Exmark Lazer Z XS User Manual

For Serial Nos.
600,000 & Higher
Part No. 103-9911 Rev. A
POTENTIAL HAZARD This product is a piece of power equipment. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Failure to follow safe operating pr actices can result in serious
operator injury or even death. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Keep all shields, guards, and safety devices (especially the grass
discharge system) in place and in proper working condit ion. Stop engine and wait for all moving parts to stop. Remove spark
plug wire(s) or remove key before adjust ing, servicing, or
performing maint enance. If mower deck becomes clogged, stop engine and wait for all
moving parts to stop. Remove spark plug wire(s) or r em ove k ey
before cleaning blockage.
Keep hands, feet, and clothing away from power driven parts . Keep off mower unless seat platf o r m is pr ovided. Keep others off mower.
POTENTIAL HAZARD Gasoline is harmful or f at a l if swallowed. Long-term exposure to
vapors has caused cancer in laboratory animals. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Failure to use caution may cause serious injury or illness. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD
Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. Keep face away from nozzle and gas tank/container opening. Keep away from eyes and skin. Never siphon by mouth.
When the mower is used or oper ated on any California forest, brush or grass covered land, a working spark arrester must be at t ached t o the muffler. If not, the operator is violating stat e law, Section 4442 Public Resource Code. To acquire a spark ar r ester for your unit, see your Engine Service Dealer.
This spark ignition system complies with Canadian ICES-002 Ce système d’allumage par ètincelle de vèhicule est conform e à la norme NMB-002 du Canada
The enclosed Engine Owner’s Manual is supplied for information regarding The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Emission Control Regulation of emission systems, maintenance and warranty.
Keep this engine Owner’s M anual with your unit. Should this engine Owner’s Manual become damaged or illegible, replace immediately. Replacements may be ordered through the engine manufacturer.
Exmark reserves the right to make changes or add improvements to its products at any time without incurring any obligation to make such changes to products manufactured previously. Exmark, or its distributors and dealers, accept no responsibility f or variat ions which may be evident in the actual specifications of its product s and t he statements and descriptions contained in this publication.
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 1995 Program
If your Exmark dealer does not have the Exmark part in stock, Exmark will get the parts to the dealer the next business day or the part will be FREE* Guaranteed!!
How the Program Works
1. If dealer does not have part in stock for a "down" unit at
2. Distributor ships part(s) to dealer or customer, as
3. If distributor does not have the part(s) in stock to satisfy Exmark Parts Plus
4. If order is received by 3:00 p.m. central time, Exmark ships part(s) direct to dealer or customer, as requested by
5. The customer pays for the part and freight if it is shipped under the Exmark Parts Plus® and if it arrives in
6. Who pays for the part and freight if it fails to arrive overnight in accordance to the program? A. Under any circumstance the customer does not pay. B. If the part does not arrive overnight due to:
2. The Distributor being unable to ship the part the same day or not submitting the Exmark Parts Plus® order
3. Exmark being unable to ship the part and the Exmark parts order is received by 3:00 p.m., central time,
4. If the part does not arrive overnight due to the shipper (UPS), the shipper pays for the freight and Exmark
the time of request by customer, the dealer contacts his distributor by 1:00 p.m., local time, and requests Exmark Parts Plus
shipment of six (6) line items or less.
requested by dealer, same day, overnight UPS Distributor bills dealer for part and freight charges where applicable.
order, he contacts Exmark by 3:00 p.m.,
central time, with an Exmark Parts Plus
order of six (6) line items or less.
distributor, same day, overnight UPS, Exmark bills the distributor for parts and shipping charges, where applicable.
accordance to the program.
1. The dealer not submitting the Exmark Parts Plus
order to his Exmark distributor by 1:00 p.m., the dealer
pays for the part and freight.
to Exmark by 3:00 p.m., central time, the Distributor pays for the part and freight.
Exmark pays for the part and freight.
pays for the part.
The following restrictions apply
-- The Exmark Parts Plus® Program is available only through participating Exmark Dealers and applies only to orders submitted on this program Monday through Thursday. Parts Plus service is available only in the 48 contiguous United States. UPS has initiated a Saturday delivery program to many areas of the continental United States and can be requested for an overnight shipment on Friday to be delivered Saturday. The next day air charge, plus the Saturday delivery fee will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Exmark Mfg. will assume no responsibility for Saturday delivery shipments. To qualify, all Exmark Parts Plus® orders must be received by Exmark by 3:00 p.m., central time. Orders must be six (6) line items or less. Exclusions from the Exmark Parts Plus
Program are: Any wholegood or accessory in its entirety, engines and engine replacement parts, 5-speed Peerless transmissions and 5-speed transaxles, hydraulic or hydrostatic wheel motors, cutter decks and engine decks or any item exceeding United Parcel Service size and weight restrictions.
Due to UPS restrictions, aerosol spray paint is considered a hazardous material and cannot be shipped via UPS next day or Second Day Air.
Exmark Manufacturing stocks a limited supply of parts for transaxles, pumps and wheel motors. These parts can be ordered for Next Day Air shipment but will not be guaranteed per the Parts Plus Program.
CONGRATULATIONS on the purchase of your Exmark Mower. This product has been carefully designed and manufactur ed to give you a maximum amount of dependability and years of trouble-free oper at ion.
This manual contains assembly, operating, maintenance, adjustment, and safety instructions for your Exmark mower.
By following the operating, maintenance, and safety instructions, you will prolong the life of your mower, maintain it s m aximum efficiency, and promote safe oper at ion.
If additional information is needed, or should you require trained mechanic ser vice, contact your authorized Exmark equipment dealer or dist ributor.
All Exmark equipment dealers and dist r ibut or s ar e kept informed of the latest methods of servicing and are equipped to provide prompt and efficient service in the f ield or at their service stations. They carry ample stock of ser vice parts or can secur e t hem promptly for you from the factor y.
All Exmark parts are thoroughly tested and inspected before leaving the factory, however, attention is required on your part if you are t o obt ain the fullest measure of satisfaction and performance.
1.1 Safety Alert Symbol .............................................................................1
1.2 Training................................................................................................1
1.3 Preparation...................................................................................... 1-3
1.4 Operation.........................................................................................3-6
1.5 Maintenance & Storage........................................................................6
1.6 Riding Attachments..............................................................................6
1.7 Safety Signs..................................................................................... 6-8
2.1 Model Numbers....................................................................................9
2.2 Engine..................................................................................................9
2.3 Fuel System.........................................................................................9
2.4 Safety Interlock System .......................................................................9
2.5 Steering/Brake Control.........................................................................9
2.6 Transmission .......................................................................................9
2.7 Wheel Drive System ............................................................................9
2.8 Tires.....................................................................................................9
2.9 Deck .............................................................................................. 9-10
2.10 Dimensions........................................................................................10
2.11 Bolt Torque Requirements.................................................................10
3.1 Controls ........................................................................................10-12
3.2 Pre-Start ............................................................................................12
3.3 Operating Instructions...................................................................13-16
3.4 Transporting.......................................................................................16
4.1 Periodic Maintenance....................................................................17-24
4.2 Adjustments..................................................................................24-30
5.1 Motor Oil Disposal..............................................................................30
6.1 Mower Tracks Left or Right...........................................................30-31
6.2 Mower Cuts Unevenly........................................................................31
6.3 Blades Do Not Stop When Disengaged.............................................31
6.4 Engine Will Not Start.....................................................................31-32
7. BELT ROUTING (MOWER DECKS).....................................................32
8. WIRING DIAGRAM..................................................................................32
9. WARRANTY.............................................................................................33
10. EVAPORATIVE EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY.........................34
This SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL identify important safety messages which must be followed to avoid accidents. This symbol means:
The safety alert symbol appears above information which alerts you to unsafe actions or
situations and will be followed by the word DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION.
DANGER: White lettering/Red background. I ndicat es an imminently hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injur y.
WARNING: Black lettering/ O r ange background. Indicates a pot ent ially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in deat h or serious injury.
CAUTION: Black lettering/Yellow backgr ound. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury.
is used both in this manual and on the machine to
1.2.1 Regard the Exmark mower as a piece of power equipment and teach this regard to all who operate this unit.
1.2.2 Read the instructions carefully. Familiar ize yourself with the cont r ols and t he proper use of the equipment. If the operator(s) or m echanic(s) can not read English it is the owner’s responsibility to explain this material t o them.
1.2.3 Do not allow operation of this machine by untrained personnel. Never allow
children, teenagers, or people unfamiliar with these instructions to use the mower. Local regulations may restrict the age of the operator.
1.2.4 Avoid mowing while people, especially children, or pets, are nearby. Keep in mind
that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their property.
1.3.1 Evaluate the terrain to determine what accessories and attachment s ar e needed
to properly and safely perform the job. Only use accessories and attachments approved by Exmark.
1.3.2 The use of per sonal pr ot ective equipment, such as (but not limited to) pr otection
for the eyes, ears, feet , and head is r ecom m ended.
POTENTIAL HAZARD This machine produces sound levels in excess of 85
dBA at the operator’s ear when in operation. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Exposure to sound levels of 85 dBA or above for
extended periods of time can cause hearing loss. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Wear hearing protection when operating this machine.
1.3.3 While mowing, always wear substantial footwear and long trousers. Do not operate equipment when barefoot or when wearing open sandals.
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1.3.4 Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is t o be used and r emove all stones, sticks, wires, bones, and other foreign objects which may damage the equipment or cause personal injury to the operat or or bystander s.
POTENTIAL HAZARD Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, which is
an odorless deadly poison. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Carbon monoxide can kill you. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Do not run engine indoors or in a small confined area
where dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect.
POTENTIAL HAZARD In certain conditions gasoline is extremely flamm able
and highly explosive. WHAT CAN HAPPEN A fire or explosion from gasoline can bur n you, ot hers,
and cause property damage. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD DO NOT smoke while refueling , and stay away from
an open flame or where gasoline fumes may be
ignited by spark.
Refuel only outdoors. Store gasoline in an approved container and keep it
out of the reach of children. Add fuel before start ing the engine. Never remove the
cap of the fuel tank or add fuel when engine is running
or when the engine is hot. Never fill the fuel tank so t hat the gasoline level rises
above a level that is 1/2” (1.3 cm) below the bottom of
the filler neck to allow for gasoline expansion and
prevent fuel spillage. If fuel is spilled, DO NOT attempt to start the engine.
Move away from the area of the spill and avoid
creating any source of ignition unt il fuel vapors have
dissipated. Do not operate without entire exhaust system in place
and in proper working condition.
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POTENTIAL HAZARD In certain conditions gasoline is extremely flamm able
and highly explosive. WHAT CAN HAPPEN A static charge can ignite g asoline vapors. A fire or
explosion from gasoline can burn you, others, and
cause property damage. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Purchase and store gasoline only in an approved
container. Always place gasoline containers on the ground away
from your vehicle before f illing. Do not fill gasoline containers inside a vehicle or on a
truck or trailer bed because interior car pets or plastic
truck bed liners may insulate the container and slow
the loss of any static charge. When practical, r emove gas-powered equipment from
the truck or trailer and r e fuel the equipment with its
wheels on the ground. If this is not possible, then refuel such equipment on a
truck or trailer from a portable container, rather than
from a gasoline dispenser nozzle. If a gasoline dispenser nozzle must be used, keep the
nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel tank or
container opening at all times until fueling is complete.
POTENTIAL HAZARD Gasoline vapor can collect inside enclosed trailers and
may be ignited by electrical sparks or hot
engine/exhaust components. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Explosion and fire may occur, resulting in proper t y
damage, personal injury and/or death. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Provide adequate ventilation of any enclosed trailer to
prevent build up of gasoline vapors, especially at floor
Refuel only outdoors, never inside an enclosed trailer. Be sure all fuel tanks and gasoline st or age containers
have proper caps installed to prevent spillage and
minimize vapor escaping into the trailer. Do not place any equipment that is leaking gasoline in
an enclosed trailer.
Although hazard control and accident prevention are parti al l y dependent upon the design and configuration of the equipment, t hese f act ors are al so dependent upon the awareness, concern, prudence, and proper training of t he personnel i nvolved in the operation, transport, maintenance, and st orage of t he equipment. It is essential that all Operator Safety Mechanisms be connect ed and i n operat i ng condition prior to use for mowing.
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POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating engine parts, especially the m uffler, become
extremely hot.
Severe burns can occur on contact. Debris, such as leaves, grass, brush, etc. can catc h fire.
HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Allow engine parts, especially the muff ler , to cool before
Remove accumulated debris from muffler and engine area. Install and maintain in working order a spar k arrester before
using equipment on forest - covered, grass-covered, brush­covered unimproved land.
POTENTIAL HAZARD Hands, feet, hair, clothing, or accessories can become
entangled in rotating part s. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Contact with rotating parts can cause traum at ic am putation
or severe lacerations. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Do not operate the machine without guards , shields and
safety devices in place and working. Keep hands, feet, hair, je welry, or clothing away from
rotating parts.
1.4.1 Give complete, undivided attention t o the job at hand.
1.4.2 Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light, keeping away from holes or hidden hazards. DO NOT operate the mower when children or others are in t he area.
1.4.3 When f easible, avoid operating the equipment in wet grass.
1.4.4 Use EXTREME caution when mowing and/or turning on slopes as loss of traction and/or tip-over could occur. The operator is r esponsible for safe operation on slopes.
POTENTIAL HAZARD Mowing on wet grass or steep slopes can cause sliding and
loss of control.
in a fall with an arm or leg get t ing under the mower or engine deck, which may result in serious injury or death.
Mow across slopes, never up and down. Do not mow slopes when grass is wet. Do not mow near drop-offs or near water. Do not mow slopes greater than 20 degrees. Reduce speed and use extreme caution on slopes. Avoid sudden turns or rapid speed changes.
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See inside the back cover to determine the approximate slope angle of the area to be mowed.
Progressively greater care is needed as the slope increases.
Always avoid sudden starting or stopping on a slope. If tires lose traction,
disengage the blades and proceed slowly off the slope.
Be aware that loss of traction may occur going downhill. Weight transfer to the front wheels may cause drive wheels to slip and cause loss of braking and steering.
Watch for ditches, holes, rocks, dips, and r ises t hat change the operating angle, as rough terrain could overtur n the machine.
Remove or mark obstacles such as rocks, t r ee lim bs, etc. from the mowing area. Tall grass can hide obstacles.
Use extreme care with grass catchers or attachments. These can change the stability of the machine and cause loss of control.
1.4.5 Use EXTREME caution when backing up. LOOK BEHI ND YO U!!
1.4.6 Stop the blades when crossing surfaces other than grass, if mower must be tilted for transportation, and when transpor t ing the mower to and from the area to be mowed.
1.4.7 Never operate the mower with damaged g uards, shields, or covers. Always have safety shields, guards, switches, and other devices in place and in proper work ing condition.
1.4.8 Do Not change the engine governor sett ings or overspeed the engine. Operating an engine at excessive speed may increase the hazard of personal injury.
1.4.9 Place transmission in neutr al, disengage PTO, and latch dr ive levers in “par k brake” position before st ar t ing engine.
1.4.10 Start the engine carefully with feet well away from the blades.
1.4.11 Keep hands, feet, and clothing away from rotating parts while the mower is being operated.
1.4.12 Stop the engine, wait for all moving parts to stop, and remove the spark plug wire(s) and/or remove key:
a) Before checking, cleaning, or working on the mower. b) After str iking a foreign object ( inspect the mower for damage and make
repairs before restart ing and operating the mower). c) Before clearing blockages. d) Whenever you leave the mower.
1.4.13 Stop the engine and wait for all m oving parts to stop: a) Before removing the grass catcher. b) Before refueling. c) Before making height adjustments.
1.4.14 Before stopping the engine, place the t hr ot tle control midway between the “slow”
and “fast” positions. Allow the engine t o r un a m inim um of 15 seconds; then stop the engine.
1.4.15 The fuel system is provided with a shut-of f valve. The fuel shut-off valve is used
to shut off the fuel when: a) The machine will not be used for a few days b) During transport to and from the job c) When parking inside a building
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1.4.16 This mower was designed for one operator only. Keep all others away from
mower during operation.
1.4.17 Do Not mow with the discharge deflector raised, removed or altered unless there
is a grass collection system or mulch kit in place and work ing properly.
1.4.18 Be aware of the mower discharge and direct dischar ge away from others.
1.4.19 Do Not operate mower under the influence of alcohol or dr ugs.
1.4.20 Use care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, tr ees, or other objects that
may obscure vision.
1.5.1 For engine maint enance, follow the engine manufacturer' s r ecom mendations
precisely as stated in the engine manual.
1.5.2 Keep engine and engine area free from accumulation of grass, leaves, excessive
grease or oil, and other debris which can accumulate in these areas. These
materials can become combustible and may result in a fir e.
1.5.3 Store f uel in a container specifically designed for this purpose. Store the fuel
container in a cool, dry place.
1.5.4 Keep the mower and fuel cont ainer in locked storage to prevent children f r om
playing or tampering with them.
1.5.5 Gasoline powered equipment or fuel containers should not be stored in a basement
or any enclosed area where open pilot lights or heat appliances are present.
1.5.6 Maximum mowing results and safety can only be achieved if the mower is
properly maintained and operated correctly.
1.5.7 Check all bolts frequently to maintain proper t ightness.
1.5.8 Keep all guards, shields and all safety devices in place and in safe working
1.5.9 Frequently check for worn or damaged components that could create a hazard.
1.5.10 All replacement parts must be the same as or equivalent to the parts supplied as
original equipment.
Use only
may create a hazardous condition resulting in injury.
Exmark riding attachments. The use of other than Exmark riding attachm ents
1.7.1 Keep all safety signs legible. Remove all grease, dirt and debris from safety signs
and instructional labels.
1.7.2 Safety sign s m ust be replaced if they are missing or illegible.
1.7.3 When new components are installed, be sure that current safety signs are aff ixed
to the replaced components.
1.7.4 New safety signs may be obtained from your authorized Exmark equipment
dealer or distributor or fr om Exmark Mfg. Co. Inc.
1.7.5 Safety signs can be affixed by peeling off the backing to expose the adhesive
surface. Apply only to a clean, dry surface. Smooth to remove any air bubbles.
1.7.6 Familiarize yourself with the f ollowing safety signs and instruction labels. They are
critical to the safe operation of your Exmark commercial mower.
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PART NO. 103-5626 LOCATION: 48” Decks Under Belt Shield
PART NO. 1-303517 LOCATION: Left Side, Rear Surface Engine Deck
PART NO. 1-403005 LOCATION: Front Corners of Deck 32” & 36” – RH Front 48” – RH & LH Front
PART NO. 1-303518 LOCATION: Transmission Shifter Plate
PART NO. 1-323427
PART NO. 103-1798 LOCATION: RH Side of Console
ECS Handle Units PART NO. 103-2244 LOCATION: LH Side of Console
LOCATION: 32” & 36” Decks Under
Belt Shield
PART NO. 1-513746 LOCATION: Engine Blower
ECS Handle Units PART NO. 103-2245 LOCATION: RH Side of Console
Next to Muffler
PART NO. 1-303508 LOCATION: Right Rear Corner of Deck
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PART NO. 98-5954 LOCATION: Under Mower Deck Belt Shield
ECS Handle Units PART NO. 103-1623 LOCATION: Console
Pistol Grip Handle Units PART NO. 103-1967 LOCATION: Console
PART NO. 1-403143 LOCATION: Right Rear of Engine Deck
Pistol Grip Handle Units PART NO. 1-323550 LOCATION: Upper Handles
(Both Sides)
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M15KA322P; M15KA362P; M15KA483P; M15KA362; M15KA483
2.2.1 Engine Specifications: See your engine owner's manual.
2.2.2 RPM (No Load): 3600 rpm
2.3.1 Capacity: 5 gal. (18.9 liter)
2.3.2 Type of Fuel: Use only clean, fresh, re gular grade, unleaded gasoline with the
pump sticker octane rating of 87 or higher. In countries using t he r esearch method, it should be 90 octane minimum.
2.3.3 Fuel Filter: Replaceable in-line
2.3.4 Fuel Shut Off Valve: in-line, 1/4 turn
Operator must have the transmission in neutr al and PTO disengaged to start engine.
Release of Operator Presence Contr o l ( O PC) levers will cause engine to stop if transmission is not in neutral and/or PTO is engaged.
Fingertip drive control levers provide independent control of traction, braking, and neutral
to each drive wheel for moving, stopping, and power turning. Parking brakes ar e engaged by locking drive control levers in the “brake” position.
2.6.1 Peerless 700-070A, five speeds forward and one reverse.
2.6.2 Speed rang e: 1st 2.0 mph (3.22 km/h) 4th 4.1 mph (6.60 km / h) 2nd 2.7 mph (4.35 k m / h) 5th 6.2 mph (9.98 km/h) 3rd 3.5 mph (5.63 km/h) Rev 3.1 mph (4.99 km/h)
Banded double A-Section V-belts, single top-side idlers and replaceable bolt-on drive
sheaves and brake drums. (Single B-Section V-belts for the 32" Model)
Pneumatic (Air-Filled) Semi-Pneumatic
Deck Size 32” 36” & 48” All Decks
Size 13 x 5.0-6 13 x 6.5-6 9 x 3.50-4
Quantity 2 2 2
Tread Turf Saver Turf Master Sm ooth
Ply Rating 4 4
Pressure 14 psi (97 kPa) 14 psi (97 kPa) Bearings Replaceable Ball Replaceable Ball Replaceable Roller
Drive Front Caster
2.9 DECK
2.9.1 Cutting Width: Model 32.........31.75 in. (80.7 cm)
Model 36.........35.38 in. (89.9 cm)
Model 48.........47.25 in. (120.0 cm)
2.9.2 Discharg e : Right Side
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+ 30 hidden pages