GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
EV-604 Vehicle GPS Tracker
EV-604 User Guide V2.0
GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
1, Product Overview
Thank you for using EV-604 Vehicle GPS Tracker. It’s equiped with Quad Bands GSM/GPRS module, Hi-sensitivity U-blox GPS receiver, 8MB flash memory. The
fuel detecting and anti-jamming function will bring u more options for security purpose.
EV-604 supports both GPS tracking and GSM Network Station tracking, which brings you a idea solution with 7-24 position fix with no blind area for locating
your mobile objects.
It can work alone without any third party help, but also could integreate to a monitoring center base by SMS query or TCP connection query.
What’s New?
◆ Tracking by GPS satellite and GSM base station (Double-Positioning)
◆ GSM Anti-jamming Detection
◆Two way voice communication
◆Support fuel detection
◆Support external power voltage detection
◆GPS antenna cut alarm
◆Built in 8MB flash memory
◆ GPRS blind area data re-upload to server.
◆ Firmware upgrade over the air.
GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
2, Getting Start, Please follow me!
2.1 Hardware and Accessories:
EV-604 is supplied in a box which includes:
EV604 with back-up battery GPS Antenna GSM Antenna 12pin cable
Relay Microphone
GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
The unit is being initialized
Flashing(every 3
EV604 is connected to the GSM network
Flashing(every 0.1
EV604 is not connected to the GSM network
The unit is being initialized
Flashing(every 3
EV604 has a GPS fix
No flashing
GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
2.3 Connection and Installation:
※ Your GPS Tracking Device can be installed quickly and easily by a qualified Auto Electrician.
2.3.1 Ensure that your EV604 has a working SIM installed.
※ Test before replacing all paneling.
※ Check the SIM card has not run out of credit.
※ please ensure pin number on SIM card is disabled.
Install the SIM card.
※ Press yellow button to eject the SIM card holder and put SIM card on SIM card holder.
※ Insert the SIM card holder to the device correctly.
2.3.2 Connect GSM&GPS antenna.
Connect the GSM antenna to EV604.
※ The GSM antenna comes in two parts. They must be firmly screwed together to receive a strong signal. This antenna is not all weather but it can receive a
signal through metal. A good position for this antenna is to run the wiring behind the corner post of the vehicle and locate the antenna in the hood lining
behind the sun visor. Once again only screw wiring to device by hand as damage could be caused by the use of a spanner.
Connect the GPS antenna to EV604.
※ The GPS antenna is an all weather unit and is magnetized for easy attachment.
※ The signal for the GPS cannot penetrate steel, only plastic so the GPS antenna must be located in an open position. The best location is under the plastic
GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
panel near the windscreen wipers or on the inner panel near the hinge of the hood. The lead from this antenna needs to go through the fire wall and screw
to the device firmly by hand only (Do NOT use a spanner or similar device).
2.3.3 Inputs and outputs cable connections must be firm and reliable. The unused electrical wire
should be probably insulated.
2.3.4 Connect the 12pin cable to EV604.
※ Input power: 6-30VDC (With polarity protection – The system won’t be damaged by wrong
polarity input but it won’t work)
2.3.5 The device should be installed in a position where it cannot be detected. A suitable position is
to mount the device around the steering column under the dashboard secured by two cable ties.
Wherever you locate the device it should be kept dry, away from excess heat and subject to
minimum vibration.
3 Usages
3.1 GPS information.
The “GPS INFO” means: DATE: 08-09-26(YY/MM/DD); TIME: 15:33:26(HH/MM/SS); LAT: 22.21326446N; LOT: 113.45199584E; Speed: 000.0
GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
3.2 To set the Authorized Number
※ It is not mandatory for all three of the authorized numbers to be set, however a minimum of one must always be set.
Set up the 3 authorized mobile phone numbers to track the device.
(Default Password: 123456)
① Command: Password +A +1
Example: 123456A1
※ Using your mobile phone, send the following text message to the SIM card phone number: The letter “A” in caps lock followed by 1 (1 is the code used to
register the phone number of the SIM card used to send the SMS), with no spaces in the text, After sending SMS command to the device, it will reply you a
message with following informations:
※ To delete this number from stored memory, you can send password+A+0 to the tracker.
②Command: Password +B+1
Note: B must be in capital form.
Example: 123456B1
The device will reply you a message with following information: ·2 TEL. OK! +GPS INFO
※ To delete this number from stored memory, you can send password+B+0 to the tracker..
③Command: Password +C+1
Note: C must be in capital form
Example: 123456C1
The device will reply you a message with following information: ·3 TEL. OK! +GPS INFO
GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
※ To delete this number from stored memory, you can send password+C+0 to the tracker.
※ Only Number A can delete all the three numbers. Number B and C can delete themselves but cannot delete Number A.
3.3 Change password:
Command: Old password + H + new password
Example: 123456H666666
Note: H must be in capital form, send it to EV604 to change your password.
The password now is changed to 666666
※ The pre-set password won’t be erased by changing a new sim card.
※ Be sure keep the new password in mind, otherwise you have to ask your distributor to restore the original setting in case of losing the new password.
※ Make sure the new password is in 6 digits, or else the tracker can not recognize the password.
4. Modify the Time zone:
Command: Password+L+ +00/-00
Note: the time must amounts be in 2 digits and at maximum 23 hours in value. “+” in the “time zone” portion of the text indicates east. The symbol “-“ in the
“time zone” indicates west.
Example: 123456L+02, the system will add 2 hours based on the UTC time.
123456L-02, the system will minus 2 hours based on the UTC time.
※ Default time of the tracker is UTC time.
5. Add user name in SMS content:
Command: Password+U+1, user name