Choose the mode of smartphone
Dual SIM mode
(insert two SIM cards)
SIM 1 (micro SIM)
SIM 2 (nano SIM)
SIM/microSDHC mode
(insert one SIM card
and microSDHC card
SIM 1 (micro SIM)
microSDHC card
Watertight integrity of phone
After inserting SIM card/microSDHC card close tight rubber
seals, otherwise it can not be guaranteed watertight integrity of
In the same way seal also input for charging/PC connection
and earphone output.
12 hour charging
We recommend to charge
the battery for at least
12 hours before first use.
Volume +/-
Charging/PC connection
(microUSB port)
Power ON/OFF
SIM 2/microSDHC
StrongPhone Q6 LTE
Dear customer, tha nk y ou f or c ho os in g an E VO LVE O
mobile phone. Here are some recommendations
related to its safe use:
g EVOLVEO StrongPhone Q6 LTE is designed to be a l ot
more dura bl e th an a r eg ul ar c el lp ho ne , ho wever, it is n ot
completely indestruct ib le .
g EVOLVEO StrongPhone Q6 LTE complies with IP67
cert if ic at io n. H ow ever, even t hi s co mp li an ce d oe sn' t
assure it 's complete waterproofness.
g The phone is waterpro of and dustproof su bj ec t to t he
following conditions: all cover s are cl os ed , ph on e do n ot
sink deeper than 1 meter for mo re t ha n 30 m in ut es ;
Water must be regular. Oc ca si on al use in chlorinated
pools can is allowed, but the phone hav e to b e wa sh ed
with clean water. Do not use in sea water or salt water.
g It is crucial to ke ep t he h ea dp ho ne j ac k as well as the
microUS B po rt clean, as well as to ke ep a ll s cr ews on the
back side f ir ml y ti gh te ne d, i n order to maintain the water
and dust re si st an ce o f th e ph on e.
g Display of th e ph on e ca n br ea k up on h itting hard
surf ac e, w he n ex posed to a strong impac t, o r wh en t he
screen is b ei ng b en t or o th er wise d ef or me d. I n case the
screen is d am ag ed , do n ot a tt em pt t o repair it.
Glass bro ke n as a result of a mi su se o r ab us e is n ot a
subject to warranty.
g Clean the cellphone immediate ly i f it g et s in c on ta ct
with prod uc ts w hi ch c an c au se s ta in s, s uc h as i nk , color,
makeu p, f oo d, o il , et c. D is co nnect all cables, turn the
phone off a nd u se a s of t cl ot h. D o no t us e wi nd ow
cleaners, household cleaning prod uc ts , ae ro so l sp ra ys
canisters, solvents, alcoho l, a mo ni ac o r ab ra si ve s.
g This phone is a complex electro ni c de vi ce , th er ef ore it
should be pro te ct ed a ga in st i mpact and electro ma gn et ic
field effects, it is not re si st an t to m et al d us t or o th er
metal par ticles.
g In case your phone falls in water, brush it with a dry
cloth, and let it dr y be fo re t ur ni ng i t back on again.
Do not attempt to d r y us in g ex ternal heat source, such
as microw av e or a h ai rd ryer.
g EVOLVEO StrongPhone Q6 LTE is inte nd ed f or u se i n
operating temperatu re s from 0° to 40°C and can be
store d in a t em pe ra tu re range from -20º to 4 5º C. L ow er
or higher temperature s ca n af fe ct t he c el lp ho ne
operation or ba tt er y life.
g Do not use outside during storm , we h ol d no
respons ib il it y fo r ev en tu al d ev ic e da ma ge o r in ju ry
caused by such operation.
g Do not puncture t he s pe ak er, do not insert a ny o bj ects
in por ts . Do n ot paint the phone with color as all of
operations listed above a ff ec t th e ph on e fu nc ti on al it y
and waterproofness.
g Use a force ps t o re mo ve the microSIM/nanoSIM card
with the re du ci ng a da pt er t o avoid bending it. This way
you pre ve nt t he S IM s lo t from damage.
g EVOLVEO StrongPhone Q6 LTE was tes te d in
compliance to EU radio wa ve s, W iF i an d Bl ue to ot h
standards . In c as e yo u wa nt t o li mi t th e ef fe ct s of highfrequ en cy e ne rg y, li mi t th e du ra ti on of your dire ct
exposition to the electro ma gn et ic e mi ss io ns , e. g. b y
using a Bluetooth hands-fre e se t, o r keep a greate r
distance between yo ur b od y an d th e ce ll ph on e.
g Never attem pt t o re pair the phone by yourself, any
disassembly, including rem ov in g of o uter screws and
back co ve r, can lead to a damage of t he d ev ic e, w hi ch i s
not covered b y th e wa rr an ty.
g Manufacture rs, re se ll er s an d ve nd or s ho ld n o
respons ib il it y fo r an y da ta l os s an d di re ct o r in di rect
damage, rel at ed t o th e us e of this phone, no matter
how exactly it is caused.
g Repair and maintenance can only be handled at an
authorized ser vi ce c en te r fo r EV OLVEO phones (more at
www.evolveo.com), othe r wi se t he p ho ne c an b e
damaged and warranty could be voi d.
Phone cannot be turned on
Hold the Power ON/OFF button for at least 20 seconds.
* Charge the battery, first charge for about half an hour, then
disconnect the charger, reconnect it again and finish the
* Check or replace the SIM card
No sound can be heard
Make sure the volume isn't on minimum * Make sure the
phone isn't in „Airplane mode“
PIN error
Contact your operator
Mobile phone turns off automatically,
* Make sure the auto-turn off feature is turned off
* Hold the ON/OFF button for at least 15 seconds or more
* Return to Factory settings (Settings > Backup & reset >
Factory data reset > Reset phone)
Phone is "freezed" and unresponsive to touch
1. Hold the On/Off button until the phone restarts
(for up to 20 seconds).
The phone behaves unexpectedly, some required
actions can't be carried
RECOVERY MODE (revert to factory defaults)
Settings > Back up and Reset > Factory data reset
Erase all data on phone
The phone will be reverted to default factory settings,
all passwords will be lost, as well as installed apps, etc.
freezes or restarts
Quick access to phone settings
Drag the top information bar in
main screen down with your
finger in order to show
information such as WiFi,
Bluetooth, GPS or Data transfer
status, Audio profiles,
Brightness, Phone settings, etc.
Android OS was designed by Google and therefore it's
possible to find some of its applications in phone (such
as Google Gmail, Google Maps and more).
Other apps can be installed using Google Play, in order
to do so it's necessary to set up a Google account
(Settings > Accounts > Add account > Google).
The guarantee does not apply to:
• installation a differen t fi rm wa re t he n th e original
EVOLVEO factor y firm wa re or ROOT of An dr oi d OS
• electro me ch an ic al o r me ch an ic al d am ag e to t he
phone caused by impro pe r us e by t he u se r (s uc h as
cracked s cr ee n or touch screen, cracke d th e front or
back co ve r of t he phone, damaged microUSB
connector, slo t fo r a SI M ca rds, microSD card s lo t,
headphone jack , et c. ).
• damage to the speaker a nd h ea dp ho ne c au se d by
metal par ticles
• damage caused by natural causes such as fire, w at er,
static electricity, high or low temperat ur e etc.
• defects caused by normal usage of p ho ne
• unauthorized re pa ir d am ag e
• phone firmware if t ha t re qu ires updating because of
changes in the pa ra me te rs o f mo bi le networks
• defects of mo bi le p ho ne o pe ra to r ne tw or k
• batte r y, if a ft er 6 m on th s of usage has not adhere
to its original capac it y (w ar ra nt y fo r th e batter y
capac it y is s ix m on th s)
• willful damage
Customer ser vi ce
Rep airs a nd s er vice may only be perf ormed by an
authorized ser vi ce l oc at io n fo r ph on es E VO LVE O
(more inf or ma ti on s: w ww. ev ol ve o. co m) , ot he rwise you
can damage your mobile phone and lose you r wa rr an ty.
The symbol of crossed out container on the product, in
the literature or on the wrapping means that in the
European Union all the electric and electronic products,
batteries and accumulators must be placed into the
separate salvage after finishing their lifetime. Do not
throw these products into the unsorted municipal waste.
Hereby, the company Abacus Electric, s.r.o. declares
that GSM phone EVOLVEO StrongPhone Q6 LTE
(EAN: 8594161336334) is in compliance with the
requirements of the norms and regulations, relevant for
the given type of device.
The complete text of Declaration of Conformity can be
found on ftp://ftp.evolveo.com/ce
Copyright © 2015 Abacus Electric, s.r.o.
All rights reserved. Design and specification can be
changed without prior notice.