu A-6
The View Menu A-7
The Disc Menu A-8
The Tools Menu A-8
The Help Menu A-8
The Track Menu A-9
The Effects Menu A-9
The Layout Menu A-10
The Text Menu A-10
The Arrange Menu A-11
The Page Menu A-11
BSetting Options and Properties
CD Creation Setup Settings B-1
CD Creation Setup General Tab B-2
CD Creation Setup Advanced Tab B-3
CD Creation Setup Summary Tab B-4
CD Layout Properties B-5
CD Layout Properties General Tab B-5
Data Settings B-6
Audio Settings B-7
File Types B-7
File System Properties B-8
Setting General Options B-9
Make CDs Right on Your Desktop
Using Easy CD Creator®, you can copy files from your computer to
a recordable compact disc (CD). Using a special write-once media,
Easy CD Creator allows you to permanently store data in a format
that is readable on virtually all CD-Recordable (CD-R) and Compact
Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) drives. In addition, the audio
CDs you create with your CD recorder are readable in your home or
car CD player. If you are using a CD-ReWritable (CD-RW) drive, you
can also use a special erasable media that allows you to rewrite
information on a CD (see
Te c h n o l og y
on page 1-5). You can use Easy CD Creator to:
Compile CDs of your favorite music
About CD-Recordable and CD-ReWritable
Archive data
Back up your hard drive
Disseminate information to field offices
Distribute databases
Create a test copy of a multimedia CD
Make a master CD for disc duplication
Duplicate a CD
Erase and rewrite the contents on a CD
Make a custom jewel case insert
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
Deluxe Edition Features
You are using Easy CD Creator Standard Edition. If you want to
upgrade to the Deluxe Edition, you can purchase it from a retail
store (see http://www.adaptec.com to locate a retailer near you) or
directly from Adaptec.
Easy CD Creator Deluxe Edition comes with advanced applications
that expand your CD-R capabilities. These advanced features
include the following:
■ CD Spin Doctor™—allows you to make audio CDs from tradi-
tional music sources including LPs and cassette tapes and to
clean up the sound quality before recording songs to CD.
■ Picture CD Creator—allows you to make CDs containing your
favorite photographs.
■ Video CD Creator—allows you to make CDs containing videos
or still images.
■ Sound Editor—allows you to make changes to sound files on
your hard drive before recording them to CD.
■ Session Selector—allows you to view any previous session of a
multisession CD, not just the last session.
System Requirements
The following is a list of the Easy CD Creator system requirements:
■ Personal Computer (PC) running Windows 95
Windows NT™ v.4.0
■ CD Recorder
Supported Formats
Easy CD Creator supports the following CD-R formats which are
used to make data and audio CDs:
Data CDs
Data CDs
Audio CDs
■ CD Extra
Audio and Data CDs
■ Mixed-Mode
Data and Audio CDs
This is the standard for recording
data CDs.
XA stands for Extended Architecture.
CD-ROM XA is based on CD-ROM
but adds better audio and video capabilities so CD-ROMs can more easily
be used for multimedia applications.
Compact Disc-Digital Audio. This is
the original compact disc standard
and is used to record music CDs.
This format allows you to combine
audio and data on a CD. The audio
tracks are recorded in the first session
and one CD-ROM XA data track is
recorded in the second session to
make a multisession CD. The audio
tracks on CD Extra discs can be
played on home or car CD players.
This format allows you to combine
data and audio on a CD. Mixed-Mode
differs from CD Extra in that the data
is recorded in the first track followed
by one or more audio tracks, and both
the data and audio tracks are combined in a single session.
Mixed-Mode CDs should be used on
CD-ROM or CD-R drives only.
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
File System Options
Easy CD Creator allows you to select different file system options
depending on how you plan to use your CD. They include:
■ ISO 9660—An international standard that specifies how data is
physically recorded onto the CD (sector-by-sector) into a directory tree (up to eight levels of directories). CD-ROMs made
according to the ISO 9660 Level 1 specifications can be read on
multiple operating systems such as Macintosh, DOS,
Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows NT.
■ Joliet—A standard developed by Microsoft for Windows 95
that allows CDs to be recorded using long filenames. Joliet
allows you to use file names up to 64 characters in length,
including spaces, and also allows you to use Unicode characters for better international support. Joliet records the associated DOS standard filename (8 + 3 characters) for each file so
that the CD can be read on DOS systems or earlier versions of
About CD-Recordable and CD-ReWritable
If you have a CD-RW drive, you can use two types of discs to make
your own CDs:
■ CD-Recordable (CD-R) discs
■ CD-ReWritable (CD-RW) discs
CD-RW is a new technology and like CD-R, it allows you to record
information to a CD. What is new is that with CD-RW you can also
erase the contents of a CD and rewrite new information to it.
Depending on how you want to use your CD, each disc type offers
unique advantages.
CD-R Advantages
■ Good for permanent data storage
■ Less expensive per CD than CD-RW discs
■ Readable on virtually all CD-ROM and CD-R drives
CD-RW Advantages
■ Allows you to erase the data and rewrite new information (for
example, updating files)
■ Allows you to make a practice CD or to test the contents of a
CD before making a permanent one
■ More cost effective for near-line data storage requirements
than CD-R
Only CD-RW drives can read and write data to
CD-RW discs.
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
Getting Help
Read this user’s guide for background information about CD-R
technology and instructions for recording CDs using Easy CD Creator. In this user’s guide, the term CD-Recordable includes both
CD-Recordable and CD-ReWritable technology. Technical terms are
defined in a Glossary in the back of this user’s guide.
Additional information is available online:
■ Select Help Topics from the Help menu
■ Use context-sensitive help in the active window
Refer to Chapter 11, Troubleshooting, for technical support and sug-
gestions for resolving problems.
Getting Started
The following sections explain how to install and open Easy CD Creator, explain how to use the Wizard to make an audio or data CD,
describe the Easy CD Creator main window, and explain how to
directly access Windows Explorer.
Installing Easy CD Creator
To install Easy CD Creator, follow these steps:
Insert the Adaptec Easy CD Creator CD into your CD-R,
CD-RW, or CD-ROM drive.
The Easy CD Creator installation window appears.
Select from one of the following:
–Easy CD Creator—to install the Easy CD Creator Standard
Edition software on your computer.
–MGI PhotoSuite (if the MGI software is included)—to
install MGI PhotoSuite so you can view picture CD images.
–CD Catalog—to install an electronic catalog of CD record-
able related products.
If the main menu does not appear automatically, click on the
button on the task bar, select
D: is your CD drive’s letter), then click on OK.
Follow the on-screen installation instructions.
, type
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
Opening Easy CD Creator
To open Easy CD Creator so you can begin creating your own CDs,
follow these steps:
In Windows 95, click the Start button located on the left side of
the taskbar.
Select Programs, point to Adaptec Easy CD Creator, and select
Easy CD Creator.
The Adaptec Easy CD Creator Wizard Screen appears.
Using the Wizard to Ma ke a C D
The easiest way to make a CD is to use the Easy CD Creator Wizard.
The Wizard guides you step-by-step to make a simple audio or data
CD. If you are new to CD-R technology, the Wizard is an excellent
way to become familiar with the CD recording process and make an
audio or data CD.
If you want to use advanced features (such as making a CD Extra
disc), refer to the appropriate chapters in this user’s guide.
To use the Wizard, follow these steps:
Select the type of CD you want to make: Data CD or Audio
Follow the on-screen instructions in the Wizard windows.
Getting S tarted
To see a list of the files and folders or audio tracks you are adding to
your CD, move the Adaptec Easy CD Creator Wizard screen to view
the main Easy CD Creator window.
To move the Wizard window:
Click the Adaptec Easy CD Creator Wizard title bar.
Drag the Wizard window to the right side until you see the
Untitled - Easy CD Creator window.
A list of the folders you selected is displayed below the icon.
For a description of the window, see About the Easy CD Creator Win-
dow on page 2-4.
If you need help, click Help to open the Online Help, or refer to the
Audio or Data chapters in this user’s guide.
If you want to make a CD without using the Wizard:
■ Click Cancel in the Easy CD Creator Wizard Welcome window
and follow the instructions in the following chapters for the
type of CD you want to make.
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
About the Easy CD Creator Window
The Easy CD Creator window appears when you click Cancel in the
Wizard or when you disable the Wizard option (see Setting General Options on page B-9). The following graphic shows the different
parts of the Easy CD Creator window:
Easy CD Creator Tabs Windows Explorer Data CD Layout Window
Direct Access to Windows Explorer
Easy CD Creator includes direct access to Windows Explorer so you
can display Windows Explorer while using Easy CD Creator instead
of switching back and forth between the two applications. This feature allows you to easily select and arrange files and folders you
want to record. You can also use standard Windows Explorer commands to move files and folders around. Refer to the Microsoft
Windows 95 Online Help for information about how to work with
files and folders.
To hide Windows Explorer in the Easy CD Creator window:
■ Select Hide Windows Explorer from the View menu.
Getting S tarted
Obtaining Blank CDs
You can obtain blank CDs where you purchased your CD-R or
CD-RW drive or at local computer retailers. Refer to your CD
recorder’s manufacturer for recommended CD brands.
Also, if you are planning to use CD-RW discs, please see About CD-Recordable and CD-ReWritable Technology on page 1-5 for information
about CD-RW discs.
Care and Handling of Recordable CDs
Follow these general guidelines when handling CD-Recordable and
CD-ReWritable discs:
■ Do not expose CDs to sun or other strong light for long periods.
Also try to avoid high heat and humidity.
■ Handle CDs carefully to avoid scratching them, especially on
the top (label) side which has only a thin layer of lacquer protecting the writing surface.
■ Do not use alcohol-based pens to write on CDs—the ink may
eventually eat through the top lacquer-surface and damage
your data.
■ Do not use ball point pens to write on CDs— you may scratch
through the lacquer and damage your data.
■ Use felt-tip pens to write on CDs
■ Use only CD labels that are expressly designed for recordable
■ Store and ship CDs in their jewel cases or other protective
■ Do not stack CDs together—they may stick to each other, caus-
ing parts of the reflective surface to peel off.
Making an Audio CD
An audio CD is a compact disc (CD) containing digital audio tracks
recorded in the Compact Disc-Digital Audio (CD-DA) format.
Audio CDs can store up to 74 minutes of music and may contain up
to 99 tracks, each usually representing a separate piece of music.
Audio CDs can be played back from a home or car CD player or
from a CD-ROM drive through speakers or headphones attached to
the drive’s output jack.
Using Easy CD Creator, you can:
Compile audio CDs of your favorite music
Make CDs from Wave files on your hard drive
How to Make an Audio CD
To make an audio CD, you can record songs from:
■ Tracks
■ Wave
on an existing CD
files stored on your hard drive (*.wav, a standard
Windows format for sound files.)
A combination of Wave files and tracks
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
Easy CD Creator is designed to assist you in reproducing material in which you own the copyright or have
obtained permission to copy from the copyright owner.
Unless you own the copyright or have permission to copy
from the copyright owner, you may be violating copyright
law and be subject to payment of damages and other remedies. If you are uncertain about your rights, contact your
legal advisor.
The following sections explain how to add songs to a CD layout so
you can record them to a blank CD using the menu bar. If you want
the help of the Wizard, see Using the Wizard to Make a CD on page
For helpful pointers when recording music CDs, see CD-DA Record-ing Tips on page 3-10.
Recording Audio Tr acks from an Existing Music CD
To record songs (audio tracks) from an existing music CD, you need
to first create a CD layout— a file that contains the list of songs and
the order in which they will be recorded—then record the layout to a
blank CD. To do so, follow these steps:
Select New CD Layout from the File menu or open an existing
CD layout.
Making an Audio CD
Click the Audio CD Layout tab.
Windows ExplorerAudio CD Layout Window
The top part of the window is Windows Explorer, where you
can select the songs you want to record. The bottom part is the
Audio CD Layout window, which allows you to view the contents of the CD layout. To make changes to the list of tracks in
the Audio CD Layout tab, see Changing the Order of Your Songs
on page 3-7.
Insert the source CD, which contains the songs you want to
record, into your CD recorder.
You can record directly from a CD-ROM drive
only if it supports digital audio extraction. See Record-
ing from a CD-ROM Drive on page 3-10.
In the Explorer section of the window, select the drive where
the source CD is located to view the list of songs on the CD.
Drag the songs that you want to record from Explorer to the
Audio CD Layout window.
To change the name of a song, see Renaming Songs in Your CD Layout on page 3-7.
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
Repeat steps 3-5 for each existing music CD from which you
want to record songs.
Select Create CD from the File menu when you have placed all
of the songs that you want to record into the Audio CD Layout
The CD Creation Setup box appears.
Make changes, if any, to the CD Creation Setup settings (see
CD Creation Setup Settings on page B-1 for descriptions) and
click OK.
Easy CD Creator begins recording your CD layout to a blank CD.
Insert a blank CD when prompted.
When the CD is finished, a final message box appears notifying you
that the recording is complete.
To make a sleeve that lists the artist, CD title, and
songs, see Chapter 10, Making a Custom Jewel Case Insert.
Recording Wave Files Stored on Your Hard Drive
To record an audio CD using Wave files (*.
be stored on your hard drive at 11, 22, 44.1 KHz, 8- or 16-bit, mono
or stereo. To make a Wave file from an existing CD, see Pre-recording Audio Tracks to Wave Files on page 3-5.
To record Wave files stored on your hard drive to a blank CD, follow
these steps:
Insert a blank CD into your CD recorder.
Select New CD Layout from the File menu or open an existing
Click the Audio CD Layout tab.
Select the Wave files you want to record from Explorer and
drag them to the Audio CD Layout window.
To change the name of the song(s) see Renaming Songs in Your CD Layout on page 3-7.
), the Wave files must
Making an Audio CD
Select Create CD from the File menu when you have finished
adding all of the songs you want to record to your CD layout.
The CD Creation Setup box appears.
Make changes, if any, to the CD Creation Setup settings (see
CD Creation Setup Settings on page B-1 for descriptions) and
click OK.
Easy CD Creator begins recording your CD layout to a blank CD.
When the CD is finished, a final message box appears notifying you
that the recording is complete.
To make a sleeve that lists the artist, CD title, and
songs, see Chapter 10, Making a Custom Jewel Case Insert.
Pre-recording Audio Tracks to Wave Files
Pre-recording audio tracks to Wave files on your hard drive is a way
■ Minimize swapping CDs in and out of your drive if you want
to make more than one copy
■ Improve the sound quality if your CD recording system is less
than optimal
You can pre-record one Wave file at a time. To pre-record a Wave file
from an existing CD, follow these steps:
Insert the source CD, which contains the song you want to prerecord to your hard drive, into your CD recorder.
Click the Audio CD Layout tab.
Select the audio track you want to pre-record from Explorer
and drag it into the Audio CD Layout window.
Highlight the audio track in the Audio CD Layout window.
Select Pre-record to WAV file from the Track menu.
Pre-recording audio tracks to Wave files requires approximately 10MB of space on your hard drive for one minute of
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
Type in a file name for the Wave file and choose a different
location on your hard drive if you do not want to record your
Wave file to your Temp directory.
Click Save.
Easy CD Creator pre-records your Wave file to your hard drive. A
final message box notifies you when the recording is complete.
Combining Both Audio Tracks and Wave Files
You can make a music CD that contains songs both from prerecorded Wave files stored on your hard drive and from audio tracks
on an existing music CD. To do so, follow the steps outlined in
Recording Audio Tracks from an Existing Music CD on page 3-2 and
Recording Wave Files Stored on Your Hard Drive on page 3-4, depend-
ing on the type of songs you want to record. Once you have added
all of the audio tracks and Wave files you want to record to your CD
layout, select Create CD from the File menu.
Making an Audio CD
Modifying Your CD Layout
The following sections describe how to make changes to your CD
Changing the Order of Your Songs
Once you have added more than one song to your CD layout, you
can change the order of the songs at any time before creating the CD.
For example, you can move the track that is listed as the third song
in the Audio CD Layout window to the top of the list.
To change the order of the songs, follow these steps:
Select the song whose order you want to change in the CD
Drag it to the position you want it to appear in the Audio CD
Layout window.
Removing Songs from Your CD Layout
You can remove any song you have added to a CD layout at any
time before you create a CD. To remove a song from your CD layout,
follow these steps:
Select the song you want to remove in the Audio CD Layout
Select Cut from the Edit menu.
Renaming Songs in Your CD Layout
To rename a song listed in your CD Layout, follow these steps:
Select the song you want to rename in the Audio CD Layout
Select Rename in the Track menu.
Type in the new name in the text box.
Adaptec Easy CD Creator Standard Edition
Merging (Composite) Tracks
Easy CD Creator features an option that allows you to make a composite track, a single track that is made up of two or more separate
tracks. Composite tracks are useful when you want to make a single
song from several Wave files.
To make a composite track, follow these steps:
Select two or more songs you want to merge into a single track.
Select Merge Tracks from the Effects menu.
The tracks appear as a single track in the Audio CD Layout window.
Merged tracks are treated as a single song when
played in a CD player.
Splitting Composite Tracks
To separate a composite track—a single track that is made up of two
or more separate tracks, follow these steps:
Select the composite track you want to separate.
Select Split Tracks from the Effects menu.
The composite track appears as multiple tracks in the Audio CD
Layout window.
Only tracks that have been merged can be split.
Saving a CD Layout
You can create a CD layout, save it, then use it to record a CD later.
To save a CD layout, follow these steps:
Select Save As from the File menu.
Type in the File name.
Select the location where you want to store the file.
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