The Xsolo family of single output power supplies provides up to an incredible 1008W
in an extremely compact package.
Available in two package types, the high efficiency Xsolo delivers an incredible convection
cooled 504W in an open-frame U-channel form factor and up to 1008W in an enclosed, fan
cooled chassis.
The Xsolo platform comes with a host of features including: variable speed fan, 12V/300mA
isolated bias supply, remote ON/OFF, output voltage control and parallel operation for higher
power applications. Nominal output voltages are 24, 36V and 48V with wide adjustment
ranges and user defined set-points. Xsolo carries dual safety certification, EN60950 2
Edition for Industrial Applications and EN60601-1 2ndand 3rdEdition for Medical
Applications, meeting the stringent creepage and clearance requirements, 4KVAC isolation
and <300uA leakage current. Xsolo is designed to meet MIL810G and is also compliant with
SEMI F47 for voltage dips and interruptions as well as being compliant with all relevant EMC
emission and immunity standards.
Optional features include I2C digital communications and OR-ing Function for N+1 redundancy.
The product can also be conformal coated and ruggedised for use in harsh environments. With
convection cooled power capability of over 500W, the Xsolo is ideal for use in a wide range of
applications: industrial, Hi-Rel MIL-COTS applications, as well as acoustically sensitive laboratory
and medical environments.
Single Output Power Supply 500W - 1000W
• Single output: 24V, 36V or 48V
• IEC60950 2
Edition, IEC60601-1 2nd &
3rd Edition & IEC60601-1-2 4th Edition
EMC compliant
• Ultra high efficiency, >92%
• Low profile: 1U height (40mm)
• Convection Cooled 500W
• Fan Cooled 1000W (variable speed fan)
• 12V/300mA bias standby voltage
• Remote ON/OFF Signal
• Power Good Signal
• MIL810G
• 2 MOPP
• SEMI F47 Compliant
• Suitable for Type B and BF rated
• Optional I2C PMBus™Communications
• Optional OR-ing Function
• 5 Year Warranty
• Adjustable output voltage
• 5000m altitude for EN60950 applications
• All models feature active power factor
correction as standard
• Product Options: Conformal Coating,
Low Leakage Current and Ruggedised
• Industrial
• Test & Measurement
• Medical
• Hi-Rel COTS
XS500-24 504 24 21.0 Yes Yes
XS1000-24 1008 24 42.0 Yes Yes
XS500-36 504 36 14.0 Yes Yes
XS1000-36 1008 36 28.0 Yes Yes
XS500-48 504 48 10.5 Yes Yes
XS1000-48 1008 48 21.0 Yes Yes
Model Power Output Output Medical Approval Industrial Approval
(W) Voltage Current UL/EN60601-1 UL/EN60950
(A) 3rd edition 2nd edition
XS Models
Ultra-high efficiency 1U size
Model Vnom Power Description Set Point Dynamic Vtrim Imax Remote Power
(V) (W) Adjust Range (V) Range (V) (A) Sense Good
XS500-24 24 504 Convection Cooled U-Channel 19-28 14-28 21.0 Yes Yes
XS1000-24 24 1008 Enclosed Fan Cooled 19-28 14-28 42.0 Yes Yes
XS500-36 36 504 Convection Cooled U-Channel 26-40 20-40 14.0 Yes Yes
XS1000-36 36 1008 Enclosed Fan Cooled 26-40 20-40 28.0 Yes Yes
XS500-48 48 504 Convection Cooled U-Channel 36-58 29-58 10.5 Yes Yes
XS1000-48 48 1008 Enclosed Fan Cooled 36-58 29-58 21.0 Yes Yes
* Full part numbering information including product options and ordering information on page 65.