Exodus Audio Owner’s Guide 1
Exodus Audio Owner’s Guide 1
Copyright 2007 Exodus Audio. All Rights Reserved.
Exodus Audio Owner’s Guide 2
Congratulations! You have made a wise purchase. The Shiva-X is a proven design that
provides massive output and incredibly low distortion.
What makes the Exodus Audio Subs so much better than other subs?
You can start by simply comparing the specifications. There isn’t much in their price
category that can complete. We have motors that utilize the XBL^2 motor technology,
providing extremely linear output, in addition to the class leading output. See our XBL^2
tech paper for more details.
Another factor that makes Exodus special is that our subs are built by one of the largest
build-houses in the world. A company that builds millions of transducers a year simply has
more experience, resources and methods to achieve better production quality. We get
virtually ZERO defects in finished product as a result.
How is Exodus Audio able to offer such kick-butt products at such
affordable prices? What gives?
Good question… it reminds me of what my old man used to tell me. “You NEVER get
something for nothing”.
You won’t get to see our name in any magazines. You won’t get to hear about us on Paul
Harvey. You won’t see Exodus drivers sold at your local audio store. You won’t get fancy
looking drivers made from exotic materials with funky emblems on the cone. We don’t
advertise, or sponsor NASCAR. We simply build and design products. That’s all we do and
that’s all you get!
What else sets Exodus apart from the crowd? We have some pretty good engineers and we
don’t cook the numbers for marketing purposes. Our stuff is backed up with real
measurements, not snake oil or half-truths.
Another factor that makes Exodus such a great value is that we have a simple direct to the
consumer business model. We have relationships with some of the world’s largest companies
as a result of our OEM (original equipment manufactures) connections. These are
relationships that are not available to small “cottage industry” DIY subwoofer manufactures.
We leverage those relationships to produce our subs. We know it’s cheating… but we do it
Great. What kind of sub should I build?
Very good question and there is not one correct answer. It depends on your goals. If you
want to build a killer subwoofer for your home theater one of the ported designs makes a lot
of sense. The port gives you some free output and the ability to extend the bandwidth.
For music only systems most people will be happier with one of the sealed box designs. The
sealed designs also give the builder a lot more flexibility in making construction mistakes.
If you’re a first time DIYer, that may be important. Another bonus to the sealed designs is
Exodus Audio Owner’s Guide 2
Copyright 2007 Exodus Audio. All Rights Reserved.
Exodus Audio Owner’s Guide 3
that they are smaller. Skip directly to our box design section if you want to dig right into
box designs.
Operational Specifications: With Voice coils in parallel. Measured with Praxis @ sea level,
@ 55 deg F., drive voltage >1.5V. The driver is broken-in with 12 Hours of operation with a
20Hz sine wave near full excursion. A 12AWG jumper cable is used to connect the voice
Re: DC resistance of VC 3.65 Ohms
Le: Inductance of VC 0.90mH
Fs: Resonance frequency 20.0 Hz
Qms: Mechanical compliance loss 3.20
Qes: Electrical motor loss. .55
Qts: Total Q of driver .47
Mms: Moving mass 171g
Cms: Suspension Compliance 0.38 mm/N
Vas: Stiffness of driver scaled by cone size 125L
Sd: Area of the cone 491 cm^2
Vd: Total Diaphragm Displacement volume 2.65L
BL: Motor Strength 11.9
X-Max: One-way linear excursion 27mm
Pmax: Maximum power (music, not RMS) 600W
SPL: Sensitivity db/1W/1M 84.4
Volume Occupied by Driver .15 cubic feet or 4.25L
Exodus Audio Owner’s Guide 3
Copyright 2007 Exodus Audio. All Rights Reserved.