EXONIC EXM 930HP User Manual

In Car ,Video
Sonic Excellence by EXONIC
Mobile Entertainment
EXONIC Mobile Entertainment
Buena Park, CA 90621 U.S.A. www.exonicmobile.com
EXM 930HP with Headphones
9" Ceiling M ount Monitor wi th Multimedia D isc Player
Features and Con trols Monitor/DVD Pl ayer Remote Control
Power and Mode Sel ectio n Releasing Th e Monit or Tur ning on The Moni tor Mute Function
AV mode
Picture Contro l Contrast/Bri ghtne ss/Co lor/F M
DVD Setup Setup Menu System Setup
Language Setup Audio Setup
Video S etup Speaker Setup
Digital Setup DVD Functions
Eject Vol+/Vol-
Mute Play or Pause
Audio Stop Arrows Setup Menu Display Number Buttons Subtitle Tit le
Slow Fast Reverse Sea rchin g
Fast Forward Sea rchin g Previous
Repeat A-B
SD/USB Functio ns
Connection Dia gram
Disc Informati on
Tro ubles hooting
13 14
Specificatio ns
15 15
16 17 18
16 18 18
18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22
22 23
23 24 24
24 25 25 25
Screen Format
Resolution Pixel
Color System
A/V Input
A/V Output
D C 1 2 V
1 6 : 9
1 9 2 0 x 2 3 4
N T S C / PA L Au to S el ec t
D V D - AV 1- AV 2
1 E A
11 .9 (L )X 10 .4 (W )X 1. 2 (H ) in ch e s
Note: This equipment has been tested and h as b een found to comply with the limit s fo r a Class A digital de vi ce , pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pr ov ide reasonable protection against ha rm fu l interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial e nv ironment. This equip me nt generates, uses, and can radiate radi o fr equency energy and, if not installed and used in accordan ce w it h the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio commu ni cations. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is like ly t o ca use harmful interference. In some cases, the user will be require d to c or rect the interference at his own expense.
Please read and o bserve all warnin gs and instruct ions in this manual and those marke d on the unit. Retain t his booklet for f uture referen ce .
There are two ki nd s of alarm symbols as follows:
Button s do no t wor k.
No sound
Remote c ont rol d oes not work p rop erl y.
Items to Check
Is th e pow er tu rne d on?
Is th e aud io wh ich i s conn ect ed wi th the a udi o cab le se t to rec eiv e the D VD si gna l out put?
Is au dio c abl e con nect ed se cur ely? Is th e mon ito r whi ch is co nne cte d
with the a udi o cab le tur ned o n?
Is th e aud io ou tpu t set in the cor rec t pos itio n?
Is th e rem ote c ont rol fa cin g the r emo te se nso r?
Is th e dis tan ce to o far?
Is th ere a ny ob sta cle in t he mi ddl e?
Is th e bat ter y wea k?
Actions to be Taken
Check th e car b att ery ca pac ity.
Select t he co rre ct inp ut mo de fo r the audio r ece ive r. Connec t the a udi o cabl e int o the j acks secu rel y. Tur n on the moni tor c onn ecte d wit h the a udi o cabl e. Set the Aud io Ou tpu t to the c orr ect p osition ,
and then t urn o n the D VD pla yer a gai n by pressi ng the P OWE R but ton .
Point th e rem ote c ontr ol to war d the remot e sen sor o f the p rod uct .
Use the re mot e con trol w ith in 15 f eet. Remove t he ob sta cle. Replac e wit h new b atte ry.
Moisture or condensation on lens
When a disc is broug ht from a c old env ironm ent to a warm one, the re may be m oistu re on the the disc, or co ndens ation o n the pic kup lens. It will affec t disc pl ayback.
1. Remove the disc f rom the D VD play er.
2. Turn on the power an d leave i t on for an h our to va porize the conde nsati on.
The lightning bo lt with a rrowh ead ins ide in an e quila teral triangle is inte nded to a lert th e user to t he pres ence of
dangerous volt age within the produ ct s encl osure t hat may b e
of sufficient ma gnitu de to con stitu te a risk o f electric shock t o people.
The exclamatio n point i nside a n equil atera l triangle is inte nded to alert the user to t he pres ence of i mport ant ope rating and maintenance (s ervic ing) in struc tions i n the literature a ccomp anyin g the product.
Do not mo unt t he pr oduct wher e
Insta lla tio n of all TV mo nitors must be o ut of t he dr iver s field o f vis ion .
Do not tr y and s erv ice these produ cts y our self, a quali fie d ser vice cente r or facto ry se rvi ce center fo r all repai rs.
Be caref ul no t to dr op or apply un der p res sur e to th e front pa nel o f you r vid eo monito r. If th e scr een c rac ks due to mis use , you r war ran ty will be vo id!
local e
or wipe t he pr odu cts with a tow el. D o not opera te th e equ ipment unt il al l liq uids have eithe r eva por ated or you ha ve ha d the m onitor inspe cte d at a se rvice cent er by a q ual ified techn ici an. S evere harm o r dan ger c an result.
it will o bst ruc t the deploy men t of the air bag o r in an a rea where it would a ffect th e dri ver s a bility to cont rol t he ve hicle. Al so be caref ul to a voi d mounting t he produ ct wh ere i t can become hazar dou s dur ing sudden s top s or in the e ven t of an a ccident.
Use ext ra ca uti on with any li qui ds in your c ar. If y ou or y our child spill s any l iqu id on these pr odu cts , pull yo ur ve hic le to the road sid e and tur n the k ey of f to di sco nnect
Use onl y a dam p clo th to clean the scr een a nd us e only purif ied water o n the c lot h. wring out a ll exces s wat er pr ior to wipin g the scree n. Do n ot us e any cleane rs or chem ica ls to c lean the scr een . In most c ase s a dry c loth will do !
Disc Information
Quality instal latio ns are be st performed by qua lifie d and certified inst aller s.
Don t touch the unit i f there i s a flash of lightni ng. You may receive an elect ric sho ck.
Do not cover or stop u p heate r ducts or vents. It m ay caus e a fire or receive an e lectr ic shoc k.
Operating No te s
1. The oper at ing temperatu re of this produc t is limited to 14 ~+14 0 F.
2. If your vehicl e is extremely hot or c old you must allo w time for your air conditioner o r heater to cool or hea t the vehicle unt il operating temp eratures have returned t o normal operatin g ranges.
3. Optimal pict ure quality is achi eved when viewe d from directly fro nt of the monitor (+/-3 0degrees).
Wat ching t he monitor for an extended perio d of time without the engi ne runn ing may deplete the ve hicle s battery charge .
This product is de signe d for operation with a 1 2 Volt DC, negative groun d vehic le. It is not suitable fo r opera tion under other cond ition s or voltages.
Do not bring magne tic dev ices such as credit car d or magn etic card near the magn ets.
DVD features
DVD discs provi de high-resolut ion images with h igh-quality sou nd. This DV D pl ayer can play not only D VD discs of various v ersions, but al so S-VCD, VCD, au di o CD and MP3 discs.
Discs that can no t be p layed
DVD-RW, DV D- REM, CD-ROM, CD -EXTRA discs can not be played on this u nit. In addition, a CD or a C D-RW which wa s recorded on spe ci al software can not be played.
Region code
Your DVD p layer is design ed and manufactur ed to region mana gement inform at ion that is recorde d on a DVD disc. Please c heck the region c ode. 1: North America 2 : Japan 3: Korea an d So utheast A sia 4: Australia, Mi d & South America 5: Rus sia 6: China
How to handle the di sc
Don t touch the shi ny side of the disc (th e side with the emb edded informa ti on).
Don t stick a label o r a glue-based note o n either side of th e disc.
Don t use discs tha t have glue or a damage d label with expo sed adhesive resi due. It might result i n damage to your DVD pl ayer.
Don t put discs in th e sunshine. Park your car in th e shade.
How to handle the discs
Only use round di scs. Discs with oth er shapes like a st ar, a heart, etc. ma y ca use damage to the pla yer. If a disc is dirty, wipe softly w ith a wet cloth and the n with a dry one. Before pla yback, wipe the dis c outward from th e center with a cle an c loth. Do not use any type of sol vent such as thinne r, benzene, comm ercially availa ble cleaners or antistatic sp ray. To avoid damag ing your DVD play er, d on t use a scratche d disc.
4. Do not open the ho using and yourself. Ref er servicing to qu alified personn el.
5. DVD Players us e an invisible lase r beam which can ca use hazardous rad iation exposure. Be su re to operate the uni t correctly as in structed.
6. Do not cut the car p ower supply off while a disc is pl aying. It can cause damage to the DVD P layer.
attempt to make a ny repairs
Features and Controls
1. Open the packa ge and check that the se items are pres ents.
2. Connect the ex ternal compomen ts to the RCA c able or AV output. (Refer to the con nection diagram o n page 33)
3. Match the posi tion of installat ion bracket and
installatio n plate with screw A.
Monitor/DVD Player
Remote Control
Monitor/DVD Player
4. Tighten the uni t with the supplied screw B.
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