Everspin Quad SPI MRAM Evaluation Board User Guide
MR10Q010-EVAL1 MRAM Evaluation Board
The MR10Q010-EVAL1 MRAM evaluation board from Everspin is an acces-
sory board that is designed to work with the NUCLEO-L476RG MCU evalua-
tion board from ST Microelectronics.
The Evaluation Board
The MR10Q010-EVAL1 is populated with an Everspin 1Mbit Quad SPI
MRAM suitable for evaluating any of the following Everspin Ordering Part
Everspin OPN Density Temperature Grades Package
MR10Q010SC 1 Mbit Commercial (0 - 70°C) 16-SOIC
MR10Q010CSC 1 Mbit Industrial (-40 - 85°C) 16-SOIC
MR10Q010MB 1 Mbit Commercial (0 - 70°C) 24-BGA
MR10Q010CMB 1 Mbit Industrial (-40 - 85°C) 24-BGA
Host Board Support
The MR10Q010-EVAL1 Quad SPI MRAM Evaluation board is designed to connect to the MORPHO connec-
tors on the NUCLEO-L476RG evaluation board from ST. The NUCLEO-L476RG uses an STM32L476RGT6 ARM
Cortex-M4 CPU that includes a exible Quad SPI peripheral connected to the MORPHO connector pins.
The MR10Q010-EVAL1 board includes a high speed bi directional level translator (TXB0106PWR) in order to
shift the I/O level from 3.3V used by the STM32L476RGT6 to the 1.8V required by the MR10Q010. See Ap-
pendix A – MR10Q010-EVAL1 Schematic and Layout for more details.
Host Board Supplier MCU Host Board
Copyright © 2016 Everspin Technologies 1 Revision 1.0, 2/2016
Everspin Quad SPI MRAM Evaluation Board User Guide
Besides the ST Micro MCU host board and the Everspin MR10Q010 Quad SPI Evaluation board, you will need:
• A computer with Internet access and a USB port.
• A USB cable, with standard A to mini B connectors.
Step 1: Download and Install the ST-LINK/V2 Driver
Host Board Link to Driver Download Page
Step 2: Plug in the Quad SPI Evaluation board and connect it to your computer via the USB
First, plug the SPI Evaluation board into your MCU host board, then connect the
host board to your PC using the USB cable. The MCU host board will enumerate
as a composite USB device that includes a built in debugger, storage device and
a virtual com port.
A new drive will be created on your computer with a drive name as assigned by
the host board.
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Everspin Quad SPI MRAM Evaluation Board User Guide
Setup (Continued)
Step 3: Log in to ARM mbed and create a Workspace on your computer.
1. Log in to developer.mbed.org. (If you do not already have an mbed account, you will need to cre-
ate one.)
2. After logging in, click on the Compiler button on the upper right section of the screen.
3. The mbed compiler will bring up the Workspace Management screen.
Copyright © 2016 Everspin Technologies 3 Revision 1.0, 2/2016
Everspin Quad SPI MRAM Evaluation Board User Guide
Setup (Continued)
Step 4: Load the platform for the host board you are using
1. The button on the upper right of the Workspace Management screen will read No device selected
or, if you have previously loaded a platform, the name of the host board for that platform will appear,
as in the NUCLEO-L476RG case shown.
2. In either case, click on the button to open the available compiler platforms screen. Select the host
board platform you wish to load or, if it is not present, then select Add.
3. Adding a platform to your Workspace. If you selected Add, mbed will display a scrolling list of avail-
able platforms. Find the MCU host board you are using and click on the image.
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Everspin Quad SPI MRAM Evaluation Board User Guide
Setup (Continued)
4. mbed will open a new window as an information page for that host platform, such as the NUCLEOL476RG example here. To add this platform to your workspace, click on the Add to your mbed
Compiler button.
5. The platform will be added to your registered platforms list.
Copyright © 2016 Everspin Technologies 5 Revision 1.0, 2/2016