CE S 275 0 Ser ies
Wate r C onditio ner
Water Conditioning fo r Co mmer cial and Lig ht I ndus trial Applications
Available in Sing le T ank Syst em w ith 1” P orti ng
MRS-20T System: EV9797-92
4MR-1 Cartridge: EV9273-6
Hardness removal of 34,000 to 101,000 grains at
flow rates up to 20 gallons per minute continuous
Single tank design for simplicity, economy
and space savings
Fully adjustable 5-cycle control delivers
controlled upflow backwash, downflow brining
and slow rinse, rapid rinse, timed brine refill and
downflow service
Advanced user-friendly controls incorporates
time-tested hydraulically balanced piston,
seal and spacer design to pilot service flow
and regeneration
Large capacity brine tank maximizes time
between refills
Fiberglass reinforced resin vessels with NSF
approved polyethylene liners eliminate worries
about corrosion
Meter initiated regeneration minimizes salt,
water, and electrical costs
Locate equipment on a smooth, level surface
Maintain an air-gap at the end of the drain line
Secure drain line directly over floor drain or
stand pipe
When connecting to a water heater, install a
check valve on the soft water piping to prevent
hot water back-up
When sweating/installing copper piping,
protect the control valve from excessive heat
Check local codes for additional equipment
that may be required, such as backflow
prevention devices (i.e., RPZ)
Check for softened water each time salt is
added, by using a soap or hardness test kit
Use a good quality grade of salt -Solar
or pellet are preferred
Check the salt level on a regular basis
Maintain at minimum salt depth of 6” to
ensure a proper regeneration
On iron bearing waters, use a salt that
contains an iron “fighting” additive, or use
a resin cleaner on a regular basis
Check the water level in the brine tank
If abnormally high - refer to IO guide for
troubleshooting information
Laundry - Linen & Uniform
Boiler Scale Control
Water Heater Scale Protection/Reduction
General Housekeeping
CES-2750M-34: EV9982-21
M-51: EV9982-22
M-68: EV9982-23
M-101: EV9982-24