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Cooking Guide & Recipe Suggestions

The e2go grill
cooking guide
Tip and Hints...
Lighting and pre-heating the e2go grill
3yPosition the barbecue so that any breeze or wind available, will be heading to the front
of the e2go grill. This will help facilitate any smoke from the cooking process to come out
of the rear vent of the hood and blow away from your working area.
3 Fully open the hood of the barbecue.
Turn on the gas supply at the bottle, then
depress and turn the e2go Grill gas control
knob anti-clockwise slowly to the high
position. Once lit, shut the hood and preheat
for 8 minutes, or until the hood mounted
temperature gauge reaches the middle
12 o’ clock position. You will then have reached
the ideal cooking temperature of 185°C.
3 During roasting or grilling, maintain a
constant temperature by adjusting the
gas control knob as required. Weather
temperature and wind conditions will vary
the eciency of the barbecue and slight
adjustments will need to be made.
Preparing to grill directly onto
the griddle and at plate
3 Prepare the cooking surface by carefully wiping the grill bars all over with an oil moistened
cotton cloth. This will help season the surface of the cooking area and also help prevent the
foods from sticking to them.
3 When grilling foods it’s recommended to turn the food items only once during the cooking
process. Grill the presentation side rst, then turn only once and nish the cooking process.
3 Grilled and roasted meats need to be rested immediately after being cooked. Resting
time should be at least half of the original cooking time. If you grill a steak for a total time
of 10 minutes, then you should rest the meat for 5 minutes.

How much food
to barbecue
3yOnly use no more than two thirds of the
cooking surface when grilling. Do not overload the e2go Grill with a full grill plate of food
items. The barbecue relies on convection heat
(hot moving air) to create a perfect cooking
environment. Too much food will block the air
movement and so it’s better to grill in smaller
3yA much better result is achieved when a
steak is turned over onto a clean, new hot part
of the grill plate. This will sear and seal the steak
much quicker and give a better end result.
3yResting meats allows the internal juices to warm up evenly and settle into the muscle tissue.
This prevents the juices to escape out when cut. Resting should be done in a warm position
and covered, but not fully enclosed. If fully enclosed, the meat will steam from its own heat and
become overcooked.
Locking in the flavour
Barbecued foods get their unique avour
from the smoke that they produce. Juices
are released from the meats and foods
during the cooking process and these juices,
combined with various seasonings create
avoured smoke. By keeping the hood down,
these avours are transferred to the foods
being grilled or roasted.
3ySelect a roasting pan the ts neatly into the
centre part of the grill area. The e2go grill has a
high mounted hood, so large chickens and meat
joints can t in quite suciently.
3yLine the baking trays with baking paper to
reduce the chance of foods sticking and burning.
Extra avour and moisture can be achieved by
lining the top of the baking paper with sliced
onions, fresh herbs and seasonings, then placing
the meats for roasting on top.
3yBegin the roasting process by using high heat
to brown the meats rst, then turn down to nish
the cooking process. Baste several times during
the cooking process to add avour and moisture
to the roast.
3yThe use of a standard meat thermometer will
allow you to roast to the exact rareness required.
A perfectly roasted chicken will be 85°C internally
and a rare loin of lamb or beef llet will be 57°C in
its centre.