EverFocus Flex1.0 User Manual

FFLLEEXX SSeerriieess AAcccceessss CCoonnttrrooll
Instruction Guide
© 2004 Everfocus Electronics Corp
1801 Highland Ave Duarte CA 91010
Phone 626.844.8888 • Fax 626.844.8838
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means without written permission of the Everfocus Electronics Corporation.
T able of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
About This Guide............................................................................................................................... 1
How to Use This Guide?............................................................................................................ 1
About the software ........................................................................................................................... 2
Program Layout.......................................................................................................................... 2
How to Start............................................................................................................................... 3
System Requirements............................................................................................................... 3
Basic Steps to Setup the System.................................................................................................... 4
Installation......................................................................................................................................... 5
Installation process .......................................................................................................................... 5
Uninstall the program....................................................................................................................... 8
Authority Management................................................................................................................... 10
User and Authority Group............................................................................................................... 10
Manage Users and Authorities ......................................................................................................12
Adding a User........................................................................................................................... 12
Deleting a User ........................................................................................................................14
Edit User’s Properties .............................................................................................................15
Controller Configuration................................................................................................................. 16
Controller Configuration Dialog..................................................................................................... 16
Add a Controller............................................................................................................................... 17
Delete a Controller.......................................................................................................................... 18
Update the Status of Controllers................................................................................................... 19
Configure a Controller..................................................................................................................... 19
Specify the Location of a Controller...................................................................................... 19
Change the Serial Port for a Controller ................................................................................. 19
Configure Doors ....................................................................................................................... 20
Edit Door Location Information.............................................................................................. 20
Set Door Open Time ................................................................................................................21
Set Door Held Open Time .......................................................................................................21
Configure Readers................................................................................................................... 22
Set Related Door...................................................................................................................... 22
Set Keypad and In/Out Properties.......................................................................................... 23
Set System Reader Property .................................................................................................. 23
Configure Alarms..................................................................................................................... 24
Alarm Setting 1 Tab:........................................................................................................ 25
Alarm Setting 2 Tab:........................................................................................................ 25
Alarm Setting 3 Tab:........................................................................................................ 27
Configure an Alarm .......................................................................................................... 29
Miscellaneous Configurations................................................................................................ 31
Configure Fire Alarm Control .......................................................................................... 32
Enable/Disable Arm Zone Inputs ....................................................................................33
Set System Time.............................................................................................................. 33
Enable Auto Daylight Saving Time................................................................................. 34
Set Arm Delay Time ......................................................................................................... 34
Exit Controller Configurations................................................................................................ 34
Holiday Setting................................................................................................................................36
Date Types....................................................................................................................................... 36
Recurrent Types.............................................................................................................................. 36
Date Type Setting Dialog................................................................................................................ 37
Add a Date........................................................................................................................................ 38
Edit a Date .......................................................................................................................................40
Delete a Date................................................................................................................................... 40
Store Date Type Setting to Controllers......................................................................................... 40
Access Group Setting..................................................................................................................... 41
Introduction to Access Groups...................................................................................................... 41
Control Group Setting Dialog......................................................................................................... 42
Configure an Access Group ...........................................................................................................43
Select a Controller................................................................................................................... 43
Select an Access group.......................................................................................................... 43
Set Access to Doors................................................................................................................ 43
Set Access Authority............................................................................................................... 44
"Apply to Days" Shortcut ........................................................................................................ 45
An Example Setup........................................................................................................................... 46
Download the setting data to controllers..................................................................................... 48
Door Access Setting ....................................................................................................................... 49
Introduction to Door Access Settings........................................................................................... 49
Door Access Setting Dialog ........................................................................................................... 49
Configure Verification Level at Doors........................................................................................... 51
Select a Controller................................................................................................................... 51
Select a Door............................................................................................................................ 51
Set Door Access ......................................................................................................................51
"Apply to Days" Shortcut ....................................................................................................... 51
"Apply to Doors" Shortcut.......................................................................................................53
Example ...........................................................................................................................................54
Download Door Access Setting to Controller............................................................................... 55
Cardholder Management................................................................................................................ 57
Enter Card Management Dialog Box............................................................................................. 57
Card Management Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 59
Basic Steps for Setting up Cardholder Database................................................................. 60
Register Cards................................................................................................................................. 60
Register Cards Manually......................................................................................................... 60
Register Cards Automatically ................................................................................................61
Register Cards on Controller.................................................................................................. 62
Edit Card to Controller Relationship .............................................................................................62
Automatically Enroll Cards to Controllers ............................................................................63
Manually Apply Cards to Controllers ..................................................................................... 63
Remove Cards from Controllers............................................................................................. 64
Edit Cardholders’ Profiles............................................................................................................... 65
Edit Cardholders’ Profiles .......................................................................................................66
Select Cardholder’s Photo...................................................................................................... 67
Filter Cardholders............................................................................................................................ 68
Edit Card Access Attributes........................................................................................................... 69
Edit Access Attributes of a card............................................................................................ 69
Card Access Attributes Dialog............................................................................................... 70
Edit Access Attributes of a batch of cards........................................................................... 72
Delete Card(s).................................................................................................................................. 74
Delete a card............................................................................................................................ 74
Delete All Cards ....................................................................................................................... 74
Cardholder Reports......................................................................................................................... 75
Print Cardholder Reports ........................................................................................................ 75
Export Cardholder Reports in HTML format .........................................................................76
Export Cardholder Reports in Excel Format......................................................................... 76
Edit Department List....................................................................................................................... 77
Data Communication with Controller............................................................................................ 79
Downloading Data from the Computer to the Controller ............................................................ 79
Uploading Data from the Controller to the Computer ................................................................. 82
Database Maintenance................................................................................................................... 85
Backup Database Files................................................................................................................... 85
Restore Database Files .................................................................................................................. 87
Purge Out-of-date Data................................................................................................................... 89
Event Log ......................................................................................................................................... 92
Event Logs Information ..................................................................................................................92
View Event Logs.............................................................................................................................. 95
Sort Event Logs............................................................................................................................... 97
Search Event Logs.......................................................................................................................... 98
Print Event Logs.............................................................................................................................. 99
Export Event Logs......................................................................................................................... 101
Event Warning Message...............................................................................................................101
Device Control............................................................................................................................... 104
Resources List............................................................................................................................... 104
Remote Arm/Disarm:..................................................................................................................... 105
Remote Set/Reset the Alarm:.......................................................................................................107
Remote Open Door........................................................................................................................107
Adding Company Logo and Door Status Check......................................................................... 110
Change Company Logo................................................................................................................. 110
Check Door Status........................................................................................................................112
Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 115
This chapter describes the content of this user manual, and explains the fundamental functionalities and the basic operations of the software. This chapter will present:
Basic information about this user’s manual
A basic introduction to the software
A basic introduction to the steps to setup the access control system.
About This Guide
The installation of an access control system can be divided into two major phases: the hardware installation and the software configuration.
For installation information on the EverAccess Flex Series access control system’s hardware, please refer to the EverAccess Flex controller manual for details and instructions.
The software configuration is introduced in this guide, including how to use EverAccess Flex Series Software, how to configure the whole access control system, how to check the event log and how to remotely control the devices.
How to Use This Guide?
The guide basically follows the procedure to setup the whole access control system. From adding a controller to the system to viewing the event logs, all details are described in this guide, chapter by chapter. Reading the manual before installing the system is recommended.
For first-time users of the EverAccess software, this introduction chapter is a must-read. It provides an overall picture of the software, including items such as the system PC requirements for the software, how to start the software and the basic steps to setup the system in the software. After reading this chapter, users will be familiar with general concepts of the software, and will have an idea of where to find more detailed information that they might need in the future.
More experienced users can go directly to the relevant chapters to acquire the information that they need for system configurations.
About the software
EverAccess Flex Series Software is designed to work with the EverAccess Flex series access control hardware. The software provides a simple yet powerful interface to allow system administrators and other users to manage the EverAccess system with ease and flexibility.
The fundamental goal of EverAccess Flex software is to provide ease-of-use, so it is designed in a very straightforward, simple-to-understand manner. The program layout is described below.
Program Layout
Fig. 1.1 shows the main user interface of EverAccess Flex Series Software. The event logs, system resources and the device remote control are shown in the main interface.
System resources
Event logs
Remote device control
Fig. 1.2 shows the menu list under menu item “Management”. All major configurations are listed under this menu. Click each menu item to bring up the dialog for each specific configuration.
Fig. 1.1 Program Layout
Fig. 1.2 Menu Items Under “Management”
The next section introduces how to start EverAccess Flex software.
How to Start
To start EverAccess Flex software on your computer, follow the steps below:
1. After the installation is complete, go to the “Start” menu Æ “All Programs” Æ
“EverAccess Flex Series Access Control System”. Click “EverAccess Flex Software”.
2. A system login dialog box will appear after the initialization flash screen, to
prompt users to enter a name and password, shown as Fig. 1.3:
Fig. 1.3 Login Dialog Box
3. Type in the login name and the password, and click the Login button to enter
the software.
Note: Use login name “admin” and password “admin” to login to the system for
the first time. Remember to change the administrator password after the first login.
The system PC requirements for the software are explained in the next section.
System Requirements
In order to install and run EverAccess Flex software, the computer will need to have the following minimum specifications:
Minimum requirements:
CPU: Pentium II 100MHz
Memory: 64M system RAM
Free hard drive space: 100M bytes free space
Screen resolution: 1024x768
An available serial port (in the event that the computer does not have a serial
port, a third party USB-to-Serial converter cable may be used.)
An available USB port (1.1 or above)
Basic Steps to Setup the System
In this section, the basic steps to setup the system will be addressed. The related chapter in which detailed descriptions are outlined is given for reference.
To setup a new system, follow the basic steps below. Note that the procedure does not have to be followed in the future when making system or maintenance changes.
1. Install the software. (Chapter 2)
2. Setup the users who will use the software and set the authority for these users.
(Chapter 3)
3. Add the controller(s) into the system. Based on the hardware installation and
wiring, configure the door, reader(s) and alarm(s) in the controller(s). (Chapter 4)
4. Build a plan of access rules: a. Setup the holiday and other date types. (Chapter 5) b. Setup the access groups and the access authority for each group.
(Chapter 6)
c. Setup the door access settings, such as unlock schedule, etc. (Chapter 7)
5. Setup the cardholder database (Chapter 8): a. Enroll the cards b. Edit cardholders’ profiles c. Set card access attributes, such as access groups and so on.
6. Make sure the hardware wiring is correct. Now the system is ready to go. Users
can check the real-time event logs (Chapter 11) and remotely control the device like doors from the main interface. (Chapter 12).
The following chapter describes the installation procedure. The main objective of this chapter is to explain:
How to install the software
Installation process
Insert the software CD into the management PC’s CDROM drive. On the PC, double click on “My Computer”, and then on the appropriate drive for the CDROM. Now double click “Setup.exe” in the software CD, and the following display should appear:
To cancel the installation, simply click the cancel button shown in the dialog above. Otherwise, the dialog box shown in the figure 1.2 will appear:
Fig. 2.1
Fig. 2.2
If you wish to change the destination folder click “Browse” in this dialog. To continue with the installation click “Next”. This will take you to the next step of the installation as shown in the following figure:
The program folder can be changed in this dialog box. For typical installations, use the default program folder (EverAccessFlex). Click “Next” to continue the installation. Fig.
1.4 and Fig 1.5 show the dialog boxes indicating that the installation is complete.
Fig. 2.3
Fig. 2.4
Fig. 2.5
Click “Finish” to complete the installation.
Uninstall the program
To uninstall the program, go to “Control panel” in Windows. Select “Add or Remove Programs”, then choose “EverAccess Flex Software”. Click “Remove”, and the following dialog box will appear.
Fig. 2.6
Select “Remove” and click “Next”. The software will prompt the user to confirm the deletion as shown in the figure below:
Fig. 2.7
Click “Yes” to confirm the deletion, and all the program components will be removed from the computer. A dialog box will appear to confirm that the deletion is complete, as pictured below:
Fig. 2.8
Authority Management
This chapter introduces the concept of managing users and authority groups in the EverAccess Flex Software. In this chapter you will learn:
The definition of a user and an authority group
The authority groups provided in the software
The permissions for those groups
User management, including adding a user, deleting a user and editing the user
User and Authority Group
of Flex series access control software is a person who operates the software at any user interface. Each user is defined by four properties: name, login name, password and the authority group to which the user belongs.
The name should be the real name of the user. The login name is the identity that users need to type into the login dialog to enter the system. The password is the password that users need to provide when they login the system. The authority group will be introduced below.
Please note that users are different from cardholders. Cardholders are the people who enter or exit from the physical access control system, like a building or an area. But users operate the software to monitor or configure the physical access control system.
The authority group defines the user’s access level over the operations in the software. Different authority groups have different operating privileges in the software.
Flex series access control software offers five authority groups: Super, System, Operate, Query, and View. There is no limit to the number of users in each group.
Super: Users in the super group can execute all the functionalities of the software. The main functions include the user and authority group management, controller configuration, holidays setting, access group setting, door zone setting, card management, database backup and restore, etc.
System: Users in the system group have access to all functions except user and authority group management.
Operate: Users in the operate group have access to all the same functions as in the system group except the database backup and restore.
Query: Users in the query group can check the door status, view the event list, query and search the event list and generate reports.
View: Users in the view group can only view the event list.
The following table gives the detailed functionality list for each group. “Y” in the cells indicates the function is available to this group.
Table 3.1 Functionality Map for Authority Groups
Functionality Super System Operate Query View
Change company logo Y Y Y
Authority management Y
Controller configuration Y Y Y
Holiday setting Y Y Y
Access group setting Y Y Y
Door zone setting Y Y Y
Card management Y Y Y
Upload data to computer Y Y Y
Download data to controller
Communication setting Y Y Y
Door status check Y Y Y Y
Database backup Y Y
Database restore Y Y
Purge out-of-date data Y Y
Query and report Y Y Y Y
View event list Y Y Y Y Y
Manage Users and Authorities
Click “Management” in the menu, and then click “Authority Management”. The user and authority management dialog box will pop up, shown as below:
Function button bar
User property area
User lis
Fig. 3.1 Authority management dialog The top part in the dialog is the function button bar. The middle area shows the properties of the selected user for the purpose of editing. The bottom area presents the whole user list. The small black triangle at left indicates the currently selected user.
The button “Top”
, button “Bw” , button “Fw” button “BT” are used to jump the first user record, the previous user record, the next user record and the last user record, respectively. Alternatively, click on any user to designate it as the currently selected one.
Adding a User
The basic steps to adding a user are explained below:
1. In the function bar, click the “Add” button . After clicking the “Add”
button, the user interface in the figure below will appear. At this time, only the user property area responds to the user’s operation until the editing is finished.
2. Fill in the user name and the login name. These will be used when logging in to
the system.
3. Enter a password. Retype it to confirm.
4. Select a group for this new user.
5. Click “OK” to add the new user. Click “Cancel” to exit without saving.
Fig. 3.2 Add a user
Please note that both passwords must be the same, otherwise an error message will be displayed as shown in the following figure:
Fig. 3.3
Please note that the name of users can be left empty. But the login name cannot be empty, since the login name is used for users to login the system. If users leave the login name empty, after “OK” button is clicked, the following error message will be shown:
Fig. 3.4
Once the user is successfully added, the new user will be shown in the user list as displayed in figure 2.5.
Fig. 3.5 A sample of a user added successfully
Deleting a User
To delete a user, follow the steps below:
1. Select the user to be deleted in the user list.
2. Click the “Del” button
to prompt users to confirm the deletion, as shown in next figure.
3. Click “Yes” to delete the user. Click “No” to cancel without deleting.
in the function button bar. A dialog will be shown
Fig. 3.6 Confirm message
Edit User’s Properties
In the browsing status, the properties in the user property area cannot be edited. To edit a user’s property, follow these steps:
1. Select the user to be edited in the user list.
2. Click the “Edit” button in the user property area. When the dialog enters the
editing mode, any of the information can be edited. Please note that every user must have a login name and password. At this time, only the user property area respond to users’ operation until the editing operation is finished.
3. Click “OK” to confirm the editing and finish the editing operation. Click
“Cancel” to discard all the changes and return to the browsing mode.
Fig. 3.7 Edit a user’s property
Controller Configuration
This chapter introduces how to configure a controller. In this chapter you will learn:
How to add or delete a controller in the software.
How to configure a controller.
Controller Configuration Dialog
To configure the controller, click “Management” in the menu, then click “Controller Configuration”, the controller configuration dialog box will appear as shown in the figure below:
Function button bar
Controller setting area
Controller list
Fig. 4.1 Controller configuration dialog
Status bar
There are four basic areas in the controller configuration dialog box:
The function button bar is located at the top left, and provides the basic operation to
the controllers. The functions for the buttons
are adding a controller, deleting a controller, search for all the listed controllers and refresh a specified controller, respectively.
The controller list is located at the bottom left. It shows the basic information of a controller, such as the RS485 address of the controller, the max number of the readers that the controller can carry, the com port to which the controller is connected, and the location description of the controller.
The controller setting area is located at the right part of the controller setting dialog. In this area, users can change the settings of each controller, including the location description, the connected com port, the door setting, the reader setting, the alarm setting and the miscellaneous settings.
The status bar is located at the bottom of the controller setting dialog. It shows how many controllers are online and how many doors are currently being managed.
To close this dialog, click the button in the function button area or click the ?? button at the top right corner.
Please note that all the changes done in this dialog will be automatically transferred to the controller in real-time if the controllers are online. Users do not have to download the controller setting manually to the controller.
Add a Controller
To add a controller, follow the steps as below:
1. Click the button “Add”
added in the controller list as shown in the figure below:
2. Enter a 4 digit address for the controller that is being added in the address field
(shown as the blue field in the figure above), and select the correct serial port to which the controller is connected as shown in the following figure:
in the function button bar. A new line will be
Fig 4.2 Add a controller
Fig 4.3 Select the COM port for the new added controller
3. Click the “Search and submit” button to allow the software to search the
network for the controller with the given address on the given COM port. The search result, (controller online/offline status) will be shown in the On/Off line field. And the controller will be added to the controller list after the searching as shown in the figure below:
Fig 4.4 The result of the new added controller
If you wish to add a controller that is not currently online, click “Submit” to add the controller to the list directly without searching the network. The status of the controller will be set as “offline” automatically.
Click “Cancel” to cancel the attempt to add a new controller.
Please note that the new added controller will be assigned the default location description “Unknown”. Users can change it in the controller setting area. Please refer to the section “Set door location” for more details.
Delete a Controller
To delete a controller, click the “Del” button in the function bar. A message box will pop up to ask the user to confirm the deletion as shown below:
Fig. 4. 5 Delete controller prompt
Click “OK” to continue to delete this controller. Otherwise, click “Cancel” to keep the controller.
Update the Status of Controllers
There are two methods of reconnecting to controllers on the network. To search for a
specific controller, click “Search” in the function bar. To search the network for
all controllers, click “Search all” to refresh the status of all the controllers listed in the controller list.
After the button is clicked, the software will try to connect to controllers in the list and refresh the controller status The connection and the settings of the specified controller will be shown after the search is completed.
Configure a Controller
All the configurations for a controller can be managed in the controller setting area. The details of how to configure a controller are introduced below.
Specify the Location of a Controller
Users can change the location description of a controller. To name a controller location, follow the steps as below:
1. Select a controller in the controller list
2. Click the “Modify” button at the top right corner of the controller setting area.
Please note that while in the modification mode, users cannot add or delete a controller, or update controllers’ status.
3. Change the location of the controller in the text box as shown in the following
Fig 4.6 Set the controller location
4. Click “OK” to confirm the change.
Change the Serial Port for a Controller
Similar to the process of editing the controller location description, click the “Modify” button to change the COM port for a controller:
1. Select a controller from the controller list.
2. Click the “Modify” button at the top right corner of the controller setting area.
Please note that while in the modification mode, users cannot add or delete a controller, or update a controllers’ status.
3. Click the COM port box to change the COM port for this controller. Refer to
the next figure:
Fig 4.7 Set the COM port of a controller
4. Click “OK” to confirm the change.
Configure Doors
In the door setting tab of the controller setting area, users can configure the door settings of the specified controller, including door location description, door open time and door held open time. A screenshot of door setting tab is shown in the following figure.
Edit Door Location Information
To edit the door location description, follow the steps below:
1. Select a controller in the controller list.
2. Click the cell of the location of the door that is being changed.
3. Click the “Modify” button in the cell and change the location description, as
shown in the following figure:
Fig 4.8 Door setting tab for a controller
Fig 4.9 Set the door location
4. Click the “OK” button to confirm the change.
Set Door Open Time
Door open time indicates how long the door relay will remain open once an access request is granted. To change the door open time, follow the steps below:
1. Select a controller in the controller list.
2. Click the cell of the door open time to be modified.
3. Click the “Modify” button in the cell and change the door open time, as shown
in the following figure:
Fig 4.10 Change the door open time
4. Click the “OK” button to confirm the change.
Set Door Held Open Time
Door held open is the maximum amount of time (in seconds) a door can remain open before an event or alarm is triggered. To change the Door held open time:
Fig. 4.11 Set the door held open time
1. Click and select a controller from the controller list.
2. Click the “Door held open” cell to be modified.
3. Click the “Modify” button that appears in the cell.
4. Change the door held open time.
5. Click “Ok” in the cell to change the door held open time.
Configure Readers
In the “Reader setting” tab of the controller setting area, users can configure the reader setting of the specified controller. Configurable settings include door location, keypad, system reader and in/out. A screenshot of reader setting tab is shown in the following figure.
Fig. 4.12 Reader setting tab
Set Related Door
To set a door location, follow the steps below:
1. Click to select a controller from the controller list.
2. Click the cell of the location of the reader being changed.
3. Click the arrow in the cell and change the location descriptor.
Fig. 4.13 Set the related door of a reader
Set Keypad and In/Out Properties
The “Keypad” column setting is used to identify whether or not the reader is a keypad reader. The “In/Out” column setting is used to identify whether the reader is an entrance or an exit reader.
To change the “keypad” setting or the “In/Out” setting:
1. Point the mouse over the cell to be modified.
2. Double click the mouse to switch the setting from
Yes to No or vice versa. Yes means the reader is a keypad reader and No means the reader is not a keypad reader.
In to Out or vice versa. In means entrance and Out means exit.
Double clic
Double clic
Fig. 4.14 Set keypad and In/Out properties of a reader
Set System Reader Property
The “System Reader” column setting is used to identify whether or not the reader is a system reader.
To change the “System Reader” setting:
1. Point the mouse over the cell being changed.
2. Double click the mouse to switch the setting from:
Yes to No or vice versa. Yes means the reader is a system reader and No means the reader is not a system reader.
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