ceases, the muscle relaxes and the cycle starts over again,
(St imu lation, Contr ac tion and Relaxation.) Powered mu s c le
stimulators should only be used under medical supervision for
adjunctive therapy for the treatment of medical dis eases and
Read instruc tion manual before operation. Be s ure to comply with
all “CAUTIONS” and “W ARNINGS” in the manual. Failur e to f ollow
instruc ti ons can c aus e harm to user or device.
Chapter 3 : CAUTIONS
1. Federal law (USA) restrict s this device to sale by or on the
order of a physician
2. Safety of powered muscle stimulators for use during pregnancy
has not been established.
3. Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed
heart problems.
4. Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed
epileps y.
5. Caution should be used in the presence of the following:
a. When there is a tendency to hemorrh age following acute
trauma or frac tur e;
b. Following r ecent s urgical pr ocedures when musc le
contraction may dis rupt the healing process;
c. Over the menst ru ating or pregnant uterus; and
d. Over areas of the sk in which lack normal s ensation.
6. Some patients may experience skin irritation or hypersensitivity
due to the electrical s timulation or electrical conductive medium.
The irritation c an usually be reduced by using an alternate
conductive medium, or alternate electrode placement.
7. Electrode placement and stimulation settings should be based
on the guidance of the prescribing practit ioner.
8. Powered musc le stimulators should be kept out of the r each of
9. Powered muscle stimulators should be used only with the leads
and electrodes recommended f or use by the manuf actur er.
The Pr emier EMS is a fully digital battery operated pulse gener ator
that sends electrical impulses to the nerves and underlying muscle
groups. This unit is EMS which can be used for muscle stimulation.
The device is provided with two controllable output channels, each
independ ent of t h e other. A pair of elec t r odes can be c onnected to
each ou tp u t channel . Th e i n ten s ity level and setti ng s ar e c ontrol led
by pres s buttons.
Electr i cal Muscle Stimu lati on is an accepted an d proven way of
treating muscular injuries. It works by sen ding el ec tron ic pulses to
the musc le needing treatment; this causes the mus cle to contract.
It is derived from the square waveform, originallyinvented by John
Faraday in 183 1. It works by di r ectly s t im ulating motor neur ons
which causes muscle contraction. It is widely used in hospitals
and sports c linics for the treatment of muscular injuries and for the
re-education of paralyzed muscles, to prevent atrophy in affec ted
muscles and improve muscle tone and blood circulation.
1. Relaxation of mus cle s pasms
2. Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy
3. Increasing local blood circulation
4. Muscle re-education
5. Immediate post-surgic al stimulation of c alf muscles to prevent
venous thromb osis
6. Maintaining or increasing range of motion
The E MS units send comfort able i mpuls es throug h the s kin that
stimulate the nerves in the treatment area. W hen th e muscle
receives this signal it contracts. As the signal strength increases,
themuscle contracts as in physical exercise. Then when the pulse