26BMaximum Storage Interval Between Freshening Charges
Versus Average Storage Temperature
27CBonding and Grounding of Battery Rack
1.0General Information
Multi-cell systems attain high voltages, therefore, extreme
caution must be exercised during installation of a battery
system to prevent serious electrical burns or shock.
Before proceeding with the unpacking, handling, installation and operation of this sealed lead-acid storage
battery, the following information should be reviewed
thoroughly.The safety procedures should be strictly
adhered to when working with Absolyte GX batteries.
2.1Sulfuric Acid Burns
Batteries contain sulfuric acid which can cause burns and
other serious injury. In the event of contact with sulfu-
ric acid, flush immediately and thoroughly with water.
Secure medical attention immediately.
When working with batteries, wear rubber apron and rubbergloves.Wearsafetygogglesorothereye
protection. These will help prevent injury if contact is
made with the acid.
Interrupt the AC and DC circuits before working on
batteries or charging equipment.
Ensure that personnel understand the risk of working with
batteries, and are prepared and equipped to take the necessarysafetyprecautions.Theseinstallation
and operating instructions should be understood and
followed. Assure that you have the necessary equipment
for the work, including insulated tools, rubber gloves, rubber aprons, safety goggles and face protection.
If the foregoing precautions are not fully
understood, clarification should be obtained
from your nearest GNB representative.
Local conditions may introduce situations
not covered by GNB Safety Precautions. If
so, contact the nearest GNB representative
for guidance with your particular safety
problem; also refer to applicable federal,
state and local regulations as well as industry standards.
2.3.1Static Discharge Precautions for Batteries
2.2Explosive Gases
Hydrogen gas formation is an inherent feature of all lead
Absolyte GX VRLA batteries, however, significantly
reduce hydrogen formation. Tests have shown that 99%
or more of generated gases are recombined within the
cell under normal operating conditions. Under abnormal
operating conditions (e.g. charger malfunction), the safety valve may open and release these gases through the
vent. The gases can explode and cause blindness and
other serious injury.
Keep sparks, flames, and smoking materials away from
the battery area and the explosive gases.
All installation tools should be adequately insulated to
minimize the possibility of shorting across connections.
Never lay tools or other metallic objects on modules as
shorting, explosions and personal injury may result.
2.3Electrical Shock and Burns
When maintaining a connected battery string, care must
be taken to prevent build-up of static charge. This
danger is particularly significant when the worker is
electrically isolated, i.e. working on a rubber mat or an
epoxy painted floor or wearing rubber shoes.
Prior to making contact with the cell, discharge static electricity by touching a grounded surface.
Wearing a ground strap while working on a connected
battery string is not recommended.
2.4Safety Alert
The safety alert symbol on the left appears
througout this manual. Where the symbol
appears, obey the safety message to avoid
personal injury.
2.5Important Message
The symbol on the left indicates an important message. If not followed, damage to
and/or impaired performance of the battery
may result.
3.0Receipt of Shipment
Immediately upon delivery, examine packaging for possible
damage caused in transit. Damaged packing material or
staining from leaking electrolyte could indicate rough handling. Make a descriptive notation on the delivery receipt
before signing. If cell or unit damage is found, request an
inspection by the carrier and file a damage claim.
NOTE: Storage in temperatures above 25°C (77°F)
will result in loss of operating life.
Initial and freshening charge data should be saved and
included with the battery historical records (see Section 15).
3.1Concealed Damage
Within 10 days of receipt, examine all cells for concealed
damage. If damage is noted, immediately request an
inspection by the carrier and file a concealed damage
claim. Pay particular attention to packing material exhibiting
damage or electrolyte staining. Delay in notifying carrier
may result in loss of right to reimbursement for damages.
4.0Storage Prior to Installation
Do not remove shipping materials if a storage period is
planned, unless charging is required per Section 4.2.
4.1Storage Location
If the battery is not to be installed at the time of receipt, it
is recommended that it be stored indoors in a cool (25°C,
77°F), clean, dry location.
4.2Storage Interval
The storage interval from the date of battery shipment to
the date of installation and initial charge should not
exceed six (6) months. If extended storage is necessary,
the battery should be charged at regular intervals until
installation can be completed and float charging can be
initiated. When in extended storage, it is advised to mark
the battery pallets with the date of shipment and the date
of every charge. If the battery is stored at 77°F (25°C) or
below, the battery should be given its initial charge (refer
to Section 10) within 6 months of the date of shipment and
receive a freshening charge (perform per Section 10 Initial
Charge) at 6 month intervals thereafter. Storage at ele
vated temperatures will result in accelerated rates of self
discharge. For every 18°F (10°C) temperature increase
above 77°F (25°C), the time interval for the initial charge
and subsequent freshening charges should be halved.
Thus, if a battery is stored at 95°F (35°C), the maximum
storage interval between charges would be 3 months (reference Appendix B). Storage beyond these periods without proper charge can result in excessive sulphation of
plates and positive grid corrosion which is detrimental to
battery performance and life. Failure to charge accord-
ingly may void the batteryʼs warranty.
Prior to starting installation of the Absolyte GX
Battery System, a review of this section is
strongly recommended.
Any modifications, alterations or additions to an
Absolyte GX system, without the expressed written
consent of GNB Engineering, may void any warranties
and/or seismic qualifications. Contact your GNB
representative for additional information.
5.1Space Considerations
It is important to know certain restrictions for the area
where the battery is to be located. First, a designated
aisle space should be provided to permit initial installation
as well as for service or surveillance. After installation,
any additional equipment installed after the battery should
not compromise access to the battery system.
A minimum aisle space of 36 inches from modules / 33
inches from clear covers should be available adjacent to
the battery system. See Figure 1 for typical space allocations required. Following the spacing requirements will
aid in maintenance of the battery and help maintain air
flow to battery surfaces to enhance heat dissipation.
NOTE: When planning system space requirements, allow
at least 6 inches past system total length wherever a terminal plate assembly is to be located (Figure 1A). Allow
4.5” minimum between back to back stacks (Figure 1B).
See Figure 1 for typical space allocations required. For
total length, width and height dimensions of connected
systems, consult layout/wiring diagram for the
particular system.
5.2Battery Location & Ambient
Temperature Requirements
It is recommended that the battery unit be installed in a
clean, cool, dry location. Floors should be level.
A location having an ambient temperature of 24°C (75°F)
to25°C (77°F) will result in optimum battery life and
performance. Temperatures below 25°C (77°F) reduce
battery charge efficiency and discharge performance.
Temperatures above 25°C (77°F) will result in a
Maximum AnnualMaximumPercent
Average BatteryBatteryReduction
TemperatureTemperatureIn Battery Life
The total battery weight will depend on the cell size, number of cells, as well as module configuration involved.
Consult layout/wiring diagram for the battery system
weightPrior to installation, a determination should be
made that the floor integrity is adequate to accommodate
the battery system.
5.6Floor Anchoring
Where seismic conditions are anticipated, floor anchoring
should be provided. Such anchoring is the responsibility
of the user.
For example: If a battery has a design life of 20 years at
77°F (25°C), but the actual annual average battery
temperature is 95°F (35°C), the projected life of the
battery is calculated to be only 10 years.
The battery temperature shall not be allowed to exceed
50°C (122°F). Minimum battery temperature is -40°C
(-40°F). Temperature records shall be maintained by the
user in accordance with the maintenance schedule published in this manual.
5.3Temperature Variations
Sources of heat or cooling directed on portions of the battery can cause temperature variations within the strings
resulting in cell voltage differences and eventual compromise of battery performance.
Heat sources such as heaters, sunlight or associated
equipment can cause such temperature variations.
Similarly, air conditioning or outside air vents may cause
cell string temperature variations. Every effort should be
made to keep temperature variations within 3°C (5°F).
Where non-seismic conditions are anticipated, anchoring
is recommended for maximum stability.
Four 9/16” (14.3 mm) holes are provided in the I-Beam for
5.7Connecting Cables:
Battery System to Operating Equipment
The Absolyte cell is a UL recognized component.
Battery performance is based on the output at the battery
terminals. Therefore, the shortest electrical connections
between the battery system and the operating equipment
results in maximum total system performance.
CARRYING CAPACITY ONLY.Cable size selection
should provide no greater voltage drop between the battery system and operating equipment than necessary.
Excess voltage drop will reduce the desired support time
of the battery system.
The Absolyte battery is a Valve Regulated Lead Acid
(VRLA) low maintenance design. Tests have confirmed
that under recommended operating conditions in stationary applications, 99% or more of gases generated are
recombined within the cell. In most cases, no special
ventilation and or battery room is required. Consult your
local building and fire codes for requirements that may
apply to your specific location.
Hydrogen and oxygen gases can be vented to the atmosphere under certain conditions. Therefore, the battery should
never be installed in an air-tight enclosure. Sufficient precautions must be taken to prevent excessive overcharge.
5.5Floor Loading
The floor of the area where the battery system is to be
installed should have the capability of supporting the
weight of the battery as well as any auxiliary equipment.
Where it is necessary to connect battery strings in parallel in order to obtain sufficient load backup time, it is
important to minimize the differences in voltage drop
between the battery strings in parallel in order to promote
equal load sharing upon discharge.Therefore, equal
resistance of cable connections for each parallel string is
important. When paralleling multiple strings to a load or
common bus, please follow these guidelines:
• Each parallel string must have the same number of cells
(same string voltage).
• The cables connecting the positive and negative termi-
nals of each string to the load (or bus) should be of the
same size (i.e. same capacity/cross-sectional area).
• The cables connecting the positive and negative termi-
nals of each string to the load (or bus) should be of the
same length. Choose the shortest cable length that will
connect the battery string that is furthest from the load,
and cut all cables used to connect each string to the load
to this same length.
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