Safety Precautions
WARNING! Persons with pacemakers should not weld, cut or be in the welding area until
they consult with their physician. Some pacemakers are sensitive to EMF radiation and
could severely malfunction while welding or while being in the vicinity of someone welding.
Serious injury or death may occur!
Welding and plasma cutting processes generate electro-magnetic elds and radiation. While
the effects of EMF radiation are not known, it is suspected that there may be some harm from
long term exposure to electromagnetic elds. Therefore, certain precautions should be taken
to minimize exposure:
• Lay welding leads and lines neatly away from the body.
• Never coil cables around the body.
• Secure cables with tape if necessary to keep from the body.
• Keep all cables and leads on the same side the body.
• Never stand between cables or leads.
• Keep as far away from the power source (welder) as possible while welding.
• Never stand between the ground clamp and the torch.
• Keep the ground clamp grounded as close to the weld or cut as possible.
Welding and cutting processes pose certain inhalation risks. Be sure to follow any guidelines
from your chosen consumable and electrode suppliers regarding possible need for respiratory
equipment while welding or cutting. Always weld with adequate ventilation. Never weld in
closed rooms or conned spaces. Fumes and gases released while welding or cutting may be
poisonous. Take precautions at all times.
Any burning of the eyes, nose or throat are signs that you need to increase ventilation.
• Stop immediately and relocate work if necessary until adequate ventilation is obtained.
• Stop work completely and seek medical help if irritation and discomfort persists.
WARNING! Do not weld on galvanized steel, stainless steel, beryllium, titanium, copper,
cadmium, lead or zinc without proper respiratory equipment and or ventilation.
WARNING! This product when used for welding or cutting produces fumes and gases which
contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects and in some cases
cancer. (California Safety and Health Code §25249.5 et seq.)
WARNING! Do not weld or cut around Chlorinated solvents or degreasing areas. Release of
Phosgene gas can be deadly. Consider all chemicals to have potential deadly results if welded
on or near metal containing residual amounts of chemicals.
Keep all cylinders upright and chained to a wall or appropriate holding pen. Certain regulations regarding high pressure cylinders can be obtained from OSHA or local regulatory agency.
Consult also with your welding supply company in your area for further recommendations. The
regulatory changes are frequent so keep informed.
All cylinders have a potential explosion hazard. When not in use, keep capped and closed.
Store chained so that overturn is not likely. Transporting cylinders incorrectly can lead to an
explosion. Do not attempt to adapt regulators to t cylinders. Do not use faulty regulators. Do
not allow cylinders to come into contact with work piece or work. Do not weld or strike arcs on
cylinders. Keep cylinders away from direct heat, flame and sparks.